void attribute
The base type void indicates a procedure with no arguments or a procedure that does not return a result value.
void function-name(parameter-list);
return-type function-name(void);
typedef [context_handle] void * context-handle-type;
return-type function-name(
[context_handle] void * * context-handle-type
, ...);
Specifies the name of the remote procedure.
Specifies the list of parameters passed to the function along with the associated parameter types and parameter attributes.
Specifies the name of the type returned by the function.
Specifies the name of the type that takes the [context_handle] attribute.
The pointer type void *, which in C describes a generic pointer that can be cast to represent any pointer type, is limited in MIDL to its use with the [context_handle] keyword.
void VoidFunc1(void);
HRESULT VoidFunc2([in, out] short s1);
typedef [context_handle] void * MY_CX_HNDL_TYPE;
HRESULT InitHandle([out] MY_CX_HNDL_TYPE * ppCxHndl);