VShadow Tool and Sample

VShadow is a command-line tool that you can use to create and manage volume shadow copies.


VShadow is included in the Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit (SDK) for Windows Vista and later. The VSS 7.2 SDK includes a version of VShadow that runs only on Windows Server 2003. For information about downloading the Windows SDK and the VSS 7.2 SDK, see Volume Shadow Copy Service.

The VShadow tool uses command-line options and optional flags to identify the work to perform. When used without any command-line options, the VShadow command creates a new shadow copy set.

VShadow commands perform the following operations:

Creating a Shadow Copy Set

vshadow [OptionalFlags] VolumeList

This command creates a new shadow copy set.

VolumeList is a list of volume names. VShadow creates one shadow copy for each volume in the list. A volume name can optionally be terminated with a backslash (\). For example, both C: and C:\ are valid volume names. You can also specify mounted folders (for example, C:\DirectoryName) or volume GUID names (for example, \\?\Volume{bbbbcccc-1111-dddd-2222-eeee3333ffff}).

OptionalFlags is a bitmask of optional flag values from the following table.

Optional Flag Value Description
-ad This optional flag specifies differential hardware shadow copies. This flag and the -ap flag are mutually exclusive.
Note: This flag is supported only on Windows server operating systems.
-ap This optional flag specifies plex hardware shadow copies. This flag and the -ad flag are mutually exclusive.
Note: This flag is supported only on Windows server operating systems.
-bc=File.xml This optional flag specifies non-transportable shadow copies and stores the Backup Components Document into the specified file. This file can be used in a subsequent restore operation. This flag and the -t flag are mutually exclusive.
Note: This flag is supported only on Windows server operating systems.
-exec=<Command> This optional flag executes a command or script after the shadow copies are created but before the VShadow tool exits. <Command> can specify an executable shell command or a CMD file. If it specifies a shell command, no command parameters can be specified.
Note: For security reasons and to keep the implementation simple, the -exec optional flag will not accept parameters to be passed to the command or script. The entire string passed to the -exec optional flag is treated as a single CMD or EXE file. For more information about this limitation, see the VShadow source code.
-forcerevert This optional flag specifies that the shadow copy operation should be completed only if all disk signatures can be reverted.
Note: This flag is supported only on Windows server operating systems.
Windows Server 2003: Not supported.
-mask This optional flag specifies that the shadow copy LUNs should be masked from the computer when the shadow copy set is broken.
Note: This flag is supported only on Windows server operating systems.
Windows Server 2003: Not supported.
-nar This optional flag specifies shadow copies without auto-recovery. For more information about this option, see the documentation for the VSS_VOLSNAP_ATTR_NO_AUTORECOVERY flag of the _VSS_VOLUME_SNAPSHOT_ATTRIBUTES] enumeration.
-norevert This optional flag specifies that disk signatures should not be reverted.
Note: This flag is supported only on Windows server operating systems.
Windows Server 2003: Not supported.
-nw This optional flag specifies shadow copies without involving writers. For more information about shadow copies without writer participation, see Shadow Copy Creation Details. This flag and the -wi and -wx flags are mutually exclusive.
-p This optional flag specifies persistent shadow copies.
Note: This flag is supported only on Windows server operating systems.
-rw This optional flag specifies that the shadow copy LUNs should be made read/write when the shadow copy set is broken.
Note: This flag is supported only on Windows server operating systems.
Windows Server 2003: Not supported.
-scsf This optional flag specifies client-accessible shadow copies.
Note: This flag is supported only on Windows server operating systems.
-script=File.cmd This optional flag generates a CMD file containing environment variables related to the created shadow copies, such as shadow copy IDs and shadow copy set IDs.
-t=File.xml This optional flag specifies transportable shadow copies and stores the Backup Components Document into the file specified by the File.xml parameter. This file can be used in a subsequent import and/or restore operation. This flag and the -bc flag are mutually exclusive.
Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition and Windows Server 2003, Web Edition: Transportable shadow copies are not supported. All editions of Windows Server 2003 with Service Pack 1 (SP1) support transportable shadow copies.
-tr This optional flag specifies that TxF recovery should be enforced during shadow copy creation.
Note: This flag is supported only on Windows server operating systems.
-tracing This optional flag generates verbose output that can be used for troubleshooting.
-wait This optional flag causes the VShadow tool to wait for user confirmation before exiting.
-wi=<Writer> This optional flag verifies that the specified writer or component is included in the shadow copy. <Writer> can specify a component path, writer name, writer ID, or writer instance ID. This flag and the -nw flag are mutually exclusive.
-wx=<Writer> This optional flag verifies that the specified writer or component is excluded from the shadow copy. <Writer> can specify a component path, writer name, writer ID, or writer instance ID. This flag and the -nw flag are mutually exclusive.

Importing a Shadow Copy Set

vshadow [OptionalFlags] -i=File.xml

The -i command-line option imports a transportable shadow copy set.


This command-line option is supported only on Windows server operating systems.

The File.xml file must be a Backup Components Document file for a transportable shadow copy set that was created with the -t or -bc optional flag.

