XPS_JOB_STATUS structure (xpsprint.h)

[XPS_JOB_STATUS is not supported and may be altered or unavailable in the future. ]

Contains a snapshot of job status.


typedef struct __MIDL___MIDL_itf_xpsprint_0000_0000_0002 {
  UINT32             jobId;
  INT32              currentDocument;
  INT32              currentPage;
  INT32              currentPageTotal;
  XPS_JOB_COMPLETION completion;
  HRESULT            jobStatus;



The spooler job ID that is assigned to the print job. If no job ID has yet been assigned, jobId will be 0.


The zero-based index of the most recently processed document in the print job; 0 is the first document, 1 is the next, and so on. If no documents have been processed, currentDocument will have a value of -1.


The zero-based index of the most recently processed page in the current document; 0 is the first page, 1 is the next, and so on. If no pages have been processed, currentPage will have a value of -1.


A running total of the number of pages that have been processed by the print job. At the beginning of the job, this value is 0. As each page in each document is processed by the job, this value increases monotonically.


The XPS_JOB_COMPLETION value that indicates the completion status of the job. This value will change when the event passed in the completionEvent parameter of StartXpsPrintJob is signaled at the end of a job. If the print job fails, this value will be XPS_JOB_FAILED, with jobStatus containing the error code of the failure.


The error state of the job. If the job finishes without an error, this value will be S_OK. If an error causes the print job to exit, this value will be the error code of the failure.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 7 [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 R2 [desktop apps only]
Header xpsprint.h

See also



XML Paper Specification