
[Microsoft Agent is deprecated as of Windows 7, and may be unavailable in subsequent versions of Windows.]

IAgentBalloon defines an interface that allows applications to query properties for the Microsoft Agent word balloon. These functions are also available from IAgentBalloonEx.

Initial defaults for a character's word balloon are set in the Microsoft Agent Character Editor, but once the application is running, the user may override the Enabled and Font properties. If a user changes the balloon's properties, the change affects all characters. The IAgentBalloon object's properties also apply to text output through the Think method.

Methods in Vtable Order

IAgentBalloon Methods Description
GetEnabled Returns whether the word balloon is enabled.
GetNumLines Returns the number of lines displayed in the word balloon.
GetNumCharsPerLine Returns the average number of characters per line displayed in the word balloon.
GetFontName Returns the name of the font displayed in the word balloon.
GetFontSize Returns the size of the font displayed in the word balloon.
GetFontBold Returns whether the font displayed in the word balloon is bold.
GetFontItalic Returns whether the font displayed in the word balloon is italic.
GetFontStrikethru Returns whether the font displayed in the word balloon is displayed as strikethrough.
GetFontUnderline Returns whether the font displayed in the word balloon is underlined.
GetForeColor Returns the foreground color displayed in the word balloon.
GetBackColor Returns the background color displayed in the word balloon.
GetBorderColor Returns the border color displayed in the word balloon.
SetVisible Sets the word balloon to be visible.
GetVisible Returns the visibility setting for the word balloon.
SetFontName Sets the font used in the word balloon.
SetFontSize Sets the font size used in the word balloon.
SetFontCharSet Sets the character set used in the word balloon.
GetFontCharSet Returns the character set used in the word balloon.