Control file and folder handling in Power Automate for desktop - Training
Learn about the files and folders actions in Microsoft Power Automate for desktop.
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This topic lists the main programming elements used with shortcut (context) menus, and shortcut menu handlers. Shortcut menu handlers, which also known as context menu handlers or verb handlers, are a type of file type handler.
It is strongly encouraged that you implement a shortcut menu using one of the static verb methods. Please review the following instructions:
Topic | Contents |
IContextMenu | Exposes methods that either create or merge a shortcut menu associated with a Shell object. |
IContextMenu2 | Exposes methods that either create or merge a shortcut (context) menu associated with a Shell object. Extends IContextMenu by adding a method that allows client objects to handle messages associated with owner-drawn menu items. |
IContextMenu3 | Exposes methods that either create or merge a shortcut menu associated with a Shell object. Allows client objects to handle messages associated with owner-drawn menu items and extends IContextMenu2 by accepting a return value from that message handling. |
IContextMenuCB | Exposes a method that enables the callback of a context menu. For example, to add a shield icon to a menuItem that requires elevation. |
IContextMenuSite | Implemented by the default folder view created using SHCreateShellFolderView. An implementation of IContextMenuSite supports IContextMenu::QueryContextMenu, IContextMenu::InvokeCommand, and TrackPopupMenu and any message forwarding necessary for that function. IContextMenuSite typically updates the status bar as well. |
Topic | Contents |
CDefFolderMenu_Create2 | Creates a context menu for a selected group of file folder objects. |
LPFNDFMCALLBACK | Defines the prototype for the callback function that receives messages from the Shell's default context menu implementation. |
SHCreateDefaultContextMenu | Creates an object that represents the Shell's default context menu implementation. |
Topic | Contents |
CMINVOKECOMMANDINFO | Contains information needed by IContextMenu::InvokeCommand to invoke a shortcut menu command. |
CMINVOKECOMMANDINFOEX | Contains extended information about a shortcut menu command. This structure is an extended version of CMINVOKECOMMANDINFO that allows the use of Unicode values. |
DEFCONTEXTMENU | Contains context menu information used by SHCreateDefaultContextMenu. |
Control file and folder handling in Power Automate for desktop - Training
Learn about the files and folders actions in Microsoft Power Automate for desktop.