Support for IPX Address Strings in WinSNMP

WinSNMP 2.0 formalizes the use of IPX address strings. If you specify an IPX address string as an input parameter to the SnmpStrToEntity function, you must format the string using the following standards:

  • A network number that consists of eight hexadecimal digits (zero-filled if necessary)
  • A separator (either ":", "." or " – ")
  • A node number that consists of 12 hexadecimal digits (zero-filled if necessary)

For example, 00000001:00081A0D01C2 or 00000001.00081a0d01c2. Hexadecimal digits can be uppercase or lowercase.

This is the format the SnmpEntityToStr function uses to return an IPX address string. The string is returned when an application that is operating in one of the SNMPAPI_UNTRANSLATED modes calls the SnmpEntityToStr function. The string can also be returned when the application is operating in SNMPAPI_TRANSLATED mode and no user-friendly name is available for the entity.