DNS WMI Provider Samples—Managing DNS Zones
This section demonstrates scripting tasks associated with managing DNS zones. The following links link to subroutines in the script file.
- Create a DNS zone
- Modify a DNS zone
- Delete a DNS zone
- Add a zone IP address
- Delete a zone IP address
- Pause a zone
- Resume a zone
- Update a zone
- Reload a zone
- Refresh a zone
'* File: DnsZones.vbs
'* Main Function: Gets and sets DNS Zone information for a computer.
'Define constants
' Declare variables.
Dim intOpMode, i
Dim strServer, strUserName, strPassword, strOutputFile
Dim strPropertyArray(), strValueArray(), strZoneArray()
Dim blnContextHelp
' Ensure that the host is script, if not then abort.
' Parse the command line.
intOpMode = intParseCmdLine(strServer , _
strUserName , _
strPassword , _
strOutputFile , _
strPropertyArray , _
strValueArray , _
strZoneArray , _
blnContextHelp )
Select Case intOpMode
Call ShowUsage()
Call Display(strOutputFile, blnContextHelp)
Call DnsZoneList(strServer , _
strUserName , _
strPassword , _
strOutputFile , _
strPropertyArray , _
blnContextHelp )
Call DnsCreate(strServer , _
strUserName , _
strPassword , _
strOutputFile , _
strPropertyArray , _
blnContextHelp )
Call DnsModify(strServer , _
strUserName , _
strPassword , _
strOutputFile , _
strPropertyArray , _
strValueArray , _
strZoneArray , _
blnContextHelp )
Call DnsDelete(strServer , _
strUserName , _
strPassword , _
strOutputFile , _
strPropertyArray , _
blnContextHelp )
Call DnsADDIP(strServer , _
strUserName , _
strPassword , _
strOutputFile , _
strZoneArray , _
strPropertyArray , _
strValueArray , _
blnContextHelp )
Call DnsDELETEIP(strServer , _
strUserName , _
strPassword , _
strOutputFile , _
strZoneArray , _
strPropertyArray , _
strValueArray , _
blnContextHelp )
Call DnsPause(strServer , _
strUserName , _
strPassword , _
strOutputFile , _
strZoneArray , _
blnContextHelp )
Call DnsResume(strServer , _
strUserName , _
strPassword , _
strOutputFile , _
strZoneArray , _
blnContextHelp )
Call DnsWrite(strServer , _
strUserName , _
strPassword , _
strOutputFile , _
strZoneArray , _
blnContextHelp )
Call DnsUpdate(strServer , _
strUserName , _
strPassword , _
strOutputFile , _
strZoneArray , _
blnContextHelp )
Call DnsReload(strServer , _
strUserName , _
strPassword , _
strOutputFile , _
strZoneArray , _
blnContextHelp )
Call DnsRefresh(strServer , _
strUserName , _
strPassword , _
strOutputFile , _
strZoneArray , _
blnContextHelp )
Call Wscript.Echo("Error occurred in passing parameters.")
Case Else ' Default - should never occur.
Call Wscript.Echo("Error occurred in passing parameters.")
End Select
'* End of Script
'* Sub DnsZoneList()
'* Purpose: Lists the value of all server properties.
'* Input: strServer A server name
'* strUserName The current user name
'* strPassword The current user password
'* strOutputFile An output file name
'* strPropertyArray An array of zone properties
'* blnContextHelp Show context sensitve Help
'* Output: Results are either printed on screen or saved in
'* strOutputFile.
Sub DnsZoneList(strServer , _
strUserName , _
strPassword , _
strOutputFile , _
strPropertyArray , _
blnContextHelp )
Dim objFileSystem, objOutputFile, objService, objDNS, objInst
Dim objServer, strMessage
If blnContextHelp then
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo "Displays the current Zone settings."
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo "SYNTAX:"
Wscript.Echo " DnsZones List [zonename] [/S <server>]"
Wscript.Echo " [/U <username>] [/W <password>]"
Wscript.Echo " [/O <outputfile>]"
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo " server A server name"
Wscript.Echo " username The current user name"
Wscript.Echo " password The current user password"
Wscript.Echo " outputfile The output file name"
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo "EXAMPLE"
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo "1. DnsZones.vbs List"
Wscript.Echo " Displays a list of all zones."
Wscript.Echo "2. DnsZones.vbs List example.com"
Wscript.Echo " Displays details on example.com."
Wscript.Echo ""
Exit Sub
End If
' Open a text file for output if the file is requested.
If Not IsEmpty(strOutputFile) Then
If (NOT blnOpenFile(strOutputFile, objOutputFile)) Then
Call Wscript.Echo ("Cannot open an output file.")
Exit Sub
End If
End If
' Establish a connection with the server.
If blnConnect("root\microsoftdns" , _
strUserName , _
strPassword , _
strServer , _
objService ) Then
Call Wscript.Echo("")
Call Wscript.Echo("Verify the server name, credentials and WBEM Core.")
Exit Sub
End If
If IsEmpty(strPropertyArray(0)) then
Set objDNS = objService.InstancesOf("MicrosoftDNS_Zone")
If blnErrorOccurred("DNS Server not available.") then Exit Sub
If objDNS.Count = 0 Then
Call Wscript.Echo("No zones are available.")
Exit Sub
End If
Call Wscript.Echo("Zones on Server " & strServer)
Call Wscript.Echo("")
strMessage = strPackString("Zone Name", 40, True, True)
strMessage = strMessage + strPackString("Type", 10, True, True)
strMessage = strMessage + strPackString("Revers", 10, True, True)
strMessage = strMessage + strPackString("Pause", 10, True, True)
strMessage = strMessage + strPackString("ShutDown", 10, True, True)
Call WriteLine(strMessage, objOutputFile)
For Each objInst In objDNS
strMessage = strPackString(objInst.ContainerName, 40, True, True)
strMessage = strMessage + strPackString(objInst.ZoneType,10, True, True)
strMessage = strMessage + strPackString(objInst.Reverse, 10, True, True)
strMessage = strMessage + strPackString(objInst.Paused, 10, True, True)
strMessage = strMessage + strPackString(objInst.Shutdown, 10, True, True)
Call WriteLine(strMessage, objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine("", objOutputFile)
set objServer = objService.Get ("MicrosoftDNS_Server.name="".""")
Set objDNS = objService.Get( _
"MicrosoftDNS_Zone.ContainerName=""" & strPropertyArray(0) _
& """,DnsServerName=""" & objServer.Name & """,Name=""" _
& strPropertyArray(0) & """")
If blnErrorOccurred("Zone not available.") then Exit Sub
Call WriteLine(" Settings for Zone " & _
strDisplayNull(objDns.ContainerName) & " on server " _
& objServer.Name & ".", objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine("", objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine("AllowUpdate : " & strDisplayNull(objDns.AllowUpdate), objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine("AutoCreated : " & strDisplayNull(objDns.AutoCreated), objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine("DataFile : " & strDisplayNull(objDns.DataFile), objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine("DisableWins : " & strDisplayNull(objDns.DisableWINSRecordReplication), _
Call WriteLine("Notify : " & strDisplayNull(objDns.Notify), objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine("Paused : " & strDisplayNull(objDns.Paused), objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine("Reverse : " & strDisplayNull(objDns.Reverse), objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine("SecureSecondaries : " & strDisplayNull(objDns.SecureSecondaries), objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine("Shutdown : " & strDisplayNull(objDns.Shutdown), objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine("UseWins : " & strDisplayNull(objDns.UseWins), objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine("ZoneType : " & strDisplayNull(objDns.ZoneType), objOutputFile)
If IsNull(objDns.MastersIPAddressesArray) then
Call WriteLine("MastersIPArray : <NULL>", _
Call WriteLine("MastersIPArray :", objOutputFile)
For I = lbound(objDns.MastersIPAddressesArray) _
to ubound(objDns.MastersIPAddressesArray)
Call WriteLine(" " _
& objDns.MastersIPAddressesArray(I), objOutputFile)
End If
If IsNull(objDns.NotifyIPAddressesArray) then
Call WriteLine("NotifyIPArray : <NULL>", objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine("NotifyIPArray :", objOutputFile)
For I = lbound(objDns.NotifyIPAddressesArray) _
to ubound(objDns.NotifyIPAddressesArray)
Call WriteLine(" " _
& objDns.NotifyIPAddressesArray(I), objOutputFile)
End If
If IsNull(objDns.SecondariesIPAddressesArray) then
Call WriteLine("SecondariesIPArray: <NULL>", _
Call WriteLine("SecondariesIPArray:", objOutputFile)
For I = lbound(objDns.SecondariesIPAddressesArray) _
to ubound(objDns.SecondariesIPAddressesArray)
Call WriteLine(" " _
& objDns.SecondariesIPAddressesArray(I), _
End If
Call WriteLine("", objOutputFile)
End If
If IsObject(objOutputFile) Then
Call Wscript.Echo ("Results are saved in file " & strOutputFile & ".")
End If
End Sub
Create a DNS Zone
'* Sub DnsCreate()
'* Purpose: Creates a Zone.
'* Input: strServer A server name
'* strOutputFile An output file name
'* strUserName The current user name
'* strPassword The current user password
'* intServiceTask The task to perform
'* Output: Results are either printed on screen or saved in
'* strOutputFile.
