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JET_err enumeration

ESENT error codes.

Namespace:  Microsoft.Isam.Esent.Interop
Assembly:  Microsoft.Isam.Esent.Interop (in Microsoft.Isam.Esent.Interop.dll)


Public Enumeration JET_err
Dim instance As JET_err
public enum JET_err


Member name Description
Success Successful operation.
RfsFailure Resource Failure Simulator failure
RfsNotArmed Resource Failure Simulator not initialized
FileClose Could not close file
OutOfThreads Could not start thread
TooManyIO System busy due to too many IOs
TaskDropped A requested async task could not be executed
InternalError Fatal internal error
DisabledFunctionality You are running MinESE, that does not have all features compiled in. This functionality is only supported in a full version of ESE.
UnloadableOSFunctionality The desired OS functionality could not be located and loaded / linked.
DatabaseBufferDependenciesCorrupted Buffer dependencies improperly set. Recovery failure
PreviousVersion Version already existed. Recovery failure
PageBoundary Reached Page Boundary
KeyBoundary Reached Key Boundary
BadPageLink Database corrupted
BadBookmark Bookmark has no corresponding address in database
NTSystemCallFailed A call to the operating system failed
BadParentPageLink Database corrupted
SPAvailExtCacheOutOfSync AvailExt cache doesn't match btree
SPAvailExtCorrupted AvailExt space tree is corrupt
SPAvailExtCacheOutOfMemory Out of memory allocating an AvailExt cache node
SPOwnExtCorrupted OwnExt space tree is corrupt
DbTimeCorrupted Dbtime on current page is greater than global database dbtime
KeyTruncated key truncated on index that disallows key truncation
DatabaseLeakInSpace Some database pages have become unreachable even from the avail tree, only an offline defragmentation can return the lost space.
BadEmptyPage Database corrupted. Searching an unexpectedly empty page.
KeyTooBig Key is too large
CannotSeparateIntrinsicLV illegal attempt to separate an LV which must be intrinsic
SeparatedLongValue Operation not supported on separated long-value
MustBeSeparateLongValue Can only preread long value columns that can be separate, e.g. not size constrained so that they are fixed or variable columns
InvalidPreread Cannot preread long values when current index secondary
InvalidLoggedOperation Logged operation cannot be redone
LogFileCorrupt Log file is corrupt
NoBackupDirectory No backup directory given
BackupDirectoryNotEmpty The backup directory is not emtpy
BackupInProgress Backup is active already
RestoreInProgress Restore in progress
MissingPreviousLogFile Missing the log file for check point
LogWriteFail Failure writing to log file
LogDisabledDueToRecoveryFailure Try to log something after recovery faild
CannotLogDuringRecoveryRedo Try to log something during recovery redo
LogGenerationMismatch Name of logfile does not match internal generation number
BadLogVersion Version of log file is not compatible with Jet version
InvalidLogSequence Timestamp in next log does not match expected
LoggingDisabled Log is not active
LogBufferTooSmall Log buffer is too small for recovery
LogSequenceEnd Maximum log file number exceeded
NoBackup No backup in progress
InvalidBackupSequence Backup call out of sequence
BackupNotAllowedYet Cannot do backup now
DeleteBackupFileFail Could not delete backup file
MakeBackupDirectoryFail Could not make backup temp directory
InvalidBackup Cannot perform incremental backup when circular logging enabled
RecoveredWithErrors Restored with errors
MissingLogFile Current log file missing
LogDiskFull Log disk full
BadLogSignature Bad signature for a log file
BadDbSignature Bad signature for a db file
BadCheckpointSignature Bad signature for a checkpoint file
CheckpointCorrupt Checkpoint file not found or corrupt
MissingPatchPage Patch file page not found during recovery
BadPatchPage Patch file page is not valid
RedoAbruptEnded Redo abruptly ended due to sudden failure in reading logs from log file
PatchFileMissing Hard restore detected that patch file is missing from backup set
DatabaseLogSetMismatch Database does not belong with the current set of log files
DatabaseStreamingFileMismatch Database and streaming file do not match each other
LogFileSizeMismatch actual log file size does not match JET_paramLogFileSize
CheckpointFileNotFound Could not locate checkpoint file
RequiredLogFilesMissing The required log files for recovery is missing.
