Text Services Framework Interfaces
The Text Services Framework includes the following interfaces.
- IAnchor
- IEnumITfCompositionView
- IEnumTfCandidates
- IEnumTfContexts
- IEnumTfContextViews
- IEnumTfDisplayAttributeInfo
- IEnumTfDocumentMgrs
- IEnumTfFunctionProviders
- IEnumTfLangBarItems
- IEnumTfLanguageProfiles
- IEnumTfLatticeElements
- IEnumTfProperties
- IEnumTfPropertyValue
- IEnumTfRanges
- ISoftKbd
- ITextStoreACP
- ITextStoreACP2
- ITextStoreACPServices
- ITextStoreACPSink
- ITextStoreAnchor
- ITextStoreAnchorSink
- ITfActiveLanguageProfileNotifySink
- ITfCandidateList
- ITfCandidateString
- ITfCategoryMgr
- ITfCleanupContextDurationSink
- ITfCleanupContextSink
- ITfClientId
- ITfCompartment
- ITfCompartmentEventSink
- ITfCompartmentMgr
- ITfComposition
- ITfCompositionSink
- ITfCompositionView
- ITfConfigureSystemKeystrokeFeed
- ITfContext
- ITfContextComposition
- ITfContextKeyEventSink
- ITfContextOwner
- ITfContextOwnerCompositionServices
- ITfContextOwnerCompositionSink
- ITfContextOwnerServices
- ITfContextView
- ITfCreatePropertyStore
- ITfDisplayAttributeInfo
- ITfDisplayAttributeMgr
- ITfDisplayAttributeNotifySink
- ITfDisplayAttributeProvider
- ITfDocumentMgr
- ITfEditRecord
- ITfEditSession
- ITfEditTransactionSink
- ITfFnAdviseText
- ITfFnBalloon
- ITfFnConfigure
- ITfFnConfigureRegisterWord
- ITfFnGetLinguisticAlternates
- ITfFnGetPreferredTouchKeyboardLayout
- ITfFnGetSAPIObject
- ITfFnLMInternal
- ITfFnLMProcessor
- ITfFnPlayBack
- ITfFnPropertyUIStatus
- ITfFnReconversion
- ITfFnSearchCandidateProvider
- ITfFnShowHelp
- ITfFunction
- ITfFunctionProvider
- ITfIntegratableCandidateListUIElement
- ITfInputProcessorProfiles
- ITfInputProcessorProfilesEx
- ITfInputProcessorProfileSubstituteLayout
- ITfInputScope
- ITfInsertAtSelection
- ITfKeyEventSink
- ITfKeystrokeMgr
- ITfKeyTraceEventSink
- ITfLangBarEventSink
- ITfLangBarItem
- ITfLangBarItemBalloon
- ITfLangBarItemBitmap
- ITfLangBarItemBitmapButton
- ITfLangBarItemButton
- ITfLangBarItemMgr
- ITfLangBarItemSink
- ITfLangBarMgr
- ITfLanguageProfileNotifySink
- ITfLMLattice
- ITfMenu
- ITfMessagePump
- ITfMouseSink
- ITfMouseTracker
- ITfMouseTrackerACP
- ITfMSAAControl
- ITfPersistentPropertyLoaderACP
- ITfPreservedKeyNotifySink
- ITfProperty
- ITfPropertyStore
- ITfQueryEmbedded
- ITfRange
- ITfRangeACP
- ITfRangeBackup
- ITfReadOnlyProperty
- ITfReverseConversion
- ITfReverseConversionList
- ITfReverseConversionMgr
- ITfSource
- ITfSourceSingle
- ITfSpeechUIServer
- ITfStatusSink
- ITfSystemDeviceTypeLangBarItem
- ITfSystemLangBarItem
- ITfSystemLangBarItemSink
- ITfTextEditSink
- ITfTextInputProcessor
- ITfTextLayoutSink
- ITfThreadFocusSink
- ITfThreadMgr
- ITfThreadMgr2
- ITfThreadMgrEventSink
- ITfThreadMgrEx
- ITfToolTipUIElement
- ITfTransitoryExtensionSink
- ITfTransitoryExtensionUIElement
- ITfUIElement
- ITfUIElementMgr
- ITfUIElementSink
- IUIManagerEventSink