Private Sub DnsCreate(strServer , _
strUserName , _
strPassword , _
strOutputFile , _
strPropertyArray , _
blnContextHelp )
Dim objFileSystem, objOutputFile, objService, objDnsSet
Dim objServer, objInst, strTempArray(0)
If blnContextHelp then
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo "Creates a Zone."
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo "SYNTAX:"
Wscript.Echo _
" DnsZones Create [ Primary | Secondary | DSIntegrated]"
Wscript.Echo " [ Forward | Reverse ]"
Wscript.Echo " [ <ZoneName> ] " _
& "[ <MasterIPAddress>]"
Wscript.Echo " [ <filename> ] [/S <server>] " _
& "[/U <username>]"
Wscript.Echo " [/W <password>] [/O <outputfile>]"
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo " ZoneName The name of the Zone to " _
& "Create."
Wscript.Echo " MasterIPAddress The address of the " _
& "primary Dns Server"
Wscript.Echo " (Only required for " _
& "Secondary Zones)"
Wscript.Echo " filename The Zone File name to use"
Wscript.Echo " (This is only required " _
& "when creating"
Wscript.Echo " a new zone from an " _
& "existing file.)"
Wscript.Echo " server A server name"
Wscript.Echo " username The current user name"
Wscript.Echo " password The current user password"
Wscript.Echo " outputfile The output file name"
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo "EXAMPLE"
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo "1. DnsZones Create Primary Forward " _
& "example.com /S MyMachine2"
Wscript.Echo " Creates a Primary Forward zone on " _
& "MyMachine2 called example.com."
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo "2. DnsZones Create Secondary " _
& "Reverse 15.251.123.in-addr.arpa"
Wscript.Echo " Creates a Secondary Reverse."
Exit Sub
End If
' Open a text file for output if the file is requested.
If Not IsEmpty(strOutputFile) Then
If (NOT blnOpenFile(strOutputFile, objOutputFile)) Then
Call Wscript.Echo ("Cannot open an output file.")
Exit Sub
End If
End If
' Establish a connection with the server.
If blnConnect("root\microsoftdns" , _
strUserName , _
strPassword , _
strServer , _
objService ) Then
Call Wscript.Echo("")
Call Wscript.Echo("Verify the server name, " _
& "credentials and WBEM Core.")
Exit Sub
End If
set objServer = objService.Get("MicrosoftDNS_Server.name="".""")
Set objDNSSet = objService.Get("MicrosoftDNS_ZONE")
If blnErrorOccurred(" DNS Server not available.") then Exit Sub
Select Case strPropertyArray(0)
Case 2
strTempArray(0) = strPropertyArray(4)
If IsEmpty(strPropertyArray(3)) Then
ObjInst = objDNSSet.CreateZone(strPropertyArray(2), _
ObjInst = objDNSSet.CreateZone(strPropertyArray(2), _
strPropertyArray(0), strPropertyArray(3),strTempArray)
End If
Case Else
If IsEmpty(strPropertyArray(3)) Then
ObjInst = objDNSSet.CreateZone(strPropertyArray(2), _
ObjInst = objDNSSet.CreateZone(strPropertyArray(2), _
strPropertyArray(0), strPropertyArray(3))
End If
End Select
If blnErrorOccurred(" DNS Zone not created.") then
Exit Sub
Call WriteLine("Operation successful.", objOutputFile)
End If
If IsObject(objOutputFile) Then
Call Wscript.Echo ("Results are saved in file " _
& strOutputFile & ".")
End If
End Sub
Modify a DNS Zone
'* Sub DnsModify()
'* Purpose: Stops, starts, or restarts the DNS Server.
'* Input: strServer A server name
'* strOutputFile An output file name
'* strUserName The current user name
'* strPassword The current user password
'* strPropertyArray The properties to change
'* strValueArray The new values
'* Output: Results are either printed on screen or saved in
'* strOutputFile.
Private Sub DnsModify(strServer , _
strUserName , _
strPassword , _
strOutputFile , _
strPropertyArray , _
strValueArray , _
strZoneArray , _
blnContextHelp )
Dim objFileSystem, objOutputFile, objService, objDnsSet, objServer
Dim objInst, strTempArray(0), strZoneFile, strMastersIP(0), G
Dim blnError, blnContinue
If blnContextHelp then
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo "Modifies Dns Zone Properties."
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo "SYNTAX:"
Wscript.Echo " DnsZones Modify <ZoneName> <Property1> " _
& "<Value1> [Modify <ZoneName> <Property2> <Value2>] [...]"
Wscript.Echo " [/S <server>]"
Wscript.Echo " [/U <username>] [/W <password>]"
Wscript.Echo " [/O <outputfile>]"
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo " server A server name"
Wscript.Echo " username The current user name"
Wscript.Echo " password The current user password"
Wscript.Echo " outputfile The output file name"
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo "EXAMPLE"
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo " DnsZones.vbs Modify example.com ZoneType 1 " _
& "Modify example.com ZoneFile example.com.Dns"
Wscript.Echo " Changes the Zone Type to Primary using " _
& "example.com.Dns as the new Zone File."
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo "NOTE"
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo "1. Use the display command to see a list of " _
& "properties and descriptions."
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo "2. If you are change a Zone from Primary to " _
& "Secondary you will need to"
Wscript.Echo " Specify a MastersIP address in one of " _
& "the properties."
Exit Sub
End If
' Open a text file for output if the file is requested.
If Not IsEmpty(strOutputFile) Then
If (NOT blnOpenFile(strOutputFile, objOutputFile)) Then
Call Wscript.Echo ("Cannot open an output file.")
Exit Sub
End If
End If
' Establish a connection with the server.
If blnConnect("root\microsoftdns" , _
strUserName , _
strPassword , _
strServer , _
objService ) Then
Call Wscript.Echo("")
Call Wscript.Echo("Please verify the server name, " _
& "credentials and WBEM Core.")
Exit Sub
End If
set objServer = objService.Get("MicrosoftDNS_Server.name="".""")
' Find ZoneType Changes
For I = LBound(strZoneArray) to UBound(strZoneArray)
If lcase(strPropertyArray(I)) = "zonetype" then
Select Case strValueArray(I)
Case 0
Set objDNSSet = objService.Get( _
"MicrosoftDNS_Zone.ContainerName=""" _
& strZoneArray(i) & """,DnsServerName=""" _
& objServer.Name & """,Name=""" _
& strZoneArray(i) & """")
objInst = objDNSSet.ChangeZoneType(0)
strPropertyArray(I) = "skip"
Call WriteLine ("Zone type has been changed to " _
& "DS Intergrated.", objOutputFile)
Case 1
For G = LBound(strZoneArray) to _
If lcase(strPropertyArray(G)) = _
"zonefile" then
blnContinue = True
strZoneFile = strValueArray(G)
strPropertyArray(G) = "skip"
End If
If blnContinue = False then
Call WriteLine("In order to change the " _
& "Zone Type to Primary you must specify a " _
& "zonefile.", objOutputFile)
Exit Sub
End If
Set objDNSSet = objService.Get(_
"MicrosoftDNS_Zone.ContainerName=""" _
& strZoneArray(i) & """,DnsServerName=""" _
& objServer.Name & """,Name=""" _
& strZoneArray(i) & """")
objInst = objDNSSet.ChangeZoneType(1,strZoneFile)
strPropertyArray(I) = "skip"
Call WriteLine ("Zone type has been changed to Primary.", objOutputFile)
Case 2
For G = Lbound(strZoneArray) _
to UBound(strZoneArray)
If lcase(strPropertyArray(G)) = _
"mastersip" then
blnContinue = True
strMastersIP(0) = strValueArray(G)
strPropertyArray(G) = "skip"
End If
If blnContinue = False then
Call WriteLine("To change the Zone " _
& "Type to Secondary you must specify a " _
& "Masters IP Address.", objOutputFile)
Exit Sub
End If
Set objDNSSet = objService.Get( _
"MicrosoftDNS_Zone.ContainerName=""" _
& strZoneArray(i) & """,DnsServerName=""" _
& objServer.Name & """,Name=""" _
& strZoneArray(i) & """")
objInst = objDNSSet.ChangeZoneType(2,, _
strPropertyArray(I) = "skip"
Call WriteLine ("Zone type has been changed to " _
& "secondary.", objOutputFile)
End Select
End If
For I = LBound(strZoneArray) to UBound(strZoneArray)
If Not IsEmpty(strZoneArray(i)) then
Set objDNSSet = objService.Get( _
"MicrosoftDNS_Zone.ContainerName=""" & strZoneArray(i) _
& """,DnsServerName=""" & objServer.Name _
& """,Name=""" & strZoneArray(i) & """")
If blnErrorOccurred(" DNS Server not available.") _
then Exit Sub
If Not IsEmpty(strPropertyArray(I)) then
blnError = False
Select Case lcase(strPropertyArray(I))
Case "allowupdate"
objDNSSet.AllowUpdate = strValueArray(I)
Case "disablewins"
objDNSSet.DisableWins = strValueArray(I)
Case "notify"
objDNSSet.Notify = strValueArray(I)
Case "reverse"
objDNSSet.Reverse = strValueArray(I)
Case "securesecondaries"
objDNSSet.SecureSecondaries = strValueArray(I)
Case "mastersip"
strTempArray(0) = strValueArray(I)
objDnsSet.MastersIPAddressesArray = _
Case "skip"
'Do Nothing
Case Else
blnError = True
Call WriteLine(strPropertyArray(I) _
& " is not valid.", objOutputFile)
End Select
End If
If blnError = False then
If strPropertyArray(I) <> "skip" then
Call WriteLine(strPropertyArray(I) _
& " updated.", objOutputFile)
End If
End If
End If
If blnErrorOccurred("Zone properties not updated.") then
Exit Sub
Call WriteLine("Zone properties are now updated.", objOutputFile)
End If
If IsObject(objOutputFile) Then
Call Wscript.Echo ("Results are saved in file " & strOutputFile & ".")
