
Determines whether RPCSS automatically appends an ALL_APPLICATION_PACKAGES SID to COM restrictions by default.

Registry entry

   DoNotAddAllApplicationPackagesToRestrictions = value


This is a REG_DWORD value.

Value Description
0 Disables Windows Store apps upon migration from Windows 7 to Windows 8.
1 Does not add the ALL_APPLICATION_PACKAGES SID to COM restrictions. This is the default.

Many Windows APIs need access to resources (in some cases, system resources) that would normally be inaccessible to an app running inside an AppContainer (unless you changed the resources' ACLs). To solve that, many resources across Windows (various files, registry keys, and so on) are ACL'd with ALL_APPLICATION_PACKAGES, in order to grant access to any processes that's running in an AppContainer. When you hear ALL_APPLICATION_PACKAGES, it's best to interpret that as if it were named ALL_APPCONTAINERS, since that would be a more accurate name.