This example assigns the 4 float values that are stored at the texel located at the pos position in the myTexture 2D texture resource to the myVar variable.
The default for accessing a texture in this way is mipmap level zero (the most detailed level).
The "float4 myVar = myTexture[pos];" line is equivalent to "float4 myVar = myTexture.Load(uint3(pos,0));". Access by index is a new HLSL syntax enhancement.
The compiler in the June 2010 version of the DirectX SDK and later lets you index all resource types except for byte address buffers.
The June 2010 compiler and later lets you declare local resource variables. You can assign globally defined resources (like myTexture) to these variables and use them the same way as their global counterparts.
Access By Mips Method
Texture objects have a mips method (for example, Texture2D.mips), which you can use to specify the mipmap level. This example reads the color stored at (7,16) on mipmap level 2 in a 2D texture:
uint x = 7;
uint y = 16;
float4 myColor = myTexture.mips[2][uint2(x,y)];
This is an enhancement from the June 2010 compiler and later. The "myTexture.mips[2][uint2(x,y)]" expression is equivalent to "myTexture.Load(uint3(x,y,2))".
Learn how to use static and dynamic shared resources to build a .NET Multi-platform App UI (MAUI) user interface. And see how styles can make the user interface both consistent and accessible.
A compute shader is a programmable shader stage that expands Microsoft Direct3D 11 beyond graphics programming. The compute shader technology is also known as the DirectCompute technology.
To access a new resource type or shared memory, use an interlocked intrinsic function. Interlocked functions are guaranteed to operate atomically. That is, they are guaranteed to occur in the order programmed. This section lists the atomic functions.