VistaGrbits members

Include protected members
Include inherited members

Grbits that have been added to the Vista version of ESENT.

The VistaGrbits type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public fieldStatic member ContinueAfterThaw The snapshot session continues after JetOSSnapshotThaw and will require a JetOSSnapshotEnd function call.
Public fieldStatic member IndexCrossProduct Specifying this flag for an index that has more than one key column that is a multi-valued column will result in an index entry being created for each result of a cross product of all the values in those key columns. Otherwise, the index would only have one entry for each multi-value in the most significant key column that is a multi-valued column and each of those index entries would use the first multi-value from any other key columns that are multi-valued columns. For example, if you specified this flag for an index over column A that has the values "red" and "blue" and over column B that has the values "1" and "2" then the following index entries would be created: "red", "1"; "red", "2"; "blue", "1"; "blue", "2". Otherwise, the following index entries would be created: "red", "1"; "blue", "1".
Public fieldStatic member IndexDisallowTruncation Specifying this flag will cause any update to the index that would result in a truncated key to fail with KeyTruncated. Otherwise, keys will be silently truncated.
Public fieldStatic member IndexNestedTable Index over multiple multi-valued columns but only with values of same itagSequence.
Public fieldStatic member LogStreamMustExist Transaction logs must exist in the log file directory (i.e. can't auto-start a new stream).
Public fieldStatic member RecoveryWithoutUndo Perform recovery, but halt at the Undo phase. Allows whatever logs are present to be replayed, then later additional logs can be copied and replayed.
Public fieldStatic member ReplayMissingMapEntryDB Missing database map entry default to same location.
Public fieldStatic member TruncateDone The engine can mark the database headers as appropriate (for example, a full backup completed), even though the call to truncate was not completed.
Public fieldStatic member TruncateLogsAfterRecovery On successful soft recovery, truncate log files.


See also


VistaGrbits class

Microsoft.Isam.Esent.Interop.Vista namespace