
[Microsoft Agent is deprecated as of Windows 7, and may be unavailable in subsequent versions of Windows.]

HRESULT VisibleState(
   long dwCharID,  // character ID
   long bVisible,  // visibility flag
   long dwCause,   // cause of visible state

Notifies a client application when the visibility state of the character changes.

  • No return value.


Identifier of the character whose visibility state is changed.


Visibility flag. This Boolean value is True when character becomes visible and False when the character becomes hidden.


Cause of last change to the character's visibility state. The parameter may be one of the following:

Value Description
const unsigned short NeverShown = 0;
Character has not been shown.
const unsigned short UserHid = 1;
User hid the character with the character's taskbar icon pop-up menu or with speech input..
const unsigned short UserShowed = 2;
User showed the character.
const unsigned short ProgramHid = 3;
Your application hid the character.
const unsigned short ProgramShowed = 4;
Your application showed the character.
const unsigned short OtherProgramHid = 5;
Another application hid the character.
const unsigned short OtherProgramShowed = 6;
Another application showed the character.
const unsigned short UserHidViaCharacterMenu = 7
User hid the character with the character's pop-up menu.
const unsigned short UserHidViaTaskbarIcon = UserHid
User hid the character with the character's taskbar icon pop-up menu or using speech input.

See Also

IAgentCharacter::GetVisible, IAgentCharacter::GetVisibilityCause