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This section contains reference topics for the Difxapi.h header.

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Topic Description
A DIFLOGCALLBACK-typed function is an application-supplied callback function that an application registers by calling SetDifxLogCallback. DIFxAPI calls the callback function to log events that occur during DIFxAPI operation.
A DIFXAPILOGCALLBACK-typed function is an application-supplied callback function that an application registers with DIFxAPI by calling DIFXAPISetLogCallback. DIFxAPI calls the callback function to log events that occur during DIFxAPI operation.
The DIFXAPISetLogCallback function registers a caller-supplied callback function that DIFxAPI calls to log information about events that occur during DIFxAPI operations.
The DriverPackageGetPath function retrieves the fully qualified path of the INF file for a preinstalled driver package.
The DriverPackageInstall function preinstalls a driver package and then installs the driver in the system.
The DriverPackagePreinstall function preinstalls a driver package for a Plug and Play (PnP) function driver and installs the INF file for the driver package in the system INF file directory.
The DriverPackageUninstall function uninstalls the specified driver package from the system and removes the driver package.
The INSTALLERINFO structure contains information about an application that DIFxAPI associates with a driver package.
The SetDifxLogCallback function registers a caller-supplied callback function that DIFxAPI calls to log information about events that occur during DIFxAPI operations.

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