SoftRecoveryOnBackupDatabase Soft recovery is intended on a backup database. Restore should be used instead
LogFileSizeMismatchDatabasesConsistent databases have been recovered, but the log file size used during recovery does not match JET_paramLogFileSize
LogSectorSizeMismatch the log file sector size does not match the current volume's sector size
LogSectorSizeMismatchDatabasesConsistent databases have been recovered, but the log file sector size (used during recovery) does not match the current volume's sector size
LogSequenceEndDatabasesConsistent databases have been recovered, but all possible log generations in the current sequence are used; delete all log files and the checkpoint file and backup the databases before continuing
StreamingDataNotLogged Illegal attempt to replay a streaming file operation where the data wasn't logged. Probably caused by an attempt to roll-forward with circular logging enabled
DatabaseDirtyShutdown Database was not shutdown cleanly. Recovery must first be run to properly complete database operations for the previous shutdown.
ConsistentTimeMismatch Database last consistent time unmatched
DatabasePatchFileMismatch Patch file is not generated from this backup
EndingRestoreLogTooLow The starting log number too low for the restore
StartingRestoreLogTooHigh The starting log number too high for the restore
GivenLogFileHasBadSignature Restore log file has bad signature
GivenLogFileIsNotContiguous Restore log file is not contiguous
MissingRestoreLogFiles Some restore log files are missing
MissingFullBackup The database missed a previous full backup before incremental backup
BadBackupDatabaseSize The backup database size is not in 4k
DatabaseAlreadyUpgraded Attempted to upgrade a database that is already current
DatabaseIncompleteUpgrade Attempted to use a database which was only partially converted to the current format -- must restore from backup
MissingCurrentLogFiles Some current log files are missing for continuous restore
DbTimeTooOld dbtime on page smaller than dbtimeBefore in record
DbTimeTooNew dbtime on page in advance of the dbtimeBefore in record
MissingFileToBackup Some log or patch files are missing during backup
LogTornWriteDuringHardRestore torn-write was detected in a backup set during hard restore
LogTornWriteDuringHardRecovery torn-write was detected during hard recovery (log was not part of a backup set)
LogCorruptDuringHardRestore corruption was detected in a backup set during hard restore
LogCorruptDuringHardRecovery corruption was detected during hard recovery (log was not part of a backup set)
MustDisableLoggingForDbUpgrade Cannot have logging enabled while attempting to upgrade db
BadRestoreTargetInstance TargetInstance specified for restore is not found or log files don't match
RecoveredWithoutUndo Soft recovery successfully replayed all operations, but the Undo phase of recovery was skipped
DatabasesNotFromSameSnapshot Databases to be restored are not from the same shadow copy backup
SoftRecoveryOnSnapshot Soft recovery on a database from a shadow copy backup set
CommittedLogFilesMissing One or more logs that were committed to this database, are missing. These log files are required to maintain durable ACID semantics, but not required to maintain consistency if the JET_bitReplayIgnoreLostLogs bit is specified during recovery.
SectorSizeNotSupported The physical sector size reported by the disk subsystem, is unsupported by ESE for a specific file type.
RecoveredWithoutUndoDatabasesConsistent Soft recovery successfully replayed all operations and intended to skip the Undo phase of recovery, but the Undo phase was not required
CommittedLogFileCorrupt One or more logs were found to be corrupt during recovery. These log files are required to maintain durable ACID semantics, but not required to maintain consistency if the JET_bitIgnoreLostLogs bit and JET_paramDeleteOutOfRangeLogs is specified during recovery.