End If
End Sub
Delete a DNS Zone
'* Sub DnsDelete()
'* Purpose: Deletes a Zone.
'* Input: strServer A server name
'* strOutputFile An output file name
'* strUserName The current user name
'* strPassword The current user password
'* Output: Results are either printed on screen or saved in
'* strOutputFile.
Sub DnsDelete(strServer , _
strUserName , _
strPassword , _
strOutputFile , _
strPropertyArray , _
blnContextHelp )
Dim objFileSystem, objOutputFile, objService, objDNS, objServer
If blnContextHelp then
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo "Delets a Zone."
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo "SYNTAX:"
Wscript.Echo " DnsZones Delete [zonename]"
Wscript.Echo " [/S <server>] [/U <username>]"
Wscript.Echo " [/W <password>]"
Wscript.Echo " [/O <outputfile>]"
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo " server A server name"
Wscript.Echo " username The current user name"
Wscript.Echo " password The current user password"
Wscript.Echo " outputfile The output file name"
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo "EXAMPLE"
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo "1. DnsZones.vbs Delete example.com"
Wscript.Echo " Deletes the zone example.com."
Wscript.Echo "2. DnsZones.vbs Delete " _
& "example.com /s MyMachine2"
Wscript.Echo " Deletes the zone example.com " _
& "from server MyMachine2."
Wscript.Echo ""
Exit Sub
End If
' Open a text file for output if the file is requested.
If Not IsEmpty(strOutputFile) Then
If (NOT blnOpenFile(strOutputFile, objOutputFile)) Then
Call Wscript.Echo ("Cannot open an output file.")
Exit Sub
End If
End If
' Establish a connection with the server.
If blnConnect("root\microsoftdns" , _
strUserName , _
strPassword , _
strServer , _
objService ) Then
Call Wscript.Echo("")
Call Wscript.Echo("Please verify the server name, " _
& "credentials and WBEM Core.")
Exit Sub
End If
set objServer = objService.Get("MicrosoftDNS_Server.name="".""")
Set objDNS = objService.Get("MicrosoftDNS_Zone.ContainerName=""" _
& strPropertyArray(0) & """,DnsServerName=""" & objServer.Name _
& """,Name=""" & strPropertyArray(0) & """")
If blnErrorOccurred("Error Deleting zone.") then Exit Sub
Call WriteLine("Zone deleted from server " _
& objserver.name & ".", objOutputFile)
If IsObject(objOutputFile) Then
Call Wscript.Echo ("Results are saved in file " & strOutputFile & ".")
End If
End Sub
Add a Zone IP Address
'* Sub DnsADDIP()
'* Purpose: Adds an IP Addresses to an Array.
'* Input: strServer A server name
'* strOutputFile An output file name
'* strUserName The current user name
'* strPassword The current user password
'* strPropertyArray The properties to change
'* strValueArray The new values
'* Output: Results are either printed on screen or saved in
'* strOutputFile.
Private Sub DnsADDIP(strServer , _
strUserName , _
strPassword , _
strOutputFile , _
strZoneArray , _
strPropertyArray , _
strValueArray , _
blnContextHelp )
Dim objFileSystem, objOutputFile, objService, objServer, objDnsSet
Dim strTempArray()
Dim J, H
Redim strTempArray(20)
If blnContextHelp then
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo "Adds an IP address to a property."
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo "SYNTAX:"
Wscript.Echo " DnsZones AddIP <Zone> <Property1> <Value1> " _
& "[AddIP <Zone> <Property2> <Value2>] [...]"
Wscript.Echo " [/S <server>] " _
& "[/U <username>] [/W <password>]"
Wscript.Echo " [/O <outputfile>]"
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo " server A server name"
Wscript.Echo " username The current user name"
Wscript.Echo " password The current user password"
Wscript.Echo " outputfile The output file name"
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo "EXAMPLE"
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo " DnsZones.vbs AddIP example.com " _
& "MastersIP"
Wscript.Echo " Adds to the MastersIP " _
& "property."
Wscript.Echo ""
Exit Sub
End If
' Open a text file for output if the file is requested.
If Not IsEmpty(strOutputFile) Then
If (NOT blnOpenFile(strOutputFile, objOutputFile)) Then
Call Wscript.Echo ("Cannot open an output file.")
Exit Sub
End If
End If
' Establish a connection with the server.
If blnConnect("root\microsoftdns" , _
strUserName , _
strPassword , _
strServer , _
objService ) Then
Call Wscript.Echo("")
Call Wscript.Echo("Please verify the server name, " _
& "credentials and WBEM Core.")
Exit Sub
End If
set objServer = objService.Get("MicrosoftDNS_Server.name="".""")
For I = 0 to ubound(strZoneArray)
Set objDNSset = objService.Get( _
"MicrosoftDNS_Zone.ContainerName=""" & strZoneArray(0) _
& """,DnsServerName=""" & objServer.Name & """,Name=""" _
& strZoneArray(0) & """")
If blnErrorOccurred(" DNS Server not available.") _
then Exit Sub
If Not IsEmpty(strZoneArray(I)) then
Select Case lcase(strPropertyArray(I))
Case "mastersip"
Redim strTempArray(20)
If IsNull(objDNSSet.MastersIPAddressesArray) then
strTempArray(0) = strValueArray(I)
Redim Preserve strTempArray(0)
objDNSSet.MastersIPAddressesArray = _
J = 0
For H = _
lbound(objDNSSet.MastersIPAddressesArray) _
to ubound(objDNSSet.MastersIPAddressesArray)
strTempArray(H) = _
J = J + 1
strTempArray(J) = strValueArray(I)
ReDim Preserve strTempArray(J)
objDNSSet.MastersIPAddressesArray = _
End If
If err.Number <> 0 then
Call WriteLine("Error adding IP address.", _
Exit Sub
Call WriteLine( _
"IP address successfully added.", _
End If
Case "notifyip"
Redim strTempArray(20)
If IsNull(objDNSSet.NotifyIPAddressesArray) then
strTempArray(0) = strValueArray(I)
Redim Preserve strTempArray(0)
objDNSSet.NotifyIPAddressesArray = _
J = 0
For H = lbound( _
objDNSSet.NotifyIPAddressesArray) _
to ubound(objDNSSet.NotifyIPAddressesArray)
strTempArray(H) = _
J = J + 1
strTempArray(J) = strValueArray(I)
ReDim Preserve strTempArray(J)
objDNSSet.NotifyIPAddressesArray = _
End If
If err.Number <> 0 then
Call WriteLine("Error adding IP address.", objOutputFile)
Exit Sub
Call WriteLine("IP address successfully added.", objOutputFile)
End If
Case "secondariesip"
Redim strTempArray(20)
If IsNull(objDNSSet.SecondariesIPAddressesArray) _
strTempArray(0) = strValueArray(I)
Redim Preserve strTempArray(0)
objDNSSet.SecondariesIPAddressesArray = strTempArray
J = 0
For H = lbound( objDNSSet.SecondariesIPAddressesArray) _
to ubound( objDNSSet.SecondariesIPAddressesArray)
strTempArray(H) = _
J = J + 1
strTempArray(J) = strValueArray(I)
ReDim Preserve strTempArray(J)
objDNSSet.SecondariesIPAddressesArray = strTempArray
End If
If err.Number <> 0 then
Call WriteLine("Error adding IP address.", objOutputFile)
Exit Sub
Call WriteLine( _
"IP address successfully added.", objOutputFile)
End If
Case Else
Call WriteLine("Cannot add an IP address to " _
& strPropertyArray(I), objOutputFile)
End Select
End If
If IsObject(objOutputFile) Then
Call Wscript.Echo ("Results are saved in file " & strOutputFile & ".")
End If
End Sub
Delete a Zone IP Address
'* Sub DnsDeleteIP()
'* Purpose: Adds an IP Addresses to an Array.
'* Input: strServer A server name
'* strOutputFile An output file name
'* strUserName The current user name
'* strPassword The current user password
'* strPropertyArray The properties to change
'* strValueArray The new values
'* Output: Results are either printed on screen or saved in
'* strOutputFile.
Private Sub DnsDeleteIP(strServer , _
strUserName , _
strPassword , _
strOutputFile , _
strZoneArray , _
strPropertyArray , _
strValueArray , _
blnContextHelp )
Dim objFileSystem, objOutputFile, objService, objServer, objDnsSet
Dim J, H
Dim strTempArray()
Redim strTempArray(20)
If blnContextHelp then
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo "Removes an IP address from a property."
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo "SYNTAX:"
Wscript.Echo " DnsZones DeleteIP <Zone> <Property1> " _
& "<Value1> [AddIP <Zone> <Property2> <Value2>] [...]"
Wscript.Echo " [/S <server>] " _
& "[/U <username>] [/W <password>]"
Wscript.Echo " [/O <outputfile>]"
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo " server A server name"
Wscript.Echo " username The current user name"
Wscript.Echo " password The current user password"
Wscript.Echo " outputfile The output file name"
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo "EXAMPLE"
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo " DnsZones.vbs DeleteIP MastersIP"
Wscript.Echo " Removes from the MastersIP property."
Wscript.Echo ""
Exit Sub
End If
' Open a text file for output if the file is requested.
