IDXCoreAdapterFactory::CreateAdapterList method

Generates a list of adapter objects representing the current adapter state of the system, and meeting the criteria specified. For programming guidance, and code examples, see Using DXCore to enumerate adapters.


  uint32_t numAttributes,
  _In_reads_(numAttributes) const GUID *filterAttributes,
  REFIID riid,
  _COM_Outptr_ void **ppvAdapterList) = 0;

template<class T>
  uint32_t numAttributes,
  _In_reads_(numAttributes) const GUID *filterAttributes,
  _COM_Outptr_ T **ppvAdapterList);



Type: uint32_t

The number of elements in the array pointed to by the filterAttributes argument.

filterAttributes [in]

Type: const GUID*

A pointer to an array of adapter attribute GUIDs. For a list of attribute GUIDs, see DXCore adapter attribute GUIDs. At least one GUID must be provided. In the case that more than one GUID is provided in the array, only adapters that meet all of the requested attributes will be included in the returned list.



A reference to the globally unique identifier (GUID) of the interface that you wish to be returned in ppvAdapterList. This is expected to be the interface identifier (IID) of IDXCoreAdapterList.

ppvAdapterList [out]

Type: void**

The address of a pointer to an interface with the IID specified in the riid parameter. Upon successful return, *ppvAdapterList (the dereferenced address) contains a pointer to the adapter list created.



If the function succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code.

Return value Description
E_INVALIDARG nullptr was provided for filterAttributes, or 0 was provided for numAttributes.
E_NOINTERFACE An invalid value was provided for riid.
E_POINTER nullptr was provided for ppvAdapterList.


Even if no adapters are found, as long as the arguments are valid, CreateAdapterList creates a valid IDXCoreAdapterList object, and returns S_OK. Once generated, the adapters in this specific list won't change. But the list will be considered stale if one of the adapters later becomes invalid, or if a new adapter arrives that meets the provided filter criteria. The list returned by CreateAdapterList is not ordered in any particular way, but the ordering of a list is consistent across multiple calls, and even across operating system restarts. The ordering may change upon system configuration changes, including the addition or removal of an adapter, or a driver update on an existing adapter. You can register for these changes with IDXCoreAdapterFactory::RegisterEventNotification using the notification type DXCoreNotificationType.AdapterListStale.

See also

IDXCoreAdapterFactory, DXCore Reference, DXCore adapter attribute GUIDs, Using DXCore to enumerate adapters