UnicodeTranslationBufferTooSmall Unicode translation buffer too small
UnicodeTranslationFail Unicode normalization failed
UnicodeNormalizationNotSupported OS does not provide support for Unicode normalisation (and no normalisation callback was specified)
UnicodeLanguageValidationFailure Cannot validate the language
ExistingLogFileHasBadSignature Existing log file has bad signature
ExistingLogFileIsNotContiguous Existing log file is not contiguous
LogReadVerifyFailure Checksum error in log file during backup
CheckpointDepthTooDeep too many outstanding generations between checkpoint and current generation
RestoreOfNonBackupDatabase hard recovery attempted on a database that wasn't a backup database
LogFileNotCopied log truncation attempted but not all required logs were copied
SurrogateBackupInProgress A surrogate backup is in progress.
BackupAbortByServer Backup was aborted by server by calling JetTerm with JET_bitTermStopBackup or by calling JetStopBackup
InvalidGrbit Invalid flags parameter
TermInProgress Termination in progress
FeatureNotAvailable API not supported
InvalidName Invalid name
InvalidParameter Invalid API parameter
DatabaseFileReadOnly Tried to attach a read-only database file for read/write operations
InvalidDatabaseId Invalid database id
OutOfMemory Out of Memory
OutOfDatabaseSpace Maximum database size reached
OutOfCursors Out of table cursors
OutOfBuffers Out of database page buffers
TooManyIndexes Too many indexes
TooManyKeys Too many columns in an index
RecordDeleted Record has been deleted
ReadVerifyFailure Checksum error on a database page
PageNotInitialized Blank database page
OutOfFileHandles Out of file handles
DiskReadVerificationFailure The OS returned ERROR_CRC from file IO
DiskIO Disk IO error
InvalidPath Invalid file path
InvalidSystemPath Invalid system path
InvalidLogDirectory Invalid log directory
RecordTooBig Record larger than maximum size
TooManyOpenDatabases Too many open databases
InvalidDatabase Not a database file
NotInitialized Database engine not initialized
AlreadyInitialized Database engine already initialized
InitInProgress Database engine is being initialized
FileAccessDenied Cannot access file, the file is locked or in use
QueryNotSupported Query support unavailable
SQLLinkNotSupported SQL Link support unavailable
BufferTooSmall Buffer is too small
TooManyColumns Too many columns defined
ContainerNotEmpty Container is not empty
InvalidFilename Filename is invalid
InvalidBookmark Invalid bookmark
ColumnInUse Column used in an index
InvalidBufferSize Data buffer doesn't match column size
ColumnNotUpdatable Cannot set column value
IndexInUse Index is in use
LinkNotSupported Link support unavailable
NullKeyDisallowed Null keys are disallowed on index
NotInTransaction Operation must be within a transaction
MustRollback Transaction must rollback because failure of unversioned update
TooManyActiveUsers Too many active database users
InvalidCountry Invalid or unknown country/region code
InvalidLanguageId Invalid or unknown language id
InvalidCodePage Invalid or unknown code page
InvalidLCMapStringFlags Invalid flags for LCMapString()
VersionStoreEntryTooBig Attempted to create a version store entry (RCE) larger than a version bucket
VersionStoreOutOfMemoryAndCleanupTimedOut Version store out of memory (and cleanup attempt failed to complete)
VersionStoreOutOfMemory Version store out of memory (cleanup already attempted)
CurrencyStackOutOfMemory UNUSED: lCSRPerfFUCB * g_lCursorsMax exceeded (XJET only)
CannotIndex Cannot index escrow column or SLV column
RecordNotDeleted Record has not been deleted
TooManyMempoolEntries Too many mempool entries requested
OutOfObjectIDs Out of btree ObjectIDs (perform offline defrag to reclaim freed/unused ObjectIds)
OutOfLongValueIDs Long-value ID counter has reached maximum value. (perform offline defrag to reclaim free/unused LongValueIDs)
OutOfAutoincrementValues Auto-increment counter has reached maximum value (offline defrag WILL NOT be able to reclaim free/unused Auto-increment values).
