JET_wrn enumeration
ESENT warning codes.
Namespace: Microsoft.Isam.Esent.Interop
Assembly: Microsoft.Isam.Esent.Interop (in Microsoft.Isam.Esent.Interop.dll)
Public Enumeration JET_wrn
Dim instance As JET_wrn
public enum JET_wrn
Member name | Description | |
Success | Successful operation. | |
RemainingVersions | The version store is still active | |
UniqueKey | seek on non-unique index yielded a unique key | |
SeparateLongValue | Column is a separated long-value | |
ExistingLogFileHasBadSignature | Existing log file has bad signature | |
ExistingLogFileIsNotContiguous | Existing log file is not contiguous | |
SkipThisRecord | INTERNAL ERROR | |
TargetInstanceRunning | TargetInstance specified for restore is running | |
CommittedLogFilesLost | One or more logs that were committed to this database, were not recovered. The database is still clean/consistent, as though the lost log's transactions were committed lazily (and lost). | |
CommittedLogFilesRemoved | One or more logs that were committed to this database, were no recovered. The database is still clean/consistent, as though the corrupted log's transactions were committed lazily (and lost). | |
FinishWithUndo | Signal used by clients to indicate JetInit() finished with undo | |
DatabaseRepaired | Database corruption has been repaired | |
ColumnNull | Column is NULL-valued | |
BufferTruncated | Buffer too small for data | |
DatabaseAttached | Database is already attached | |
SortOverflow | Sort does not fit in memory | |
SeekNotEqual | Exact match not found during seek | |
NoErrorInfo | No extended error information | |
NoIdleActivity | No idle activity occured | |
NoWriteLock | No write lock at transaction level 0 | |
ColumnSetNull | Column set to NULL-value | |
ShrinkNotPossible | Database file could not be shrunk because there is not enough internal free space available or there is unmovable data present. | |
DTCCommitTransaction | Warning code DTC callback should return if the specified transaction is to be committed | |
DTCRollbackTransaction | Warning code DTC callback should return if the specified transaction is to be rolled back | |
TableEmpty | Opened an empty table | |
TableInUseBySystem | System cleanup has a cursor open on the table | |
CorruptIndexDeleted | Out of date index removed | |
PrimaryIndexOutOfDate | The Primary index is created with an incompatible OS sort version. The table cannot be safely modified. | |
SecondaryIndexOutOfDate | One or more Secondary index is created with an incompatible OS sort version. Any index over Unicode text should be deleted. | |
ColumnMaxTruncated | Max length too big, truncated | |
CopyLongValue | Single instance column bursted | |
TaggedColumnsRemaining | RetrieveTaggedColumnList ran out of copy buffer before retrieving all tagged columns | |
ColumnSkipped | Column value(s) not returned because the corresponding column id or itagSequence requested for enumeration was null | |
ColumnNotLocal | Column value(s) not returned because they could not be reconstructed from the data at hand | |
ColumnMoreTags | Column values exist that were not requested for enumeration | |
ColumnTruncated | Column value truncated at the requested size limit during enumeration | |
ColumnPresent | Column values exist but were not returned by request | |
ColumnSingleValue | Column value returned in JET_COLUMNENUM as a result of JET_bitEnumerateCompressOutput | |
ColumnDefault | Column value(s) not returned because they were set to their default value(s) and JET_bitEnumerateIgnoreDefault was specified | |
ColumnNotInRecord | Column value(s) not returned because they could not be reconstructed from the data in the record | |
DataHasChanged | Data has changed | |
KeyChanged | Moved to new key | |
FileOpenReadOnly | Database file is read only | |
IdleFull | Idle registry full | |
DefragAlreadyRunning | Online defrag already running on specified database | |
DefragNotRunning | Online defrag not running on specified database | |
DatabaseScanAlreadyRunning | JetDatabaseScan already running on specified database | |
DatabaseScanNotRunning | JetDatabaseScan not running on specified database | |
CallbackNotRegistered | Unregistered a non-existant callback function | |
PreviousLogFileIncomplete | The log data provided jumped to the next log suddenly, we have deleted the incomplete log file as a precautionary measure |