FROM Clause

Following the SELECT statement, you use the FROM clause to specify where to search for matching documents. The following is the syntax of the FROM clause for a local query:

FROM [<ComputerName>.]SystemIndex

Currently, Windows Search supports only one catalog, SystemIndex. To query the local catalog of a remote computer, include the computer name before the catalog and a Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path on the remote computer in the SCOPE or DIRECTORY clause.

You specify a scope as a restriction in the WHERE clause, as described in the SCOPE and DIRECTORY Predicates topic.


SELECT System.ItemName,System.ItemUrl
FROM SystemIndex WHERE CONTAINS('Microsoft')

SELECT System.Author,System.ItemName,System.ItemUrl
FROM zarascomputer.SystemIndex WHERE SCOPE='file://zarascomputer/SomeFolder' AND CONTAINS('Microsoft')

SELECT System.Author,System.ItemName,System.ItemUrl
FROM server.SystemIndex WHERE SCOPE='file://server/users' AND CONTAINS('Microsoft')

In the second of the preceding examples, the query targets a remote computer called "zarascomputer". Notice that this computer name appears in both the FROM and SCOPE clauses. In the third example, the query targets a share name "users" on a server named "server" (where the UNC path would be \\server\users).


Overview of the Search SQL Syntax

SELECT Statement

WHERE Clause

SCOPE and DIRECTORY Predicates