HelpModeOn Property

[Microsoft Agent is deprecated as of Windows 7, and may be unavailable in subsequent versions of Windows.]


Returns or sets whether context-sensitive Help mode is on for the character.


*agent.*Characters("CharacterID").HelpModeOn [ = boolean]

Part Description
boolean A Boolean expression specifying whether context-sensitive Help mode is on. True Help mode is on.
False (Default) Help mode is off.


When you set this property to True, the mouse pointer changes to the context-sensitive Help image when moved over the character or over the pop-up menu for the character. When the user clicks or drags the character or clicks an item in the character's pop-up menu, the server triggers the HelpComplete event and exits Help mode.

In Help mode, the server does not send the Click, DragStart, DragComplete, and Command events, unless you set the AutoPopupMenu property to True. In that case, the server will send the Click event (does not exit Help mode), but only for the right mouse button to enable you to display the pop-up menu.

This property applies only to your client application's use of the character; the setting does not affect other clients of the character or other characters of your client application.

See Also

HelpComplete event