OutOfDbtimeValues Dbtime counter has reached maximum value (perform offline defrag to reclaim free/unused Dbtime values)
OutOfSequentialIndexValues Sequential index counter has reached maximum value (perform offline defrag to reclaim free/unused SequentialIndex values)
RunningInOneInstanceMode Multi-instance call with single-instance mode enabled
RunningInMultiInstanceMode Single-instance call with multi-instance mode enabled
SystemParamsAlreadySet Global system parameters have already been set
SystemPathInUse System path already used by another database instance
LogFilePathInUse Logfile path already used by another database instance
TempPathInUse Temp path already used by another database instance
InstanceNameInUse Instance Name already in use
InstanceUnavailable This instance cannot be used because it encountered a fatal error
DatabaseUnavailable This database cannot be used because it encountered a fatal error
InstanceUnavailableDueToFatalLogDiskFull This instance cannot be used because it encountered a log-disk-full error performing an operation (likely transaction rollback) that could not tolerate failure
OutOfSessions Out of sessions
WriteConflict Write lock failed due to outstanding write lock
TransTooDeep Transactions nested too deeply
InvalidSesid Invalid session handle
WriteConflictPrimaryIndex Update attempted on uncommitted primary index
InTransaction Operation not allowed within a transaction
RollbackRequired Must rollback current transaction -- cannot commit or begin a new one
TransReadOnly Read-only transaction tried to modify the database
SessionWriteConflict Attempt to replace the same record by two diffrerent cursors in the same session
RecordTooBigForBackwardCompatibility record would be too big if represented in a database format from a previous version of Jet
CannotMaterializeForwardOnlySort The temp table could not be created due to parameters that conflict with JET_bitTTForwardOnly
SesidTableIdMismatch This session handle can't be used with this table id
InvalidInstance Invalid instance handle
DirtyShutdown The instance was shutdown successfully but all the attached databases were left in a dirty state by request via JET_bitTermDirty
ReadPgnoVerifyFailure The database page read from disk had the wrong page number.
ReadLostFlushVerifyFailure The database page read from disk had a previous write not represented on the page.
FileSystemCorruption File system operation failed with an error indicating the file system is corrupt.
RecoveryVerifyFailure One or more database pages read from disk during recovery do not match the expected state.
FilteredMoveNotSupported Attempted to provide a filter to JetSetCursorFilter() in an unsupported scenario.
MustCommitDistributedTransactionToLevel0 Attempted to PrepareToCommit a distributed transaction to non-zero level
DistributedTransactionAlreadyPreparedToCommit Attempted a write-operation after a distributed transaction has called PrepareToCommit
NotInDistributedTransaction Attempted to PrepareToCommit a non-distributed transaction
DistributedTransactionNotYetPreparedToCommit Attempted to commit a distributed transaction, but PrepareToCommit has not yet been called
CannotNestDistributedTransactions Attempted to begin a distributed transaction when not at level 0
DTCMissingCallback Attempted to begin a distributed transaction but no callback for DTC coordination was specified on initialisation
DTCMissingCallbackOnRecovery Attempted to recover a distributed transaction but no callback for DTC coordination was specified on initialisation
DTCCallbackUnexpectedError Unexpected error code returned from DTC callback
DatabaseDuplicate Database already exists
DatabaseInUse Database in use
DatabaseNotFound No such database
DatabaseInvalidName Invalid database name
DatabaseInvalidPages Invalid number of pages
DatabaseCorrupted Non database file or corrupted db
DatabaseLocked Database exclusively locked
CannotDisableVersioning Cannot disable versioning for this database
InvalidDatabaseVersion Database engine is incompatible with database
Database200Format The database is in an older (200) format
Database400Format The database is in an older (400) format
Database500Format The database is in an older (500) format
PageSizeMismatch The database page size does not match the engine
TooManyInstances Cannot start any more database instances
DatabaseSharingViolation A different database instance is using this database
AttachedDatabaseMismatch An outstanding database attachment has been detected at the start or end of recovery, but database is missing or does not match attachment info
DatabaseInvalidPath Specified path to database file is illegal
DatabaseIdInUse A database is being assigned an id already in use
ForceDetachNotAllowed Force Detach allowed only after normal detach errored out
CatalogCorrupted Corruption detected in catalog
PartiallyAttachedDB Database is partially attached. Cannot complete attach operation
DatabaseSignInUse Database with same signature in use
DatabaseCorruptedNoRepair Corrupted db but repair not allowed
InvalidCreateDbVersion recovery tried to replay a database creation, but the database was originally created with an incompatible (likely older) version of the database engine
DatabaseIncompleteIncrementalReseed The database cannot be attached because it is currently being rebuilt as part of an incremental reseed.
