People Near Me APIs

Any applications capable of People Near Me (PNM) can use the following Win32 APIs:

Contacts API

The Contacts API is used to access the contact information for the logged on user, retrieve information about previously stored contacts, or store the contact information and digital certificate of a new contact.

People Near Me API

The PNM API is used to find users nearby, their advertised interests, any arbitrary objects they choose to publish, and advertised applications.

Publication API

The Publication API is used to interact with remote contacts. The Peer Signaling layer used by the Publication Manager is also used by the PNM module for establishing connections.

Invitation API

The Invitation API is used by a collaboration application to invite specific peer(s) into a collaboration activity.

Application Registration API

The Application Registration API is used by the installer of a collaboration application to register the application. A PNM-capable application will prompt the user during the installation process to determine whether the application should be made available to users on the subnet.