Version information makes it easier for applications to install files properly and enables setup programs to analyze files currently installed. The version-information resource contains the version number of the file, its intended operating system, and the original file name.
Determines whether the operating system can retrieve version information for a specified file. If version information is available, GetFileVersionInfoSize returns the size, in bytes, of that information.
Determines whether the operating system can retrieve version information for a specified file. If version information is available, GetFileVersionInfoSizeEx returns the size, in bytes, of that information.
Determines where to install a file based on whether it locates another version of the file in the system. The values VerFindFile returns in the specified buffers are used in a subsequent call to the VerInstallFile function.
Installs the specified file based on information returned from the VerFindFile function. VerInstallFile decompresses the file, if necessary, assigns a unique filename, and checks for errors, such as outdated files.
Retrieves specified version information from the specified version-information resource. To retrieve the appropriate resource, before you call VerQueryValue, you must first call the GetFileVersionInfoSize function, and then the GetFileVersionInfo function.
Depicts the organization of data in a file-version resource. It contains a string that describes a specific aspect of a file, for example, a file's version, its copyright notices, or its trademarks.
Depicts the organization of data in a file-version resource. It contains version information that can be displayed for a particular language and code page.
Depicts the organization of data in a file-version resource. It contains language and code page formatting information for the strings specified by the Children member. A code page is an ordered character set.
Depicts the organization of data in a file-version resource. It typically contains a list of language and code page identifier pairs that the version of the application or DLL supports.
Depicts the organization of data in a file-version resource. It contains version information not dependent on a particular language and code page combination.