VML TextBox Element
This topic describes VML, a feature that is deprecated as of Windows Internet Explorer 9. Webpages and applications that rely on VML should be migrated to SVG or other widely supported standards.
As of December 2011, this topic has been archived. As a result, it is no longer actively maintained. For more information, see Archived Content. For information, recommendations, and guidance regarding the current version of Windows Internet Explorer, see Internet Explorer Developer Center.
Defines a text box for a shape.
The following attributes modify a text box.
Attribute | Description |
Direction | Defines the direction of the text. |
ID | Defines a unique identifier for the textbox. |
Inset | Specifies inner margin values for textbox text. |
InsetMode | Defines how an application will allow custom inset values. |
Layout-Flow | Determines the flow of the text in the textbox. |
MSO-Direction-Alt | Defines alternate directions for text in textboxes. |
MSO-Fit-Shape-To-Text | Determines whether a shape will stretch to fit text. |
MSO-Fit-Text-To-Shape | Determines whether text will stretch to fit a shape. |
MSO-Layout-Flow-Alt | Defines the alternate layout flow for text in a textbox. |
MSO-Next-Textbox | Specifies the next textbox in a series. |
MSO-Rotate | Determines whether text rotates with a rotated shape. |
MSO-Text-Scale | Defines the scaling factor for fitting text to shapes. |
SingleClick | Determines whether text is selectable with a single click. |
V-Text-Anchor | Defines the vertical anchoring of text in a textbox. |
This element must be defined within a Shape element.
The following is the minimum code needed to produce a textbox.
<v:oval strokecolor="red" fillcolor="yellow
Note that the text displayed in the textbox is enclosed by the TextBox tags. The text inside the tags can be modified by ordinary HTML tags.