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Creating a Job

To create a transfer job, call the IBackgroundCopyManager::CreateJob method. After BITS creates the job, add files to the job and modify the job's properties as appropriate for your application. To activate the job in the queue, call the IBackgroundCopyJob::Resume method.

The CreateJob method creates a GUID that uniquely identifies the job. You use the GUID to retrieve the job from the transfer queue. The display name that you provide when you create the job is not unique; more than one job can use the same name.

BITS limits the number of jobs in the queue to 300 jobs and the number of jobs that a user can create to 60 job. These limits do not apply to administrators or services. To change these default limits, see Group Policies.

The following example shows how to create a download job. The example assumes the g_pbcm variable is a valid IBackgroundCopyManager interface pointer. For details on how to create the IBackgroundCopyManager interface pointer, see Connecting to the BITS Service.

IBackgroundCopyJob* pJob = NULL;

//To create an upload job, replace BG_JOB_TYPE_DOWNLOAD with 
hr = g_pbcm->CreateJob(L"MyJobName", BG_JOB_TYPE_DOWNLOAD, &JobId, &pJob);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
  //Save the JobId for later reference. 
  //Modify the job's property values.
  //Add files to the job.
  //Activate (resume) the job in the transfer queue.

To get the latest IBackgroundCopyJob interface, call the IBackgroundCopyJob::QueryInterface method. The following example shows how to get the IBackgroundCopyJob5 interface.

  HRESULT hr = S_OK;
  IBackgroundCopyJob* pJob = NULL;
  IBackgroundCopyJob5* pJob5 = NULL;

  hr = pJob->QueryInterface(__uuidof(IBackgroundCopyJob5), (void**)&pJob5);
  if (FAILED(hr))
    wprintf(L"pJob->QueryInterface failed with 0x%x.\n", hr);
    goto cleanup;