If Not IsEmpty(strOutputFile) Then
If (NOT blnOpenFile(strOutputFile, objOutputFile)) Then
Call Wscript.Echo ("Cannot open an output file.")
Exit Sub
End If
End If
' Establish a connection with the server.
If blnConnect("root\microsoftdns" , _
strUserName , _
strPassword , _
strServer , _
objService ) Then
Call Wscript.Echo("")
Call Wscript.Echo("Please verify the server name, " _
& "credentials and WBEM Core.")
Exit Sub
End If
set objServer = objService.Get("MicrosoftDNS_Server.name="".""")
Set objDNSset = objService.Get( _
"MicrosoftDNS_Zone.ContainerName=""" & strZoneArray(0) _
& """,DnsServerName=""" & objServer.Name & """,Name=""" _
& strZoneArray(0) & """")
For I = 0 to ubound(strPropertyArray)
If Not IsEmpty(strPropertyArray(I)) then
Select Case lcase(strPropertyArray(I))
Case "mastersip"
Redim strTempArray(20)
If IsNull(objDNSSet.MastersIPAddressesArray) then
Call WriteLine("There are no IP addresses " _
& "to delete.", objOutputFile)
J = 0
For H = _
lbound(objDNSSet.MastersIPAddressesArray) _
to ubound(objDNSSet.MastersIPAddressesArray)
If strValueArray(I) <> _
objDNSSet.MastersIPAddressesArray(H) then
strTempArray(J) = _
J = J + 1
End If
If J <> 0 then
ReDim Preserve strTempArray(J - 1)
objDNSSet.MastersIPAddressesArray = _
objDnsSet.MastersIPAddressesArray = Null
End If
End If
If err.Number <> 0 then
Call WriteLine("Error deleting IP address.", _
Exit Sub
Call WriteLine("IP address successfully " _
& "deleted.", objOutputFile)
End If
Case "notifyip"
Redim strTempArray(20)
If IsNull(objDNSSet.NotifyIPAddressesArray) then
Call WriteLine("There are no IP addresses " _
& "to delete.", objOutputFile)
J = 0
For H = _
lbound(objDNSSet.NotifyIPAddressesArray) _
to ubound(objDNSSet.NotifyIPAddressesArray)
If strValueArray(I) <> _
objDNSSet.NotifyIPAddressesArray(H) then
strTempArray(J) = _
J = J + 1
End If
If J <> 0 then
ReDim Preserve strTempArray(J - 1)
objDNSSet.NotifyIPAddressesArray = _
objDnsSet.NotifyIPAddressesArray = Null
End If
End If
If err.Number <> 0 then
Call WriteLine("Error deleting IP address.", _
Exit Sub
Call WriteLine("IP address successfully deleted.", objOutputFile)
End If
Case "secondariesip"
Redim strTempArray(20)
If IsNull(objDNSSet.SecondariesIPAddressesArray) then
Call WriteLine("There are no IP addresses " _
& "to delete.", objOutputFile)
J = 0
For H = _
lbound(objDNSSet.SecondariesIPAddressesArray) _
to ubound(objDNSSet.SecondariesIPAddressesArray)
If strValueArray(I) <> objDNSSet.SecondariesIPAddressesArray(H) _
strTempArray(J) = objDNSSet.SecondariesIPAddressesArray(H)
J = J + 1
End If
If J <> 0 then
ReDim Preserve strTempArray(J - 1)
objDNSSet.SecondariesIPAddressesArray = strTempArray
objDnsSet.SecondariesIPAddressesArray = Null
End If
End If
If err.Number <> 0 then
Call WriteLine("Error deleting IP address.", objOutputFile)
Exit Sub
Call WriteLine("IP address successfully deleted.", objOutputFile)
End If
Case Else
Call WriteLine("Cannot add an IP address to " & strPropertyArray(I), objOutputFile)
End Select
End If
If IsObject(objOutputFile) Then
Call Wscript.Echo ("Results are saved in file " & strOutputFile & ".")
End If
End Sub
Pause a Zone
'* Sub DnsPause()
'* Purpose: Pauses a Zone.
'* Input: strServer A server name
'* strOutputFile An output file name
'* strUserName The current user name
'* strPassword The current user password
'* Output: Results are either printed on screen or saved in
'* strOutputFile.
Private Sub DnsPause(strServer , _
strUserName , _
strPassword , _
strOutputFile , _
strZoneArray , _
blnContextHelp )
Dim objFileSystem, objOutputFile, objService, objDnsSet
Dim objServer, Inst
If blnContextHelp then
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo "Pauses a Zone."
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo "SYNTAX:"
Wscript.Echo " DnsZones Pause <Zone>"
Wscript.Echo " [/S <server>] [/U <username>] " _
& "[/W <password>]"
Wscript.Echo " [/O <outputfile>]"
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo " server A server name"
Wscript.Echo " username The current user name"
Wscript.Echo " password The current user password"
Wscript.Echo " outputfile The output file name"
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo "EXAMPLE"
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo " DnsZones.vbs Pause example.com /s MyMachine2"
Wscript.Echo " Pauses the zone example.com on server " _
& "MyMachine2"
Wscript.Echo ""
Exit Sub
End If
' Open a text file for output if the file is requested.
If Not IsEmpty(strOutputFile) Then
If (NOT blnOpenFile(strOutputFile, objOutputFile)) Then
Call Wscript.Echo ("Cannot open an output file.")
Exit Sub
End If
End If
' Establish a connection with the server.
If blnConnect("root\microsoftdns" , _
strUserName , _
strPassword , _
strServer , _
objService ) Then
Call Wscript.Echo("")
Call Wscript.Echo("Please verify the server name, " _
& "credentials and WBEM Core.")
Exit Sub
End If
set objServer = objService.Get("MicrosoftDNS_Server.name="".""")
Set objDNSset = objService.Get( _
"MicrosoftDNS_Zone.ContainerName=""" & strZoneArray(0) _
& """,DnsServerName=""" & objServer.Name & """,Name=""" _
& strZoneArray(0) & """")
If blnErrorOccurred(" DNS Server not available.") then Exit Sub
If objDnsset.Paused = False then
Inst = objDNSSet.PauseZone
If blnErrorOccurred(" Zone not available.") then Exit Sub
Call WriteLine("Zone " & objDNSSet.Name _
& " paused on server " & objServer.Name & ".", objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine("The Zone is already Paused.", objOutputFile)
End If
If IsObject(objOutputFile) Then
Call Wscript.Echo ("Results are saved in file " _
& strOutputFile & ".")
End If
End Sub
Resume a Zone
'* Sub DnsResume()
'* Purpose: UnPauses a Zone.
'* Input: strServer A server name
'* strOutputFile An output file name
'* strUserName The current user name
'* strPassword The current user password
'* Output: Results are either printed on screen or saved in
'* strOutputFile.
Private Sub DnsResume(strServer , _
strUserName , _
strPassword , _
strOutputFile , _
strZoneArray , _
blnContextHelp )
Dim objFileSystem, objOutputFile, objService, objDnsSet
Dim objServer, Inst
If blnContextHelp then
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo "Resumes a Zone."
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo "SYNTAX:"
Wscript.Echo " DnsZones Resume <Zone>"
Wscript.Echo " [/S <server>] [/U <username>] " _
& "[/W <password>]"
Wscript.Echo " [/O <outputfile>]"
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo " server A server name"
Wscript.Echo " username The current user name"
Wscript.Echo " password The current user password"
Wscript.Echo " outputfile The output file name"
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo "EXAMPLE"
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo " DnsZones.vbs Resume example.com /s MyMachine2"
Wscript.Echo " Unpauses the zone example.com on server " _
& "MyMachine2."
Exit Sub
End If
' Open a text file for output if the file is requested.
If Not IsEmpty(strOutputFile) Then
If (NOT blnOpenFile(strOutputFile, objOutputFile)) Then
Call Wscript.Echo ("Cannot open an output file.")
Exit Sub
End If
End If
' Establish a connection with the server.
If blnConnect("root\microsoftdns" , _
strUserName , _
strPassword , _
strServer , _
objService ) Then
Call Wscript.Echo("")
Call Wscript.Echo("Please verify the server name, " _
& "credentials and WBEM Core.")
Exit Sub
End If
set objServer = objService.Get("MicrosoftDNS_Server.name="".""")
Set objDNSset = objService.Get( _
"MicrosoftDNS_Zone.ContainerName=""" & strZoneArray(0) _
& """,DnsServerName=""" & objServer.Name & """,Name=""" _
& strZoneArray(0) & """")
If blnErrorOccurred(" DNS Server not available.") then Exit Sub
If objDNSSet.Paused = True then
Inst = objDNSSet.ResumeZone
If blnErrorOccurred(" Zone not available.") then Exit Sub
Call WriteLine("Zone " & objDNSSet.Name _
& " resumed on server " & objServer.Name _
& ".", objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine("The Zone is not paused.", objOutputFile)
End If
If IsObject(objOutputFile) Then
Call Wscript.Echo ("Results are saved in file " _
& strOutputFile & ".")
End If
End Sub
'* Sub DnsWrite()
'* Purpose: Writes a Zone back to its file.
'* Input: strServer A server name
'* strOutputFile An output file name
'* strUserName The current user name
'* strPassword The current user password
'* Output: Results are either printed on screen or saved in
'* strOutputFile.
