Add a Signature Request to an XPS Document
This topic describes how to add a signature request to an XPS document. A signature request prompts a user to sign a document if he or she agrees with the signature intent.
Before using the following code examples in your program, read the disclaimer in Common Digital Signature Programming Tasks.
To add a signature request to an XPS Document:
- Load the XPS document into a signature manager, as described in Initialize the Signature Manager.
- Add a signature block to the signature manager.
- Create a signature request in the new signature block.
- Set the properties of the signature request:
- Set the signature intent.
- Set the name of the person whose signature is requested (the requested signer).
- Set the date the signature is required.
- Set other signature properties as required.
The following code example illustrates how to add a signature request to an XPS document.
AddSignatureRequestToDocument (
__in IXpsSignatureManager *signatureManager,
__in LPCWSTR reasonForSignatureRequest,
__in LPCWSTR nameOfRequestedSigner,
__in LPCWSTR requestSignByDate
IXpsSignatureBlock *signatureDefinition = NULL;
IXpsSignatureRequest *signatureRequest = NULL;
// Create a new signature block and get a pointer to it
hr = signatureManager->AddSignatureBlock (NULL, 0, &signatureDefinition);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
// Create a new signature request to use for this signature block
hr = signatureDefinition->CreateRequest(NULL, &signatureRequest);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
// Initialize the properties of the signature request
// Set the string that describes the purpose of the signature
// to the person who will sign the document.
hr = signatureRequest->SetIntent(reasonForSignatureRequest);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
// Set the name of the person whose signature is requested.
hr = signatureRequest->SetRequestedSigner(nameOfRequestedSigner);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
// Set the date that the person should sign the document.
// The person is requested to sign the document on or before
// the date specified in this field. Refer to the help text
// for the correct format of this string.
hr = signatureRequest->SetRequestSignByDate(requestSignByDate);
if (NULL != signatureDefinition) signatureDefinition->Release();
if (NULL != signatureRequest) signatureRequest->Release();
return hr;
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