DatabaseInvalidIncrementalReseed The database is not a valid state to perform an incremental reseed.
DatabaseFailedIncrementalReseed The incremental reseed being performed on the specified database cannot be completed due to a fatal error. A full reseed is required to recover this database.
NoAttachmentsFailedIncrementalReseed The incremental reseed being performed on the specified database cannot be completed because the min required log contains no attachment info. A full reseed is required to recover this database.
TableLocked Table is exclusively locked
TableDuplicate Table already exists
TableInUse Table is in use, cannot lock
ObjectNotFound No such table or object
DensityInvalid Bad file/index density
TableNotEmpty Table is not empty
InvalidTableId Invalid table id
TooManyOpenTables Cannot open any more tables (cleanup already attempted)
IllegalOperation Oper. not supported on table
TooManyOpenTablesAndCleanupTimedOut Cannot open any more tables (cleanup attempt failed to complete)
ObjectDuplicate Table or object name in use
InvalidObject Object is invalid for operation
CannotDeleteTempTable Use CloseTable instead of DeleteTable to delete temp table
CannotDeleteSystemTable Illegal attempt to delete a system table
CannotDeleteTemplateTable Illegal attempt to delete a template table
ExclusiveTableLockRequired Must have exclusive lock on table.
FixedDDL DDL operations prohibited on this table
FixedInheritedDDL On a derived table, DDL operations are prohibited on inherited portion of DDL
CannotNestDDL Nesting of hierarchical DDL is not currently supported.
DDLNotInheritable Tried to inherit DDL from a table not marked as a template table.
InvalidSettings System parameters were set improperly
ClientRequestToStopJetService Client has requested stop service
CannotAddFixedVarColumnToDerivedTable Template table was created with NoFixedVarColumnsInDerivedTables
IndexCantBuild Index build failed
IndexHasPrimary Primary index already defined
IndexDuplicate Index is already defined
IndexNotFound No such index
IndexMustStay Cannot delete clustered index
IndexInvalidDef Illegal index definition
InvalidCreateIndex Invalid create index description
TooManyOpenIndexes Out of index description blocks
MultiValuedIndexViolation Non-unique inter-record index keys generated for a multivalued index
IndexBuildCorrupted Failed to build a secondary index that properly reflects primary index
PrimaryIndexCorrupted Primary index is corrupt. The database must be defragmented or the table deleted.
SecondaryIndexCorrupted Secondary index is corrupt. The database must be defragmented or the affected index must be deleted. If the corrupt index is over Unicode text, a likely cause a sort-order change.
InvalidIndexId Illegal index id
IndexTuplesSecondaryIndexOnly tuple index can only be on a secondary index
IndexTuplesTooManyColumns tuple index may only have eleven columns in the index
IndexTuplesNonUniqueOnly tuple index must be a non-unique index
IndexTuplesTextBinaryColumnsOnly tuple index must be on a text/binary column
IndexTuplesVarSegMacNotAllowed tuple index does not allow setting cbVarSegMac
IndexTuplesInvalidLimits invalid min/max tuple length or max characters to index specified
IndexTuplesCannotRetrieveFromIndex cannot call RetrieveColumn() with RetrieveFromIndex on a tuple index
IndexTuplesKeyTooSmall specified key does not meet minimum tuple length
ColumnLong Column value is long
ColumnNoChunk No such chunk in long value
ColumnDoesNotFit Field will not fit in record
NullInvalid Null not valid
ColumnIndexed Column indexed, cannot delete
ColumnTooBig Field length is greater than maximum
ColumnNotFound No such column
ColumnDuplicate Field is already defined
MultiValuedColumnMustBeTagged Attempted to create a multi-valued column, but column was not Tagged
ColumnRedundant Second autoincrement or version column
InvalidColumnType Invalid column data type
TaggedNotNULL No non-NULL tagged columns
NoCurrentIndex Invalid w/o a current index
KeyIsMade The key is completely made
BadColumnId Column Id Incorrect
BadItagSequence Bad itagSequence for tagged column