Private Sub DnsWrite(strServer , _
strUserName , _
strPassword , _
strOutputFile , _
strZoneArray , _
blnContextHelp )
Dim objFileSystem, objOutputFile, objService, objDnsSet
Dim objServer, Inst
If blnContextHelp then
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo "Writes a Zone back to its file."
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo "SYNTAX:"
Wscript.Echo " DnsZones Write <Zone>"
Wscript.Echo " [/S <server>] [/U <username>] " _
& "[/W <password>]"
Wscript.Echo " [/O <outputfile>]"
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo " server A server name"
Wscript.Echo " username The current user name"
Wscript.Echo " password The current user password"
Wscript.Echo " outputfile The output file name"
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo "EXAMPLE"
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo " DnsZones.vbs Write example.com"
Wscript.Echo " Writes any changes to example.com to its " _
& "zone file."
Wscript.Echo ""
Exit Sub
End If
' Open a text file for output if the file is requested.
If Not IsEmpty(strOutputFile) Then
If (NOT blnOpenFile(strOutputFile, objOutputFile)) Then
Call Wscript.Echo ("Cannot open an output file.")
Exit Sub
End If
End If
'Establish a connection with the server.
If blnConnect("root\microsoftdns" , _
strUserName , _
strPassword , _
strServer , _
objService ) Then
Call Wscript.Echo("")
Call Wscript.Echo("Please verify the server name, " _
& "credentials and WBEM Core.")
Exit Sub
End If
set objServer = objService.Get("MicrosoftDNS_Server.name="".""")
Set objDNSset = objService.Get( _
"MicrosoftDNS_Zone.ContainerName=""" & strZoneArray(0) _
& """,DnsServerName=""" & objServer.Name & """,Name=""" _
& strZoneArray(0) & """")
If blnErrorOccurred(" DNS Server not available.") then Exit Sub
Inst = objDNSSet.ResumeZone
If blnErrorOccurred(" Zone not available.") then Exit Sub
Call WriteLine("Zone " & objDNSSet.Name & " has written its " _
& "contents back to the zone file on server " & _
objServer.Name & ".", objOutputFile)
If IsObject(objOutputFile) Then
Call Wscript.Echo ("Results are saved in file " _
& strOutputFile & ".")
End If
End Sub
Update a Zone
'* Sub DnsUpdate()
'* Purpose: Updates a DS integrated zone with data from the DS.
'* Input: strServer A server name
'* strOutputFile An output file name
'* strUserName The current user name
'* strPassword The current user password
'* Output: Results are either printed on screen or saved in
'* strOutputFile.
Private Sub DnsUpdate(strServer , _
strUserName , _
strPassword , _
strOutputFile , _
strZoneArray , _
blnContextHelp )
Dim objFileSystem, objOutputFile, objService, objDnsSet
Dim objServer, Inst
If blnContextHelp then
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo "Updates a DS integrated zone with data " _
& "from the Directory Services."
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo "SYNTAX:"
Wscript.Echo " DnsZones Update <Zone>"
Wscript.Echo " [/S <server>] [/U <username>] " _
& "[/W <password>]"
Wscript.Echo " [/O <outputfile>]"
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo " server A server name"
Wscript.Echo " username The current user name"
Wscript.Echo " password The current user password"
Wscript.Echo " outputfile The output file name"
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo "EXAMPLE"
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo " DnsZones.vbs Update example.com"
Wscript.Echo " Updates example.com from DS Data."
Wscript.Echo ""
Exit Sub
End If
' Open a text file for output if the file is requested.
If Not IsEmpty(strOutputFile) Then
If (NOT blnOpenFile(strOutputFile, objOutputFile)) Then
Call Wscript.Echo ("Cannot open an output file.")
Exit Sub
End If
End If
'Establish a connection with the server.
If blnConnect("root\microsoftdns" , _
strUserName , _
strPassword , _
strServer , _
objService ) Then
Call Wscript.Echo("")
Call Wscript.Echo("Please verify the server name, " _
& "credentials and WBEM Core.")
Exit Sub
End If
set objServer = objService.Get("MicrosoftDNS_Server.name="".""")
Set objDNSset = objService.Get( _
"MicrosoftDNS_Zone.ContainerName=""" & strZoneArray(0) _
& """,DnsServerName=""" & objServer.Name & """,Name=""" _
& strZoneArray(0) & """")
If blnErrorOccurred(" DNS Server not available.") then Exit Sub
If objDNSSet.ZoneType = 0 then
Inst = objDNSSet.UpdateDSIntegratedZoneByDataFromDS
If blnErrorOccurred(" Zone not available.") then Exit Sub
Call WriteLine("Zone " & objDNSSet.Name & _
" has been updated from the directory services.", objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine("Zone " & objDNSSet.Name & " is not a DS " _
& "Integreated (ZoneType = 0) Zone.", objOutputFile)
End If
If IsObject(objOutputFile) Then
Call Wscript.Echo ("Results are saved in file " & strOutputFile & ".")
End If
End Sub
Reload a Zone
'* Sub DnsReload()
'* Purpose: Reloads a Zone from its ZoneFile.
'* Input: strServer A server name
'* strOutputFile An output file name
'* strUserName The current user name
'* strPassword The current user password
'* Output: Results are either printed on screen or saved in
'* strOutputFile.
Private Sub DnsReload(strServer , _
strUserName , _
strPassword , _
strOutputFile , _
strZoneArray , _
blnContextHelp )
Dim objFileSystem, objOutputFile, objService, objDnsSet
Dim objServer, Inst
If blnContextHelp then
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo "Reloads a Zone from its Zone File."
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo "SYNTAX:"
Wscript.Echo " DnsZones Reload <Zone>"
Wscript.Echo " [/S <server>] [/U <username>] " _
& "[/W <password>]"
Wscript.Echo " [/O <outputfile>]"
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo " server A server name"
Wscript.Echo " username The current user name"
Wscript.Echo " password The current user password"
Wscript.Echo " outputfile The output file name"
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo "EXAMPLE"
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo " DnsZones.vbs Reload example.com"
Wscript.Echo " Reloads Zone example.com from its Zone File."
Wscript.Echo ""
Exit Sub
End If
' Open a text file for output if the file is requested.
If Not IsEmpty(strOutputFile) Then
If (NOT blnOpenFile(strOutputFile, objOutputFile)) Then
Call Wscript.Echo ("Cannot open an output file.")
Exit Sub
End If
End If
'Establish a connection with the server.
If blnConnect("root\microsoftdns" , _
strUserName , _
strPassword , _
strServer , _
objService ) Then
Call Wscript.Echo("")
Call Wscript.Echo("Please verify the server name, " _
& "credentials and WBEM Core.")
Exit Sub
End If
set objServer = objService.Get("MicrosoftDNS_Server.name="".""")
Set objDNSset = objService.Get( _
"MicrosoftDNS_Zone.ContainerName=""" & strZoneArray(0) _
& """,DnsServerName=""" & objServer.Name & """,Name=""" _
& strZoneArray(0) & """")
If blnErrorOccurred(" DNS Server not available.") then Exit Sub
Inst = objDNSSet.ReloadZone
If blnErrorOccurred(" Zone not available.") then Exit Sub
Call WriteLine("Zone " & objDNSSet.Name & " has written its " _
& "contents back to the zone file on server " & objServer.Name _
& ".", objOutputFile)
If IsObject(objOutputFile) Then
Call Wscript.Echo ("Results are saved in file " & strOutputFile & ".")
End If
End Sub
Refresh a Zone
'* Sub DnsRefresh()
'* Purpose: Resfreshes a Secondary Zone from its Master Zone.
'* Input: strServer A server name
'* strOutputFile An output file name
'* strUserName The current user name
'* strPassword The current user password
'* Output: Results are either printed on screen or saved in
'* strOutputFile.
Private Sub DnsRefresh(strServer , _
strUserName , _
strPassword , _
strOutputFile , _
strZoneArray , _
blnContextHelp )
Dim objFileSystem, objOutputFile, objService, objDnsSet
Dim objServer, Inst
If blnContextHelp then
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo "Resfreshes a Secondary Zone " _
& "from its Master Zone."
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo "SYNTAX:"
Wscript.Echo " DnsZones DnsRefresh <Zone>"
Wscript.Echo " [/S <server>] [/U <username>] " _
& "[/W <password>]"
Wscript.Echo " [/O <outputfile>]"
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo " server A server name"
Wscript.Echo " username The current user name"
Wscript.Echo " password The current user password"
Wscript.Echo " outputfile The output file name"
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo "EXAMPLE"
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo " DnsZones DnsRefresh example.com"
Wscript.Echo " Refreshes the secondary Zone example.com " _
& "from its Primary Zone."
Wscript.Echo ""
Exit Sub
End If
' Open a text file for output if the file is requested.
If Not IsEmpty(strOutputFile) Then
If (NOT blnOpenFile(strOutputFile, objOutputFile)) Then
Call Wscript.Echo ("Cannot open an output file.")
Exit Sub
End If
End If
' Establish a connection with the server.
If blnConnect("root\microsoftdns" , _
strUserName , _
strPassword , _
strServer , _
objService ) Then
Call Wscript.Echo("")
Call Wscript.Echo("Please verify the server name, " _
& "credentials and WBEM Core.")
Exit Sub
End If
set objServer = objService.Get("MicrosoftDNS_Server.name="".""")
