
This topic is not current. For the most current information, see the Print Schema Specification.

Describes the error sheet output. The entire job will have a single error sheet. The error sheet should be output on the default PageMediaSize and using the default PageMediaType. The error sheet should to be isolated from the remainder of the job. This means that any finishing or processing options (such as JobDuplex, JobStaple, or JobBinding) should not include the error sheet. The error sheet should occur as the final sheet of the job.

Element Information

Name Value
Element Type
Scoping Prefix
XPS-compliant consumers MUST enforce that a URI reference to a resource such as an image or color profile in either a Print Capabilities document or PrintTicket MUST refer to a part name (a relative URI to the package root) within the same XPS Document package that contains the resultant PrintTicket. A compliant XPS consumer MUST NOT use a URI that is not compliant with the part name syntax. These settings are XPS specific.
URIs which are referenced in either a Print Capabilities document or PrintTicket MUST NOT be resolved as URLs. This is unsafe as they may not resolve as intended and may create harmful security risks for the driver and operating system.

Structural Content

The XML structure of this element is:

<psf:Feature name="psk:JobErrorSheet">
  <!--Describes when an error sheet should be output. -->
  <psf:Feature name="psk:ErrorSheetWhen">
    <psf:Property name="psf:SelectionType">
      <psf:Value xsi:type="xs:string">psk:PickOne</psf:Value>
    <psf:Option name="psk:_ErrorSheetWhenOptionName_">
      <psf:Property name="psf:IdentityOption">
        <psf:Value xsi:type="xs:string">_ErrorSheetWhenIdentityOptionValue_</psf:Value>
  <psf:Property name="psf:SelectionType">
    <psf:Value xsi:type="xs:string">psk:PickOne</psf:Value>
  <psf:Option name="psk:_OptionName_">
    <psf:Property name="psf:IdentityOption">
      <psf:Value xsi:type="xs:string">_IdentityOptionValue_</psf:Value>
    <!-- Specifies the XPS part name for the error sheet. -->
    <psf:ScoredProperty name="psk:ErrorSheetSource">
      <psf:ParameterRef name="psk:JobErrorSheetSource" />

Structure Variables

The following table outlines the characteristics of the variables defined in the XML structure.

Name Data type Unit Supported values Summary
Valid fully qualified name as defined by Namespaces in XML. If no namespace is specified, default namespace is assumed.
The name of the option.
True, False.
Defines the user interface (UI) selection criteria.
Valid fully qualified name as defined by\#dt-qname. If no namespace is specified, default namespace is assumed.
The name of the option.
True, False.
Defines an Option which when selected would disable this feature.

Extensible Markup Language (XML) Content

The public Print Schema keywords are defined in the namespace. The public Extensible Markup Language (XML) content for this keyword is defined below:

<psf:Feature name="psk:JobErrorSheet">
  <psf:Feature name="psk:ErrorSheetWhen">
    <psf:Property name="psf:SelectionType">
      <psf:Value xsi:type="xs:string">psk:PickOne</psf:Value>
    <!-- Specifies an error sheet will be output for every job. -->
    <psf:Option name="psk:Always" />
    <!-- Specifies an error sheet will be output only on error. -->
    <psf:Option name="psk:OnError" />
  <psf:Property name="psf:SelectionType">
    <psf:Value xsi:type="xs:string">psk:PickOne</psf:Value>
  <!-- Specifies a custom error sheet should be output. If a JobErrorSheetSource 
     ParameterInit element is not specified, this Option should be ignored. -->
  <psf:Option name="psk:Custom">
    <psf:ScoredProperty name="psk:ErrorSheetSource">
      <psf:ParameterRef name="psk:JobErrorSheetSource" />
  <!-- Specifies no error sheet should be output. -->
  <psf:Option name="psk:None" />
  <!-- Specifies the standard (device defined) error sheet should be output. -->
  <psf:Option name="psk:Standard" />

Print Schema Specification