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Use advance techniques in canvas apps to perform custom updates and optimization - Training
Use advance techniques in canvas apps to perform custom updates and optimization
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Use the following functions to consume and provide performance data.
Use the Performance Data Helper (PDH) functions to consume performance data from both V1 and V2 performance data providers.
Windows OneCore apps cannot use the PDH functions. If you are writing Windows OneCore apps, use PerfLib V2 Consumer functions.
Use the PerfLib V2 Consumer functions to consume performance data from V2 performance data providers if you cannot use the Performance Data Helper (PDH) functions. These functions might be used when writing OneCore applications to collect V2 countersets or when you need to collect specific V2 countersets with minimal dependencies and overhead.
The PerfLib V2 Consumer functions are harder to use than the Performance Data Helper (PDH) functions and only support collecting data from V2 providers. The PDH functions should be preferred for most applications.
V2 performance data providers use the following functions:
To install and uninstall V2 providers, use the lodctr and unlodctr tools. The LoadPerfCounterTextStrings and UnloadPerfCounterTextStrings functions cannot be used to install and uninstall V2 providers.
V1 performance data providers implement a DLL that provides the following functions:
Due to significant performance and reliability issues, V1 performance data providers are deprecated. Although you still can use a performance extension DLL to provide counter data, you are encouraged to create a V2 provider instead. You also are encouraged to replace existing V1 providers with V2 providers.
V1 providers can be installed and uninstalled using the lodctr and unlodctr tools or by calling the following functions:
Learning path
Use advance techniques in canvas apps to perform custom updates and optimization - Training
Use advance techniques in canvas apps to perform custom updates and optimization
Performance Counters Data Types - Win32 apps
PDH defines the following data types.
Performance Counters Structures - Win32 apps
You use the following structures when working with performance data.
Performance Counters - Win32 apps
Use Windows Performance Counters to collect system data such as CPU, memory, and disk usage to identify performance bottlenecks and fine tune performance.