Sets the provided system information.
NTAPI NtSetSystemInformation (
__in SYSTEM_INFORMATION_CLASS SystemInformationClass,
__in_bcount_opt(SystemInformationLength) PVOID SystemInformation,
__in ULONG SystemInformationLength
One of the values enumerated in SYSTEM_INFORMATION_CLASS, which indicate the kind of system information to be set. For information about this enumeration, see NtQuerySystemInformation. NtSetSystemInformation only supports a subset of the information classes listed.
A pointer to a buffer that specifies the new information. The size and structure of this information varies depending on the value of the SystemInformationClass parameter. For more information, see the description of the SystemInformation parameter for NtQuerySystemInformation.
The length of the SystemInformation buffer, in bytes.
Return value
Returns an NTSTATUS success or error code.
This API is not defined in a Windows SDK header file and must be manually declared. The API is exported from ntdll.dll.