Direct3D 10 core enumerations
This section contains information about the following core enumerations:
Enumeration | Description |
D3D10_ASYNC_GETDATA_FLAG | Optional flags that control what happens when data is retrieved by calling ID3D10Asynchronous::GetData. |
D3D10_BLEND | Blend options. |
D3D10_BLEND_OP | Blending operations between source and destination pixels. |
D3D10_CLEAR_FLAG | Specifies which parts of the depth stencil to clear. |
D3D10_COLOR_WRITE_ENABLE | Color writing masks. |
D3D10_COMPARISON_FUNC | Comparison functions. |
D3D10_COUNTER | Types of performance counters. |
D3D10_COUNTER_TYPE | Data type of a counter. |
D3D10_CREATE_DEVICE_FLAG | Device creation flags. |
D3D10_CULL_MODE | Rasterizer cull modes. |
D3D10_DEPTH_WRITE_MASK | Determines which portion of the depth stencil is writable. |
D3D10_DEVICE_STATE_TYPES | Used in ID3D10StateBlock Interface function calls. |
D3D10_DRIVER_TYPE | Type of device driver. |
D3D10_FEATURE_LEVEL1 | The version of hardware acceleration. |
D3D10_FILL_MODE | Rasterizer fill modes. |
D3D10_FILTER | Types of sampler filters. |
D3D10_FILTER_TYPE | Types of texture-sampling filters. |
D3D10_FORMAT_SUPPORT | Which resources are supported for a given format and given device. See ID3D10Device::CheckFormatSupport. |
D3D10_INPUT_CLASSIFICATION | Types of input data. |
D3D10_MESSAGE_CATEGORY | Categories of debug messages. |
D3D10_MESSAGE_ID | A debug message's unique ID. |
D3D10_MESSAGE_SEVERITY | Severity of a debug message. |
D3D10_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY | Types of primitive topology or the way a primitive's data is arranged. |
D3D10_QUERY | Types of queries. |
D3D10_QUERY_MISC_FLAG | Flags that describe miscellaneous query behavior. |
D3D10_RAISE_FLAG | Flags that indicate how to handle internal driver errors. |
D3D10_REGISTER_COMPONENT_TYPE | The register component types, usually used in D3D10_SIGNATURE_PARAMETER_DESC. |
D3D10_RESOURCE_RETURN_TYPE | The return type of a resource. See D3D10_SHADER_INPUT_BIND_DESC. |
D3D10_STENCIL_OP | Stencil operations. |
D3D10_TEXTURE_ADDRESS_MODE | Actions to perform when a texture coordinate is outside of the boundaries of a texture. |
D3D10_TEXTURECUBE_FACE | The different faces of a cube texture. |
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