PenInputPanel.PanelMoving event

Deprecated. The PenInputPanel has been replaced by the Text Input Panel (TIP).

Occurs when the PenInputPanel object is moving.


HRESULT PanelMoving(
  [in, out] long *Left,
  [in, out] long *Top


Left [in, out]

The new horizontal, or x-axis, position of the left edge of the PenInputPanel object, in screen coordinates.

Top [in, out]

The new vertical, or y-axis, position of the left edge of the PenInputPanel object, in screen coordinates.

Return value

If this event succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code.


The PanelMoving event is designed to be used to change the position of the pen input panel by changing the Left and Top parameters.

The MoveTo and Refresh methods cause the PenInputPanel object to call its auto-positioning code which triggers a PanelMoving event. Consequently, calling these methods inside a PanelMoving handler can result in a recursive endless loop.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client
Windows XP Tablet PC Edition [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server
None supported
Msinkaut.h (also requires Msinkaut_i.c)

See also
