The SndVol32.exe program controls the volume settings for your system. To display this volume control, go to the Control Panel and start Sounds and Audio Devices. Go to Device volume and click Advanced.
To execute this program with command-line arguments, go to the Start menu, click Run, and type the following command.
SndVol32.exe [-R | -D n**]**
Starts the application in record mode.
-D n
Specifies a device identifier.
This program is the native audio volume and mixer control included in Windows; it is not available for download from Microsoft. The program is typically installed in the following directory: C:\Windows\System32.
To locate this file on your system, open Windows Explorer, click the Search button, and select All files and folders. Type the file name (SndVol32.exe) into the first available line and click the Search button.
For more information about using this control, start the program and select Help. Note that there is no way to programmatically access the functionality of this program.
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