ColumnInRelationship Cannot delete, column participates in relationship
CannotBeTagged AutoIncrement and Version cannot be tagged
DefaultValueTooBig Default value exceeds maximum size
MultiValuedDuplicate Duplicate detected on a unique multi-valued column
LVCorrupted Corruption encountered in long-value tree
MultiValuedDuplicateAfterTruncation Duplicate detected on a unique multi-valued column after data was normalized, and normalizing truncated the data before comparison
DerivedColumnCorruption Invalid column in derived table
InvalidPlaceholderColumn Tried to convert column to a primary index placeholder, but column doesn't meet necessary criteria
ColumnCannotBeCompressed Only JET_coltypLongText and JET_coltypLongBinary columns can be compressed
RecordNotFound The key was not found
RecordNoCopy No working buffer
NoCurrentRecord Currency not on a record
RecordPrimaryChanged Primary key may not change
KeyDuplicate Illegal duplicate key
AlreadyPrepared Attempted to update record when record update was already in progress
KeyNotMade No call to JetMakeKey
UpdateNotPrepared No call to JetPrepareUpdate
DataHasChanged Data has changed, operation aborted
LanguageNotSupported Windows installation does not support language
DecompressionFailed Internal error: data could not be decompressed
UpdateMustVersion No version updates only for uncommitted tables
TooManySorts Too many sort processes
InvalidOnSort Invalid operation on Sort
TempFileOpenError Temp file could not be opened
TooManyAttachedDatabases Too many open databases
DiskFull No space left on disk
PermissionDenied Permission denied
FileNotFound File not found
FileInvalidType Invalid file type
AfterInitialization Cannot Restore after init.
LogCorrupted Logs could not be interpreted
InvalidOperation Invalid operation
AccessDenied Access denied
TooManySplits Infinite split
SessionSharingViolation Multiple threads are using the same session
EntryPointNotFound An entry point in a DLL we require could not be found
SessionContextAlreadySet Specified session already has a session context set
SessionContextNotSetByThisThread Tried to reset session context, but current thread did not orignally set the session context
SessionInUse Tried to terminate session in use
RecordFormatConversionFailed Internal error during dynamic record format conversion
OneDatabasePerSession Just one open user database per session is allowed (JET_paramOneDatabasePerSession)
RollbackError error during rollback
DatabaseAlreadyRunningMaintenance The operation did not complete successfully because the database is already running maintenance on specified database
CallbackFailed A callback failed
CallbackNotResolved A callback function could not be found
SpaceHintsInvalid An element of the JET space hints structure was not correct or actionable.
OSSnapshotInvalidSequence OS Shadow copy API used in an invalid sequence
OSSnapshotTimeOut OS Shadow copy ended with time-out
OSSnapshotNotAllowed OS Shadow copy not allowed (backup or recovery in progress)
OSSnapshotInvalidSnapId invalid JET_OSSNAPID
TooManyTestInjections Internal test injection limit hit
TestInjectionNotSupported Test injection not supported
InvalidLogDataSequence Somehow the log data provided got out of sequence with the current state of the instance
LSCallbackNotSpecified Attempted to use Local Storage without a callback function being specified
LSAlreadySet Attempted to set Local Storage for an object which already had it set
LSNotSet Attempted to retrieve Local Storage from an object which didn't have it set
FileIOSparse an I/O was issued to a location that was sparse
FileIOBeyondEOF a read was issued to a location beyond EOF (writes will expand the file)
FileIOAbort instructs the JET_ABORTRETRYFAILCALLBACK caller to abort the specified I/O
FileIORetry instructs the JET_ABORTRETRYFAILCALLBACK caller to retry the specified I/O
FileIOFail instructs the JET_ABORTRETRYFAILCALLBACK caller to fail the specified I/O
FileCompressed read/write access is not supported on compressed files

See also


Microsoft.Isam.Esent.Interop namespace