A shadow copy set is a persistent shadow copy if it was created with the -p optional flag. If the transportable shadow copy set is nonpersistent, it appears for a short time while the shadow copy creation command is running, and is automatically deleted when the command returns. You can import nonpersistent shadow copies only during shadow copy creation, by creating the shadow copy set using the -exec optional flag to execute a CMD file that calls VShadow -i.

The -i command-line option cannot be combined with other command-line options.

OptionalFlags is a bitmask of optional flag values from the following table.

Optional Flag Value Description
-exec=<Command> This optional flag executes a command or script after the shadow copies are imported but before the VShadow tool exits. <Command> can specify an executable shell command or a CMD file. If it specifies a shell command, no command parameters can be specified.
-tracing This optional flag generates verbose output that can be used for troubleshooting.
-wait This optional flag causes the VShadow tool to wait for user confirmation before exiting.

Querying Shadow Copy Properties

vshadow -q

vshadow -qx=<ShadowCopySetId>

vshadow -s=<ShadowCopyId>

The -q command-line option lists the properties of all shadow copies on the computer.

The -qx command-line option lists the properties of all shadow copies in the shadow copy set whose ID is specified by <ShadowCopySetId>.

The -s command-line option lists the properties of the shadow copy whose ID is specified by <ShadowCopyId>.

These command-line options use a combination of IVssBackupComponents::Query and IVssBackupComponents::GetSnapshotProperties to get the properties of the given set of shadow copies.

The -q, -qx, and -s command-line options are mutually exclusive and cannot be combined with other command-line options.

Deleting Shadow Copies

vshadow** -da

vshadow -do

vshadow -dx=<ShadowCopySetId>

vshadow -ds=<ShadowCopyId>

The -da command deletes all shadow copies on the computer.


The -da command-line option requires user confirmation.

The -do command-line option deletes the oldest shadow copy on the computer.

The -dx command-line option deletes all shadow copies in the shadow copy set whose ID is specified by <ShadowCopySetId>.

The -ds command-line option deletes the shadow copy whose ID is specified by <ShadowCopyId>.

These command-line options are for use with persistent shadow copies only. Nonpersistent shadow copies do not need to be explicitly deleted, because they are automatically deleted when the VShadow creation command exits.

The -da, -do, -dx, and -ds command-line options are mutually exclusive and cannot be combined with other command-line options.

Breaking a Shadow Copy Set

vshadow -b=<ShadowCopySetId>

vshadow -bw=<ShadowCopySetId>

The -b=<ShadowCopySetId> command-line option converts each shadow copy in the shadow copy set into a stand-alone read-only volume.

The -bw=<ShadowCopySetId> command-line option converts each shadow copy in the shadow copy set into a stand-alone writable volume.


The -b and -bw command-line options are supported only on Windows server operating systems.

For information about breaking a shadow copy set, see Breaking Shadow Copies.

After the shadow copy set is broken, the shadow copy set and the individual shadow copies no longer exist and cannot be managed using VSS commands.

A shadow copy set is persistent if it was created with the -p optional flag. If the transportable shadow copy set is nonpersistent, it appears for a short time while the shadow copy creation command is running, and is automatically deleted when the command returns. You can break nonpersistent shadow copy sets only during shadow copy creation, by creating the shadow copy set using the -exec optional flag to execute a CMD file that calls vshadow -b or vshadow -bw.

The -b and -bw command-line options are mutually exclusive and cannot be combined with other command-line options.

Breaking a Shadow Copy Set Using the BreakSnapshotSetEx Method

vshadow -bex

The -bex command-line option breaks a shadow copy set according to the options specified by the optional -mask, -rw, -forcerevert, and -norevert flags. This command-line option is similar to the -b and -bw command-line options. The -bex command-line option uses the IVssBackupComponentsEx2::BreakSnapshotSetEx method, whereas the -b and -bw command-line options use the IVssBackupComponents::BreakSnapshotSet method.

For information about breaking a shadow copy set, see Breaking Shadow Copies.


The -bex command-line option is supported only on Windows server operating systems.

vshadow -bex -mask

The -mask flag specifies that the shadow copy LUN will be masked from the host. If the -mask flag is specified, the -rw, -forcerevert, and -norevert flags cannot be specified.

vshadow -bex -rw

The -rw flag specifies that the shadow copy LUN will be exposed to the host as a read/write volume.

vshadow -bex -forcerevert

The -forcerevert flag specifies that the disk identifiers of all of the shadow copy LUNs will be reverted to that of the original LUNs. However, if any of the original LUNs are present on the system, the operation will fail and none of the identifiers will be reverted. This flag and the -norevert flag are mutually exclusive.

vshadow -bex -norevert

The -norevert flag specifies that none of the shadow copy LUN disk identifiers will be reverted. This flag and the -forcerevert flag are mutually exclusive.

Exposing a Shadow Copy Locally

vshadow -el=<ShadowCopyId>,<LocalEmptyDirectory>

vshadow -el=<ShadowCopyId>,<UnusedDriveLetter>

The -el command-line option assigns a mounted folder or a drive letter to a persistent shadow copy. Note that the volume contents will remain read-only unless you subsequently call vshadow -bw to break the shadow copy set.


