ID3DX10SkinInfo::AddBoneInfluences method

Enable an existing bone to influence a group of vertices and define how much influence the bone has on each vertex.


HRESULT AddBoneInfluences(
  [in] UINT  BoneIndex,
  [in] UINT  InfluenceCount,
  [in] UINT  *pIndices,
  [in] float *pWeights


BoneIndex [in]

Type: UINT

An index that specifies an existing bone. Must be between 0 and the value returned by ID3DX10SkinInfo::GetNumBones.

InfluenceCount [in]

Type: UINT

Number of vertices to add to the bone's influence.

pIndices [in]

Type: UINT*

Pointer to an array of vertex indices. Each member of this array has a corresponding member in pWeights, such that pIndices[i] corresponds to pWeights[i]. The corresponding value in pWeights[i] determines how much influence BoneIndex will have on the vertex indexed by pIndices[i]. The size of the pIndices array must be equal to or greater than InfluenceCount.

pWeights [in]

Type: float*

Pointer to an array of bone weights. Each member of this array has a corresponding member in pIndices, such that pWeights[i] corresponds to pIndices[i]. Each value in pWeights is between 0 and 1 and defines the amount of influence the bone has over each vertex. The size of pWeights must be equal to or greater than InfluenceCount.

Return value


If the method succeeds, the return value is S_OK. If the method fails, the return value can be: E_INVALIDARG or E_OUTOFMEMORY.


Requirement Value

See also


D3DX Interfaces