ProcessTriTessFactorsMax function

Generates the corrected tessellation factors for a tri patch.


void ProcessTriTessFactorsMax(
  in  float3 RawEdgeFactors,
  in  float InsideScale,
  out float3 RoundedEdgeTessFactors,
  out float RoundedInsideTessFactor,
  out float UnroundedInsideTessFactor


RawEdgeFactors [in]

Type: float3

The edge tessellation factors, passed into the tessellator stage.

InsideScale [in]

Type: float

The scale factor applied to the UV tessellation factors computed by the tessellation stage. The allowable range for InsideScale is 0.0 to 1.0.

RoundedEdgeTessFactors [out]

Type: float3

The rounded edge-tessellation factors calculated by the tessellator stage.

RoundedInsideTessFactor [out]

Type: float

The tessellation factors calculated by the tessellator stage, and rounded.

UnroundedInsideTessFactor [out]

Type: float

The original, unrounded, UV tessellation factors computed by the tessellation stage.

Return value

This function does not return a value.


Generates the corrected tessellation factors for a tri patch, computing the inside tessellation factor as the maximum of the edge tessellation factors, which is then scaled by InsideScale. The result is then rounded based on the partitioning mode, but the unrounded results are available using the UnroundedInsideTessFactor parameter.

Minimum Shader Model

This function is supported in the following shader models.

Shader Model Supported
Shader Model 5 and higher shader models yes


This function is supported in the following types of shaders:

Vertex Hull Domain Geometry Pixel Compute


See also

Intrinsic Functions

Shader Model 5