Include protected members
Include inherited members

Holds miscellaneous information about a database. This is the information that is contained in the database header.

The JET_DBINFOMISC type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method JET_DBINFOMISC



  Name Description
Public property bkinfoCopyPrev Gets information about the last successful copy backup.
Public property bkinfoDiffPrev Gets information about the last successful differential backup. Reset when bkinfoFullPrev is set.
Public property bkinfoFullCur Gets information about the current backup.
Public property bkinfoFullPrev Gets information about the last successful full backup.
Public property bkinfoIncPrev Gets information about the last successful incremental backup. This value is reset when bkinfoFullPrev is set.
Public property cbPageSize Gets the database page size. A value of 0 means 4Kb pages.
Public property dbstate Gets the consistent/inconsistent state of the database.
Public property dwBuildNumber Gets the OS build number from the last attach.
Public property dwMajorVersion Gets the OS major version from the last attach.
Public property dwMinorVersion Gets the OS minor version from the last attach.
Public property fShadowingDisabled Gets a value indicating whether catalog shadowing is enabled. This value is for internal use only.
Public property fUpgradeDb Gets a value indicating whether the database is being upgraded. This value is for internal use only.
Public property genCommitted Gets the maximum log generation committed to the database. Typically the current log generation.
Public property genMaxRequired Gets the maximum log generation required for replaying the logs.
Public property genMinRequired Gets the minimum log generation required for replaying the logs. Typically the checkpoint generation.
Public property lgposAttach Gets the lgpos of the last attach.
Public property lgposConsistent Gets the lgpos when the database was made consistent. This value is null if the database is inconsistent.
Public property lgposDetach Gets the lgpos of the last detach.
Public property logtimeAttach Gets the time when the database was attached.
Public property logtimeBadChecksum Gets the last time a non-correctable checksum error was found.
Public property logtimeConsistent Gets the time when the database was made consistent. This value is null if the database is inconsistent.
Public property logtimeDetach Gets the time of the last detach.
Public property logtimeECCFixFail Gets the last time an uncorrectable one bit error was encountered.
Public property logtimeECCFixSuccess Gets the last time a one bit error was successfully fixed.
Public property logtimeGenMaxCreate Gets the creation time of the genMaxRequired logfile.
Public property logtimeRepair Gets the last time that repair was run against this database.
Public property lSPNumber Gets the OS Service Pack number from the last attach.
Public property signDb Gets the database signature.
Public property signLog Gets the logfile signature of logs used to modify the database.
Public property ulBadChecksum Gets the number of times a non-correctable checksum error was found.
Public property ulBadChecksumOld Gets the number of times a non-correctable checksum error was found before the last repair.
Public property ulECCFixFail Gets the number of times an uncorrectable one bit error was encountered.
Public property ulECCFixFailOld Gets the number of times an uncorrectable one bit error was encountered.
Public property ulECCFixSuccess Gets the number of times a one bit error was successfully fixed.
Public property ulECCFixSuccessOld Gets the number of times a one bit error was successfully fixed before the last repair.
Public property ulRepairCount Gets the number of times repair has been called on this database.
Public property ulRepairCountOld Gets the number of times this database was repaired before the last defrag.
Public property ulUpdate Gets the incremental version of Esent that created the database.
Public property ulVersion Gets the version of Esent that created the database.



  Name Description
Public method Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object. (Overrides Object.Equals(Object).)
Public method Equals(JET_DBINFOMISC) Indicates whether the current object is equal to another object of the same type.
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetHashCode Returns the hash code for this instance. (Overrides Object.GetHashCode().)
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public method ToString Gets a string representation of this object. (Overrides Object.ToString().)


See also



Microsoft.Isam.Esent.Interop namespace