Set objDNSset = objService.Get( _
"MicrosoftDNS_Zone.ContainerName=""" & strZoneArray(0) _
& """,DnsServerName=""" & objServer.Name & """,Name=""" _
& strZoneArray(0) & """")
If blnErrorOccurred(" DNS Server not available.") then Exit Sub
If objDNSset.ZoneType = 2 then
Inst = objDNSSet.ForceRefreshOfSecondaryZoneFromMaster
If blnErrorOccurred("An error occurred while refreshing " _
& "secondary zone.") then Exit Sub
Call WriteLine("Zone " & objDNSSet.Name & " has written " _
& "its contents back to the zone file on server " _
& objServer.Name & ".", objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine("Zone " & objDNSSet.Name & _
" is not a secondary (ZoneType = 2) Zone.", objOutputFile)
End If
If IsObject(objOutputFile) Then
Call Wscript.Echo ("Results are saved in file " & strOutputFile & ".")
End If
End Sub
'* Function intParseCmdLine()
'* Purpose: Parses the command line.
'* Input:
'* Output: strServer A remote server ("" = local server")
'* strUserName The current user name
'* strPassword The current user password
'* strOutputFile An output file name
Private Function intParseCmdLine( ByRef strServer , _
ByRef strUserName , _
ByRef strPassword , _
ByRef strOutputFile , _
ByRef strPropertyArray , _
ByRef strValueArray , _
ByRef strZoneArray , _
ByRef blnContextHelp )
Dim strFlag, strProperty, strValue
Dim intState, intArgIter, intPropertyCount
Dim objFileSystem
ReDim strPropertyArray(20)
ReDim strValueArray(20)
ReDim strZoneArray(20)
blnContextHelp = False
intPropertyCount = 0
If Wscript.Arguments.Count > 0 Then
strFlag = Wscript.arguments.Item(0)
End If
If IsEmpty(strFlag) Then
'No arguments have been received
intParseCmdLine = CONST_LIST
Exit Function
End If
'Check if the user is asking for help or is just confused
If (strFlag="help") OR (strFlag="/h") OR (strFlag="\h") OR _
(strFlag="-h") OR (strFlag = "\?") OR (strFlag = "/?") OR _
(strFlag = "?") OR (strFlag="h") Then
intParseCmdLine = CONST_SHOW_USAGE
Exit Function
End If
'Retrieve the command line and set appropriate variables
intArgIter = 0
Do While intArgIter <= Wscript.arguments.Count - 1
Select Case lcase(Wscript.arguments.Item(intArgIter))
Case "/s"
If Not blnGetArg("Server", strServer, intArgIter) Then
intParseCmdLine = CONST_ERROR
Exit Function
End If
intArgIter = intArgIter + 1
Case "/o"
If Not blnGetArg("Output File", strOutputFile, _
intArgIter) Then
intParseCmdLine = CONST_ERROR
Exit Function
End If
intArgIter = intArgIter + 1
Case "/u"
If Not blnGetArg("User Name", strUserName, _
intArgIter) Then
intParseCmdLine = CONST_ERROR
Exit Function
End If
intArgIter = intArgIter + 1
Case "/w"
If Not blnGetArg("User Password", strPassword, _
intArgIter) Then
intParseCmdLine = CONST_ERROR
Exit Function
End If
intArgIter = intArgIter + 1
Case "create"
intParseCmdLine = CONST_CREATE
If Wscript.Arguments.Count < intArgIter + 2 then
intParseCmdLine = CONST_ERROR
Exit Function
End If
Select Case lcase(Wscript.Arguments(intArgIter + 1))
Case "/?"
blnContextHelp = True
intArgIter = intArgIter + 2
Exit Function
Case "primary"
strPropertyArray(0) = "1"
Case "secondary"
strPropertyArray(0) = "2"
Case "dsintegrated"
strPropertyArray(0) = "0"
Case Else
intParseCmdLine = CONST_ERROR
Exit Function
End Select
If Wscript.Arguments.count < intArgIter + 3 then
intParseCmdLine = CONST_ERROR
Exit Function
End If
Select Case Lcase(Wscript.Arguments(intArgIter + 2))
Case "forward"
strPropertyArray(1) = "False"
Case "reverse"
strPropertyArray(1) = "True"
Case Else
intParseCmdLine = CONST_ERROR
Exit Function
End Select
If Wscript.Arguments.count < intArgIter + 4 then
intParseCmdLine = CONST_ERROR
Exit Function
End If
If Left(Wscript.Arguments(intArgIter + 3),1) = _
"/" then
intParseCmdLine = CONST_ERROR
Exit Function
End If
strPropertyArray(2) = _
Wscript.Arguments(intArgIter + 3)
If strPropertyArray(0) = "2" then
If Wscript.Arguments.count < intArgIter + 5 then
intParseCmdLine = CONST_ERROR
Exit Function
End If
If Left(Wscript.Arguments(intArgIter + 4),1) = _
"/" then
intParseCmdLine = CONST_ERROR
Exit Function
End If
strPropertyArray(4) = _
Wscript.Arguments(intArgIter + 4)
If Wscript.Arguments.Count < intArgIter + 6 then
intArgIter = intArgIter + 5
If Left(Wscript.Arguments(intArgIter + 5),1) _
= "/" then
intArgIter = intArgIter + 5
strPropertyArray(3) = _
Wscript.Arguments(intArgIter + 5)
intArgIter = intArgITer + 6
End If
End If
If Wscript.Arguments.Count < intArgIter + 5 then
intArgIter = intArgIter + 4
If Left(Wscript.Arguments(intArgIter + 4),1) _
= "/" then
intArgIter = intArgIter + 4
strPropertyArray(3) = _
Wscript.Arguments(intArgIter + 4)
intArgIter = intArgIter + 5
End If
End IF
End If
Case "pause"
If Wscript.Arguments.Count <= intArgIter + 1 then
intParseCmdLine = CONST_ERROR
Exit Function
End If
If Wscript.Arguments(intArgIter + 1) = "/?" then
blnContextHelp = True
intParseCmdLine = CONST_PAUSE
intArgIter = intArgIter + 2
strZoneArray(0) = _
Wscript.Arguments(intArgIter + 1)
intParseCmdLine = CONST_PAUSE
intArgIter = intArgIter + 2
End If
Case "resume"
If Wscript.Arguments.Count <= intArgIter + 1 then
intParseCmdLine = CONST_ERROR
Exit Function
End If
If Wscript.Arguments(intArgIter + 1) = "/?" then
blnContextHelp = True
intParseCmdLine = CONST_RESUME
intArgIter = intArgIter + 2
strZoneArray(0) = _
Wscript.Arguments(intArgIter + 1)
intParseCmdLine = CONST_RESUME
intArgIter = intArgIter + 2
End If
Case "write"
If Wscript.Arguments.Count <= intArgIter + 1 then
intParseCmdLine = CONST_ERROR
Exit Function
End If
If Wscript.Arguments(intArgIter + 1) = "/?" then
blnContextHelp = True
intParseCmdLine = CONST_WRITE
intArgIter = intArgIter + 2
strZoneArray(0) = _
Wscript.Arguments(intArgIter + 1)
intParseCmdLine = CONST_WRITE
intArgIter = intArgIter + 2
End If
Case "update"
If Wscript.Arguments.Count <= intArgIter + 1 then
intParseCmdLine = CONST_ERROR
Exit Function
End If
If Wscript.Arguments(intArgIter + 1) = "/?" then
blnContextHelp = True
intParseCmdLine = CONST_UPDATE
intArgIter = intArgIter + 2
strZoneArray(0) = _
Wscript.Arguments(intArgIter + 1)
intParseCmdLine = CONST_UPDATE
intArgIter = intArgIter + 2
End If
Case "reload"
If Wscript.Arguments.Count <= intArgIter + 1 then
intParseCmdLine = CONST_ERROR
Exit Function
End If
If Wscript.Arguments(intArgIter + 1) = "/?" then
blnContextHelp = True
intParseCmdLine = CONST_RELOAD
intArgIter = intArgIter + 2
strZoneArray(0) = _
Wscript.Arguments(intArgIter + 1)
intParseCmdLine = CONST_RELOAD
intArgIter = intArgIter + 2
End If
Case "refresh"
If Wscript.Arguments.Count <= intArgIter + 1 then
intParseCmdLine = CONST_ERROR
Exit Function
End If
If Wscript.Arguments(intArgIter + 1) = "/?" then
blnContextHelp = True
intParseCmdLine = CONST_REFRESH
intArgIter = intArgIter + 2
strZoneArray(0) = _
Wscript.Arguments(intArgIter + 1)
intParseCmdLine = CONST_REFRESH
intArgIter = intArgIter + 2
End If
Case "delete"
If Wscript.Arguments.Count <= intArgIter + 1 then
intParseCmdLine = CONST_ERROR
Exit Function
End If
If Wscript.Arguments(intArgIter + 1) = "/?" then
blnContextHelp = True
intParseCmdLine = CONST_DELETE
intArgIter = intArgIter + 2
strPropertyArray(0) = _
Wscript.Arguments(intArgIter + 1)
intParseCmdLine = CONST_DELETE
intArgIter = intArgIter + 2
End If
Case "list"
intParseCmdLine = CONST_LIST
intArgIter = intArgIter + 1
If Wscript.Arguments.Count => intArgIter then
If Left(Wscript.Arguments(intArgIter),1) <> _
"/" then
strPropertyArray(0) = _
intArgIter = intArgIter + 1
End If
End If
Case "display"
intParseCmdLine = CONST_DISPLAY
intArgIter = intArgIter + 1
Case "addip"
If Wscript.arguments.count <= intArgIter + 1 then
intParseCmdLine = CONST_ERROR
Exit Function
If Wscript.arguments(intArgIter + 1) = "/?" then
blnContextHelp = True
intParseCmdLine = CONST_ADDIP
intArgIter = intArgIter + 2
If Wscript.arguments.count <= intArgIter + 3 _
intParseCmdLine = CONST_ERROR
Exit Function
End If
intParseCmdLine = CONST_ADDIP
strZoneArray(intPropertyCount) = _
Wscript.Arguments(intArgIter + 1)
strPropertyArray(intPropertyCount) = _
Wscript.Arguments(intArgIter + 2)
strValueArray(intPropertyCount) = _
Wscript.Arguments(intArgIter + 3)
intArgIter = intArgIter + 4
intPropertyCount = intPropertyCount + 1
End If
End If
Case "deleteip"
If Wscript.arguments.count <= intArgIter + 1 then
intParseCmdLine = CONST_ERROR
Exit Function
If Wscript.arguments(intArgIter + 1) = "/?" then
blnContextHelp = True
intParseCmdLine = CONST_DELETEIP
intArgIter = intArgIter + 2
If Wscript.arguments.count <= intArgIter + 3 _
intParseCmdLine = CONST_ERROR
Exit Function
End If
intParseCmdLine = CONST_DELETEIP
strZoneArray(intPropertyCount) = _
Wscript.Arguments(intArgIter + 1)
strPropertyArray(intPropertyCount) = _
Wscript.Arguments(intArgIter + 2)
strValueArray(intPropertyCount) = _
Wscript.Arguments(intArgIter + 3)
intArgIter = intArgIter + 4
intPropertyCount = intPropertyCount + 1
End If
End If
Case "modify"
If Wscript.arguments.count <= intArgIter + 1 then
intParseCmdLine = CONST_ERROR
Exit Function
If Wscript.arguments(intArgIter + 1) = "/?" then
blnContextHelp = True
intParseCmdLine = CONST_MODIFY
intArgIter = intArgIter + 2
If Wscript.arguments.count <= intArgIter + 3 _
intParseCmdLine = CONST_ERROR
Exit Function
End If
intParseCmdLine = CONST_MODIFY
strZoneArray(intPropertyCount) = _
Wscript.Arguments(intArgIter + 1)
strPropertyArray(intPropertyCount) = _
Wscript.Arguments(intArgIter + 2)
strValueArray(intPropertyCount) = _
Wscript.Arguments(intArgIter + 3)
intArgIter = intArgIter + 4
intPropertyCount = intPropertyCount + 1
End If
End If
Case "/?"
