Windows Virtual PC Enumerations
[Windows Virtual PC is no longer available for use as of Windows 8. Instead, use the Hyper-V WMI provider (V2).]
The following enumerations are supported by Windows Virtual PC:
- VMDisplayVideoMode
- VMDriveBusType
- VMDriveType
- VMDVDDriveAttachmentType
- VMDVDDriveEvent
- VMEndpointType
- VMFloppyDiskImageType
- VMFloppyDriveAttachmentType
- vmFloppyDriveEvent
- VMHardDiskType
- VMLogoffType
- VMMouseButton
- VMSerialPortType
- VMShutdownAction
- VMStartupOption
- VMTaskResult
- VMUndoAction
- VMUSBDeviceClassEnum
- VMVirtualMachineEvents
- VMVirtualPCEvent
- VMVMState