Interfaces For DirectShow Editing Services
[The feature associated with this page, DirectShow, is a legacy feature. It has been superseded by MediaPlayer, IMFMediaEngine, and Audio/Video Capture in Media Foundation. Those features have been optimized for Windows 10 and Windows 11. Microsoft strongly recommends that new code use MediaPlayer, IMFMediaEngine and Audio/Video Capture in Media Foundation instead of DirectShow, when possible. Microsoft suggests that existing code that uses the legacy APIs be rewritten to use the new APIs if possible.]
[Deprecated. This API may be removed from future releases of Windows.]
This section contains reference topics for the DirectShow Editing Services (DES) interfaces.
Interface | Description |
IAMErrorLog | Provides a callback method for error logging. |
IAMSetErrorLog | Sets or retrieves an error log. |
IAMTimeline | Provides methods for manipulating the timeline. |
IAMTimelineComp | Inserts or retrieves virtual tracks on a composition. |
IAMTimelineEffect | Provides methods for manipulating timeline effects. |
IAMTimelineEffectable | Provides methods for adding effects to a timeline object. |
IAMTimelineGroup | Sets and retrieves properties on groups. |
IAMTimelineObj | Provides methods for manipulating timeline objects. |
IAMTimelineSplittable | Splits a timeline object. |
IAMTimelineSrc | Provides methods for manipulating and setting properties on source objects. |
IAMTimelineTrack | Provides methods for manipulating track objects. |
IAMTimelineTrans | Provides methods for manipulating transition objects. |
IAMTimelineTransable | Adds transitions to an object. |
IAMTimelineVirtualTrack | Provides methods for working with virtual tracks. |
IDxtAlphaSetter | Sets properties on the Alpha Setter effect. |
IDxtCompositor | Sets properties on the Compositor transition. |
IDxtJpeg | Sets properties on the SMPTE Wipe transition. |
IDxtKey | Sets properties on the Key transition. |
IFindCompressorCB | Not supported. |
IGrfCache | Not supported. |
IMediaDet | Retrieves information about a media file, such as the number of streams and the type, duration, and frame rate of each stream. |
IMediaLocator | Provides methods for validating file names. |
IPropertySetter | Sets properties on an effect or transition. |
IRenderEngine | Renders a DES project by constructing a filter graph from a timeline. |
IRenderEngine2 | Enables the application to replace the default video resizing filter used by DES. |
IResize | Must be supported by any custom video resizer filter. |
ISampleGrabber | Retrieves individual media samples as they move through the filter graph. |
ISampleGrabberCB | Callback interface for the ISampleGrabber interface. |
ISmartRenderEngine | Provides methods that support smart recompression. |
IXml2Dex | Saves and loads DES project files in Extensible Markup Language (XML). |
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