blnContextHelp = True
intArgIter = intArgIter + 1
Case Else
intParseCmdLine = CONST_ERROR
Exit Function
End Select
Loop '** intArgIter <= Wscript.arguments.Count - 1
If IsEmpty(intParseCmdLine) Then
If blnContextHelp = True then
intParseCmdLine = CONST_SHOW_USAGE
intParseCmdLine = CONST_LIST
End If
End If
End Function
'* Sub ShowUsage()
'* Purpose: Shows the correct usage to the user.
'* Input: None
'* Output: Help messages are displayed on screen.
Private Sub ShowUsage()
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo "Gets and Sets DNS Server information " _
& "for a computer."
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo "SYNTAX:"
Wscript.Echo " DnsServer operation <Parameter List>"
Wscript.Echo " [/S <server>] " _
& "[/U <username>] [/W <password>]"
Wscript.Echo " [/O <outputfile>]"
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo " operation [List | Create | Modify | Delete | " _
& "Pause | Resume |"
Wscript.Echo " Write | UpdateDS | Reload | " _
& "Refresh | AddIP | DeleteIP]"
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo " For help on a specific operation type:"
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo " DnsZones List /?"
Wscript.Echo " DnsZones Display /?"
Wscript.Echo " DnsZones Create /?"
Wscript.Echo " DnsZones Modify /?"
Wscript.Echo " DnsZones Delete /?"
Wscript.Echo " DnsZones AddIP /?"
Wscript.Echo " DnsZones DeleteIP /?"
Wscript.Echo " DnsZones Pause /?"
Wscript.Echo " DnsZones Resume /?"
Wscript.Echo " DnsZones Write /?"
Wscript.Echo " DnsZones UpdateDS /?"
Wscript.Echo " DnsZones Reload /?"
Wscript.Echo " DnsZones Refresh /?"
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo " server A server name"
Wscript.Echo " username The current user name"
Wscript.Echo " password The current user password"
Wscript.Echo " outputfile The output file name"
Wscript.Echo ""
End Sub
'* Sub Display()
'* Purpose: Shows a list of all available properties with
'* descriptions.
'* Input: None
'* Output: Displayed on screen.
Private Sub Display(strOutputFile, blnContextHelp)
Dim objOutputFile
' Open a text file for output if the file is requested.
If Not IsEmpty(strOutputFile) Then
If (NOT blnOpenFile(strOutputFile, objOutputFile)) Then
Call Wscript.Echo ("Cannot open an output file.")
Exit Sub
End If
End If
If blnContextHelp then
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo "Displays all available property types and " _
& "descriptions."
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo "SYNTAX:"
Wscript.Echo " DnsServer Display [/S <server>] " _
& "[/U <username>] [/W <password>]"
Wscript.Echo " [/O <outputfile>]"
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo " server A server name"
Wscript.Echo " username The current user name"
Wscript.Echo " password The current user password"
Wscript.Echo " outputfile The output file name"
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo "EXAMPLE"
Wscript.Echo ""
Wscript.Echo " DnsZones.vbs Display"
Wscript.Echo ""
Exit Sub
End If
Call WriteLine("Property Type Description", _
& "objOutputFile")
Call WriteLine("-----------------------------------------------" _
& "------------------------------", objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" AllowUpdate True/False This Boolean " _
& "indicates whether the Zone should", objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" accept dynamic " _
& "update requests.", objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" AutoCreated read-only This Boolean " _
& "indicates whether the Zone is", objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" autocreated.", _
Call WriteLine(" ContainerName read-only Indicates the " _
& "Name of the Container (which", objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" could be a " _
& "Zone, Cache or RootHints)", objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" containing this " _
& "domain. In cases where the", objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" Container is a " _
& "Zone (an instance of the", objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" " _
& "MicrosoftDNS_Zone subclass), this property", objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" contains the " _
& "fully qualified domain name of", objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" the Zone. When " _
& "the Container is the root zone,", objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" the string, " _
& """."",should be used. In cases", objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" where the " _
& "Container is the DNS' cache of", objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" resource " _
& "records (an instance of the", objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" " _
& "MicrosoftDNS_Cache subclass), this property is", objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" set to the " _
& "string, ""..Cache"". If the ", objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" Container is " _
& "Root Hints (an instance of the", objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" " _
& "MicrosoftDNS_RootHints subclass), then this", objOutputFile)
CAll WriteLine(" property should " _
& "be set to ""..RootHints"".", objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" ZoneFile read-only Indicates the " _
& "name of the zone file.", objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" DisableWins True/False This Boolean " _
& "indicates whether the WINS record", objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" is NOT " _
& "replicated. If set to TRUE, WINS record", objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" replication " _
& "is disabled.", objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" Notify True/False This Boolean " _
& "indicates whether the master Zone", objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" notifies " _
& "secondaries of any changes in its", objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" Resource " _
& "Records database. If set to TRUE,", objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" secondaries are " _
& "notified.", objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" Paused read-only This Boolean " _
& "indicates whether the Zone is", objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" paused.", _
Call WriteLine(" Reverse True/False This Boolean " _
& "indicates whether the Zone is", objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" reverse (TRUE) " _
& "or forward (FALSE).", objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" SecureSecondaries True/False This Boolean " _
& "indicates whether zone transfer", objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" is allowed - " _
& "but only to designated", objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" secondaries. " _
& "Designated secondaries are DNS", objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" servers " _
& "whose IP addresses are listed in the", objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" array, " _
& "SecondariesIPAddressesArray.", objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" Shutdown read-only This Boolean " _
& "indicates whether the copy of the", objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" Zone is " _
& "expired. If TRUE, the Zone is expired,", objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" or 'shutdown'.", _
Call WriteLine(" UseWins read-only This Boolean " _
& "indicates whether the Zone uses", objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" WINS lookup.", _
Call WriteLine(" ZoneType Number Indicates the " _
& "type of the Zone.", objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" ""0"" DS Integrated " _
& "Zone", objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" ""1"" Primary Zone", _
Call WriteLine(" ""2"" Secondary " _
& "Zone", objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine("", objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine("IP Array Type Description", _
Call WriteLine("-----------------------------------------------" _
& "------------------------------", objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" NotifyIP Array This array of " _
& "strings enumerates the list of", objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" IP addresses of " _
& "the DNS servers that should be", objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" notified of " _
& "changes in this zone.", objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" MastersIP Array This array of " _
& "strings enumerates the list of", objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" IP addresses of " _
& "Master DNS servers, to be", objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" addressed for " _
& "zone replication. It is", objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" applicable to " _
& "secondary zones only (ZoneType =", objOutputFile)
Call WriteLIne(" 2, " _
& " ""Secondary"").", objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" SecondariesIP Array This array of " _
& "strings enumerates the list of", objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" IP addresses of " _
& "the DNS servers that are", objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" allowed to " _
& "receive this zone through zone", objOutputFile)
Call WriteLine(" replication.", _
Call WriteLine("", objOutputFile)
If IsObject(objOutputFile) Then
Call Wscript.Echo ("Results are saved in file " _
& strOutputFile & ".")
