Shell.Open method
Opens the specified folder.
iRetVal = Shell.Open(
Shell.Open( _
ByVal vDir As Variant _
) As Integer
vDir [in]
Type: Variant
A string that specifies the path of the folder or one of the ShellSpecialFolderConstants values. Note that the constant names found in ShellSpecialFolderConstants are available in Visual Basic, but not in VBScript or JScript. In those cases, the numeric values must be used in their place.
If vDir is set to one of the ShellSpecialFolderConstants and the special folder does not exist, this function will create the folder.
The following example shows Open in use. Proper usage is shown for JScript, VBScript, and Visual Basic.
<script language="JScript">
function fnShellOpenJ()
var objShell = new ActiveXObject("shell.application");
var ssfWINDOWS = 36
<script language="VBScript">
function fnShellOpenVB()
dim objShell
set objShell = CreateObject("shell.application")
set objShell = nothing
end function
Visual Basic:
Private Sub fnShellOpenVB()
Dim objShell As Shell
Set objShell = New Shell
Set objShell = Nothing
End Sub
Requirement | Value |
Minimum supported client |
Windows 2000 Professional, Windows XP [desktop apps only] |
Minimum supported server |
Windows 2000 Server [desktop apps only] |
Header |