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TAPI 2.1

TAPI 2.1 provides one addition to the previous TAPI 2.0 specification: client/server functionality. With TAPI 2.1 and later, telephony hardware can be installed on a telephony server that can be accessed from any computer on a network. A new set of functions allows administration DLLs to be written to control who has access to remote resources.

Windows Me/98/95: TAPI 2.1 provides support for 32-bit TSPs. The TAPI 2.1 system binaries, when installed support:

  • 32-bit TAPI 1.3, TAPI 1.4, and TAPI 2.x applications
  • 32-bit TAPI 2.x TSPs
  • 16-bit TAPI 1.3 and TAPI 1.4 applications
  • 16-bit TAPI 1.3 and TAPI 1.4 TSPs