Presentation Descriptor Attributes
The following attributes can apply to any presentation descriptor.
Attribute | Description |
MF_PD_APP_CONTEXT | Contains a pointer to the presentation descriptor from the protected media path (PMP). |
MF_PD_AUDIO_ENCODING_BITRATE | Specifies the audio encoding bit rate for the presentation, in bits per second. |
MF_PD_AUDIO_ISVARIABLEBITRATE | Specifies whether the audio streams in the presentation have a variable bit rate. |
MF_PD_DURATION | Specifies the duration of a presentation, in 100-nanosecond units. |
MF_PD_LAST_MODIFIED_TIME | Specifies when a presentation was last modified. |
MF_PD_MIME_TYPE | Specifies the MIME type of the content. |
MF_PD_PLAYBACK_BOUNDARY_TIME | The time at which the presentation must begin, relative to the start of the media source. |
MF_PD_PLAYBACK_ELEMENT_ID | The identifier of the playlist element in the presentation. |
MF_PD_PMPHOST_CONTEXT | Contains a pointer to the proxy object for the application's presentation descriptor. |
MF_PD_PREFERRED_LANGUAGE | Contains the preferred RFC 1766 language of the media source. |
MF_PD_SAMI_STYLELIST | Contains the friendly name of the supported Synchronized Accessible Media Interchange (SAMI) styles. This attribute applies only to SAMI files. |
MF_PD_TOTAL_FILE_SIZE | Specifies the total size of the source file, in bytes. |
MF_PD_VIDEO_ENCODING_BITRATE | Specifies the video encoding bit rate for the presentation, in bits per second. |
The following attributes apply to presentation descriptors for Advanced Systems Format (ASF) files.
Attribute | Description |
MF_PD_ASF_CODECLIST | Contains information about the codecs used to encode the content in an ASF file. |
MF_PD_ASF_CONTENTENCRYPTION_KEYID | Specifies the key identifier for an encrypted ASF file. |
MF_PD_ASF_CONTENTENCRYPTION_LICENSE_URL | Specifies the license acquisition URL for an encrypted ASF file. |
MF_PD_ASF_CONTENTENCRYPTION_SECRET_DATA | Contains secret data for an encrypted ASF file. |
MF_PD_ASF_CONTENTENCRYPTION_TYPE | Specifies the type of protection mechanism used in an ASF file. |
MF_PD_ASF_CONTENTENCRYPTIONEX_ENCRYPTION_DATA | Contains encryption data for an ASF file. |
MF_PD_ASF_DATA_LENGTH | Specifies the size, in bytes, of the data section of an ASF file. |
MF_PD_ASF_DATA_START_OFFSET | Specifies the offset, in bytes, from the start of an ASF file to the start of the first data packet. |
MF_PD_ASF_FILEPROPERTIES_CREATION_TIME | Specifies the date and time when an ASF file was initially created. |
MF_PD_ASF_FILEPROPERTIES_FILE_ID | Specifies the file identifier of an ASF file. |
MF_PD_ASF_FILEPROPERTIES_FLAGS | Contains miscellaneous flags from an ASF header. |
MF_PD_ASF_FILEPROPERTIES_MAX_BITRATE | Specifies the maximum instantaneous bit rate, in bits per second, for an ASF file. |
MF_PD_ASF_FILEPROPERTIES_MAX_PACKET_SIZE | Specifies the maximum packet size, in bytes, for an ASF file |
MF_PD_ASF_FILEPROPERTIES_MIN_PACKET_SIZE | Specifies the minimum packet size, in bytes, for an ASF file. |
MF_PD_ASF_FILEPROPERTIES_PACKETS | Specifies the number of packets in the data section of an ASF file. |
MF_PD_ASF_FILEPROPERTIES_PLAY_DURATION | Specifies the time needed to play an ASF file, in 100-nanosecond units. |
MF_PD_ASF_FILEPROPERTIES_PREROLL | Specifies the amount of time to buffer data before starting to play an ASF file, in milliseconds. |
MF_PD_ASF_FILEPROPERTIES_SEND_DURATION | Specifies the time needed to send an ASF file, in 100-nanosecond units. |
MF_PD_ASF_INFO_HAS_AUDIO | Specifies whether an ASF file contains at least one audio stream. |
MF_PD_ASF_INFO_HAS_NON_AUDIO_VIDEO | Specifies whether an ASF file contains any non-audio, non-video streams. |
MF_PD_ASF_INFO_HAS_VIDEO | Specifies whether an ASF file contains at least one video stream. |
MF_PD_ASF_LANGLIST | Specifies the list of languages used in an ASF file. |
MF_PD_ASF_LANGLIST_LEGACYORDER | Contains a list of RFC 1766 languages used in the current presentation. |
MF_PD_ASF_MARKER | Specifies the markers in an ASF file. |
MF_PD_ASF_METADATA_IS_VBR | Specifies whether an ASF file uses variable bit rate (VBR) encoding. |
MF_PD_ASF_METADATA_LEAKY_BUCKET_PAIRS | Describes the buffering requirements for a VBR ASF file. |
MF_PD_ASF_METADATA_V8_BUFFERAVERAGE | Specifies the average buffer size needed for a VBR ASF file. |
MF_PD_ASF_METADATA_V8_VBRPEAK | Specifies the highest momentary bit rate in a VBR ASF file. |
MF_PD_ASF_SCRIPT | Specifies the script commands in an ASF file. |