IAnalysisRegion::GetRegionScans method

Retrieves an array of rectangles that defines the area of the IAnalysisRegion.


HRESULT GetRegionScans(
  [out] ULONG *pulCount,
  [out] RECT  **pRegionScans


pulCount [out]

The number of rectangles returned in pRegionScans.

pRegionScans [out]

A pointer to an array of rectangles that defines the area of the IAnalysisRegion.

Return value

For a description of the return values, see Classes and Interfaces - Ink Analysis.


If pRegionScans is passed as NULL, the GetRegionScans method returns S_OK and the number of rectangles is returned in pulCount.


To avoid a memory leak, use CoTaskMemFree to release the memory from *pRegionScans when you no longer need the information.

The bounds of the rectangles are in ink-space coordinates.

The union of the returned rectangles represents the area of the IAnalysisRegion.


The following example shows how to get the rectangles that define the area of the IAnalysisRegion, region and how to get only the number of rectangles.

// Get the count and the rectangles.
ULONG count = 0;
RECT* rects = 0;
region->GetRegionScans(&count, &rects);

// Use rects


// GetRegionScans just gets the count and returns S_OK
ULONG number = 0;
region->GetRegionScans(&number, NULL); 


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client
Windows XP Tablet PC Edition [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server
None supported
IACom.h (also requires IACom_i.c)

See also


IAnalysisRegion::GetBounds Method

Ink Analysis Reference