End If
End Sub
'* General Routines
'* Function strDisplayNull()
'* Purpose: Returns the input or a "<NULL>" string.
'* Input: strProperty the property to be evaluated
'* Output: The input or a "<NULL"> string.
Function strDisplayNull(strProperty)
If IsNull(strProperty) then
strDisplayNull = "<NULL>"
strDisplayNull = strProperty
End If
End Function
'* Function strPackString()
'* Purpose: Attaches spaces to a string to increase the length to
'* intWidth.
'* Input: strString a string
'* intWidth the intended length of the string
'* blnAfter Should spaces be added after the string?
'* blnTruncate specifies whether to truncate the string or
'* not if the string length is longer than
'* intWidth
'* Output: strPackString is returned as the packed string.
Private Function strPackString( ByVal strString, _
ByVal intWidth, _
ByVal blnAfter, _
ByVal blnTruncate)
intWidth = CInt(intWidth)
blnAfter = CBool(blnAfter)
blnTruncate = CBool(blnTruncate)
If Err.Number Then
Call Wscript.Echo ("Argument type is incorrect!")
End If
If IsNull(strString) Then
strPackString = "null" & Space(intWidth-4)
Exit Function
End If
strString = CStr(strString)
If Err.Number Then
Call Wscript.Echo ("Argument type is incorrect!")
End If
If intWidth > Len(strString) Then
If blnAfter Then
strPackString = strString & Space(intWidth-Len(strString))
strPackString = Space(intWidth-Len(strString)) _
& strString & " "
End If
If blnTruncate Then
strPackString = Left(strString, intWidth-1) & " "
strPackString = strString & " "
End If
End If
End Function
'* Function blnGetArg()
'* Purpose: Helper to intParseCmdLine()
'* Usage:
'* Case "/s"
'* blnGetArg ("server name", strServer, intArgIter)
Private Function blnGetArg ( ByVal StrVarName, _
ByRef strVar, _
ByRef intArgIter)
blnGetArg = False 'failure, changed to
'True upon successful completion
If Len(Wscript.Arguments(intArgIter)) > 2 then
If Mid(Wscript.Arguments(intArgIter),3,1) = ":" then
If Len(Wscript.Arguments(intArgIter)) > 3 then
strVar = Right(Wscript.Arguments(intArgIter), _
Len(Wscript.Arguments(intArgIter)) - 3)
blnGetArg = True
Exit Function
intArgIter = intArgIter + 1
If intArgIter > (Wscript.Arguments.Count - 1) Then
Call Wscript.Echo( "Invalid " & StrVarName & ".")
Call Wscript.Echo( "Please check the input and try again.")
Exit Function
End If
strVar = Wscript.Arguments.Item(intArgIter)
If Err.Number Then
Call Wscript.Echo( "Invalid " & StrVarName & ".")
Call Wscript.Echo( "Please check the input and try again.")
Exit Function
End If
If InStr(strVar, "/") Then
Call Wscript.Echo( "Invalid " & StrVarName)
Call Wscript.Echo( "Please check the input and try again.")
Exit Function
End If
blnGetArg = True 'success
End If
strVar = Right(Wscript.Arguments(intArgIter), _
Len(Wscript.Arguments(intArgIter)) - 2)
blnGetArg = True 'success
Exit Function
End If
intArgIter = intArgIter + 1
If intArgIter > (Wscript.Arguments.Count - 1) Then
Call Wscript.Echo( "Invalid " & StrVarName & ".")
Call Wscript.Echo( "Please check the input and try again.")
Exit Function
End If
strVar = Wscript.Arguments.Item(intArgIter)
If Err.Number Then
Call Wscript.Echo( "Invalid " & StrVarName & ".")
Call Wscript.Echo( "Please check the input and try again.")
Exit Function
End If
If InStr(strVar, "/") Then
Call Wscript.Echo( "Invalid " & StrVarName)
Call Wscript.Echo( "Please check the input and try again.")
Exit Function
End If
blnGetArg = True 'success
End If
End Function
'* Function blnConnect()
'* Purpose: Connects to server strServer.
'* Input: strServer A server name
'* strNameSpace a namespace
'* strUserName name of the current user
'* strPassword password of the current user
'* Output: objService is returned as a service object.
'* strServer is set to local host if left unspecified
Private Function blnConnect(ByVal strNameSpace, _
ByVal strUserName, _
ByVal strPassword, _
ByRef strServer, _
ByRef objService)
Dim objLocator, objWshNet
blnConnect = False 'There is no error.
'Create Locator object to connect to remote CIM object manager
Set objLocator = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator")
If Err.Number then
Call Wscript.Echo( "Error 0x" & CStr(Hex(Err.Number)) & _
" occurred in creating a locator object." )
If Err.Description <> "" Then
Call Wscript.Echo( "Error description: " _
& Err.Description & "." )
End If
blnConnect = True 'An error occurred
Exit Function
End If
'Connect to the namespace which is either local or remote
Set objService = objLocator.ConnectServer (strServer, _
strNameSpace, strUserName, strPassword)
ObjService.Security_.impersonationlevel = 3
If Err.Number then
Call Wscript.Echo( "Error 0x" & CStr(Hex(Err.Number)) & _
" occurred in connecting to server " _
& strServer & ".")
If Err.Description <> "" Then
Call Wscript.Echo( "Error description: " _
& Err.Description & "." )
End If
blnConnect = True 'An error occurred
End If
'Get the current server's name if left unspecified
If IsEmpty(strServer) Then
Set objWshNet = CreateObject("Wscript.Network")
strServer = objWshNet.ComputerName
End If
End Function
'* Sub VerifyHostIsCscript()
'* Purpose: Determines which program is used to run this script.
'* Input: None
'* Output: If host is not cscript, then an error message is printed
'* and the script is aborted.
Sub VerifyHostIsCscript()
Dim strFullName, strCommand, i, j, intStatus
strFullName = WScript.FullName
If Err.Number then
Call Wscript.Echo( "Error 0x" & CStr(Hex(Err.Number)) _
& " occurred." )
If Err.Description <> "" Then
Call Wscript.Echo( "Error description: " _
& Err.Description & "." )
End If
intStatus = CONST_ERROR
End If
i = InStr(1, strFullName, ".exe", 1)
If i = 0 Then
intStatus = CONST_ERROR
j = InStrRev(strFullName, "\", i, 1)
If j = 0 Then
intStatus = CONST_ERROR
strCommand = Mid(strFullName, j+1, i-j-1)
Select Case LCase(strCommand)
Case "cscript"
Case "wscript"
Case Else 'should never happen
Call Wscript.Echo( "An unexpected program was " _
& "used to run this script." )
Call Wscript.Echo( "Only CScript.Exe or " _
& "WScript.Exe can be used to run this script." )
intStatus = CONST_ERROR
End Select
End If
End If
If intStatus <> CONST_CSCRIPT Then
Call WScript.Echo( "Please run this script using CScript." _
& vbCRLF & "This can be achieved by" & vbCRLF & _
"1. Using ""CScript PS.VBS arguments"" for Windows " _
& "95/98 or " & vbCRLF & "2. Changing the default " _
& "Windows Script Host setting to CScript" & vbCRLF _
& " using ""CScript //H:CScript //S"" and running " _
& "the script using" & vbCRLF & " ""PS.VBS " _
& "arguments"" for Windows NT/2000." )
End If
End Sub
'* Sub WriteLine()
'* Purpose: Writes a text line either to a file or on screen.
'* Input: strMessage the string to print
'* objFile an output file object
'* Output: strMessage is either displayed on screen or written to a
'* file.
Sub WriteLine(ByVal strMessage, ByVal objFile)
On Error Resume Next
If IsObject(objFile) then 'objFile should be a file object
objFile.WriteLine strMessage
Call Wscript.Echo( strMessage )
End If
End Sub
'* Function blnErrorOccurred()
'* Purpose: Reports error with a string that identifies
'* what the error occurred in.
'* Input: strIn String that identifies what the error
'* occurred in.
'* Output: displayed on screen
Private Function blnErrorOccurred (ByVal strIn)
If Err.Number Then
Call Wscript.Echo( "Error 0x" & CStr(Hex(Err.Number)) & ": "_
& strIn)
If Err.Description <> "" Then
Call Wscript.Echo("Error description: " & Err.Description)
End If
blnErrorOccurred = True
blnErrorOccurred = False
End If
End Function
'* Function blnOpenFile
'* Purpose: Opens a file.
'* Input: strFileName A string with the name of the file.
'* Output: Sets objOpenFile to a FileSystemObject and setis it to
'* Nothing upon Failure.
Private Function blnOpenFile(ByVal strFileName, ByRef objOpenFile)
Dim objFileSystem
Set objFileSystem = Nothing
If IsEmpty(strFileName) OR strFileName = "" Then
blnOpenFile = False
Set objOpenFile = Nothing
Exit Function
End If
' Create a file object.
Set objFileSystem = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If blnErrorOccurred("Could not create filesystem object.") Then
blnOpenFile = False
Set objOpenFile = Nothing
Exit Function
End If
' Open the file for output.
Set objOpenFile = objFileSystem.OpenTextFile(strFileName, 8, True)
If blnErrorOccurred("Could not open") Then
blnOpenFile = False
Set objOpenFile = Nothing
Exit Function
End If
blnOpenFile = True
End Function
'* *
'* End of File *
'* *