DisableUserPromptForServerValidation (ServerValidationParameters) element (PEAP)

The DisableUserPromptForServerValidation (ServerValidationParameters) element indicates whether the user should be asked for server validation.

If DisableUserPromptForServerValidation is TRUE, then EAP-TLS performs the server validation without user input; if the validation fails, EAP-TLS fails the authentication. If DisableUserPromptForServerValidation is FALSE, the user is prompted for a validated server certificate or name, or root certificate authority (CA).

The DisableUserPromptForServerValidation element is optional.

<xs:element name="DisableUserPromptForServerValidation"

The DisableUserPromptForServerValidation element is defined by the ServerValidationParameters complex type.


Role Minimum supported OS version
Windows Vista [desktop apps only]
Windows Server 2008 [desktop apps only]

See also

Definition context of element in schema


Possible immediate parent elements in schema instance

ServerValidation (EapType)

EAPHost and Legacy Schema

mspeapconnectionpropertiesv1 Schema

mspeapconnectionpropertiesv1 Schema Elements