Retrieving a Collection


Internet Authentication Service (IAS) was renamed Network Policy Server (NPS) starting with Windows Server 2008. The content of this topic applies to both IAS and NPS. Throughout the text, NPS is used to refer to all versions of the service, including the versions originally referred to as IAS.


The following code retrieves the clients collection for the Network Policy Server.

// Retrieve the clients collection 
   HRESULT hr;
   CComPtr<ISdo>  pSdo;
   hr = pSdoServiceControl->QueryInterface(
      (void**) &pSdo
   if (FAILED(hr))
      return hr;

   // First Retrieve the protocols collection
   _variant_t  vtProtocolsCollection;
   hr = pSdo->GetProperty(
   if (FAILED(hr))
      return hr;

   // Get the ISdoCollection interface 
   // for the object.
   CComPtr<ISdoCollection>  pProtocolsCollection;
   hr = vtProtocolsCollection.pdispVal->QueryInterface(
      (void **) &pProtocolsCollection
   if (FAILED(hr))
      return hr;

   // Then retrieve the RADIUS protocol
   CComPtr<IDispatch> pRadiusDispatch;
   _variant_t  vtProtocolName = L"Microsoft Radius Protocol";
   hr = pProtocolsCollection->Item(&vtProtocolName, &pRadiusDispatch);
   if (FAILED(hr))
      return hr;

   CComPtr<ISdo> pRadiusSdo;
   hr = pRadiusDispatch->QueryInterface(      
      (void **) &pRadiusSdo

   if (FAILED(hr))
      return hr;

   // Then retrieve the clients collection
   _variant_t  vtClientsCollection;
   hr = pRadiusSdo->GetProperty(PROPERTY_RADIUS_CLIENTS_COLLECTION, &vtClientsCollection);
   if (FAILED(hr))
      return hr;

   CComPtr<ISdoCollection> pClientsCollection;
   hr = vtClientsCollection.pdispVal->QueryInterface(      
      (void **) &pClientsCollection

   if (FAILED(hr))
      return hr;


The pSdoServiceControl variable contains a pointer to a Server Data Object for NPS. For more information, see the topic Retrieving a Service SDO.

The vtClientsCollection variable is of type _variant_t. A _variant_t object encapsulates, or encloses, the VARIANT data type. The class manages resource allocation and deallocation, and makes function calls to VariantInit and VariantClear as appropriate.

After the call to "pSdo->GetProperty()", the vtProtocolsCollection variable specifies an object. The pdispVal member of vtProtocolsCollection contains a pointer to the IDispatch interface for the object.

The above sample code can be adapted to retrieve other NPS collections, for example the NPS Request Handlers collections. The IASPROPERTIES enumeration type enumerated values that correspond to the available NPS collections.





Retrieving a Service SDO