Nonpersistent shadow copies and client-accessible shadow copies cannot be exposed locally.

For example, if {bbbbcccc-1111-dddd-2222-eeee3333ffff} is the GUID of an existing persistent shadow copy, and X: is an unused drive letter, the following command exposes the shadow copy under X::

vshadow -el={bbbbcccc-1111-dddd-2222-eeee3333ffff},x:

The following example shows how to expose the same shadow copy under the mounted folder C:\ShadowCopies\June23:

mkdir c:\ShadowCopies\June23

vshadow -el={bbbbcccc-1111-dddd-2222-eeee3333ffff},c:\ShadowCopies\June23

The -el command-line option cannot be combined with other command-line options.

Exposing a Shadow Copy Remotely

vshadow -er=<ShadowCopyId>,<UnusedShareName>

vshadow -er=<ShadowCopyId>,<UnusedShareName>,<PathFromRootOnShadow>

The -er command-line option assigns a read-only share name to the root directory (or a subdirectory) from the shadow copy. Note that the share contents will remain read-only unless you subsequently call vshadow -bw to break the shadow copy set.


Client-accessible shadow copies cannot be exposed remotely.

For example, if {bbbbcccc-1111-dddd-2222-eeee3333ffff} is the GUID of an existing persistent shadow copy, and share_123 is an unused share name, the following command exposes the shadow copy under share_123:

vshadow -er={bbbbcccc-1111-dddd-2222-eeee3333ffff},share_123

The following example shows how to expose only a subtree (named Folder1\Folder2) of the same shadow copy under the same share:

vshadow -er={bbbbcccc-1111-dddd-2222-eeee3333ffff},share_123,Folder1\Folder2

The -er command-line option cannot be combined with other command-line options.

Listing Writer Status and Metadata

vshadow -ws

vshadow -wm

vshadow -wm2

vshadow -wm3

The -ws command-line option enumerates the VSS writers that are currently running on the computer and describes their state. This command is the equivalent of the Vssadmin list writers command. There are six possible state values: Stable, Failed, Unknown, Waiting for freeze, Frozen, and Waiting for completion.

The -wm command-line option lists a summary of the writer metadata, including the affected volumes.

The -wm2 command-line option lists all writer metadata.

The -wm3 command-line option lists all writer metadata in raw XML format.

Windows Vista and Windows Server 2003: The -wm3 command-line option is not supported.

You can use this information to determine which volumes to include in the volume shadow copy set.


If the writer state is Stable or Waiting for completion, the writer can be considered to be in a stable state, ready for the next backup.

The -ws, -wm, -wm2, and -wm3 command-line options are mutually exclusive and cannot be combined with other command-line options.

Performing Restore Operations

vshadow [OptionalFlags] -r=File.xml

vshadow [OptionalFlags] -rs=File.xml

The -r command-line option performs a restore operation.

The -rs command-line option performs a simulated restore operation.

The File.xml file must be a Backup Components Document file for a shadow copy set that was created with the -t or -bc optional flag.

The -r and -rs command-line options are mutually exclusive and cannot be combined with other command-line options.

OptionalFlags is a bitmask of optional flag values from the following table.

Optional Flag Value Description
-wi=<Writer> This optional flag verifies that the specified writer or component is included in the restore. <Writer> can specify a component path, writer name, writer ID, or writer instance ID.
-wx=<Writer> This optional flag verifies that the specified writer or component is excluded from the restore. <Writer> can specify a component path, writer name, writer ID, or writer instance ID.
-exec=<Command> This optional flag executes a command or script between the pre-restore and post-restore events that are sent to the writers. <Command> can specify an executable shell command or a CMD file. If it specifies a shell command, no command parameters can be specified.
-tracing This optional flag generates verbose output that can be used for troubleshooting.

Reverting to a Previous Shadow Copy

vshadow -revert=<ShadowCopyId>


This command-line option is supported only on Windows server operating systems.

Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2003: Not supported.

The -revert command-line option reverts a volume to the previous shadow copy whose ID is specified by <ShadowCopyId>.

The -revert command-line option cannot be combined with other command-line options.

Resynchronizing LUNs

vshadow** -addresync=<ShadowCopyId> -resync=<BCDFileName> [OptionalResyncFlags]

vshadow -addresync=<ShadowCopyId>, <TargetVolumeDriveLetter> -resync=<BCDFileName> [OptionalResyncFlags]

The -addresync command-line option specifies the volumes to be included in a LUN resynchronization operation. The <ShadowCopyId> parameter specifies the identifier of the shadow copy. The optional <TargetVolumeDriveLetter> parameter specifies the destination volume where the contents of the shadow copy volume are to be copied.

The -resync command-line option initiates a LUN resynchronization operation. After the operation is complete, the signature of each target LUN should be identical to that of the target volume LUN. The <BCDFileName> parameter specifies the name of the XML file that contains the Backup Component Document.


The -addresync and -resync command-line options are supported only on Windows server operating systems.

Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2003: Not supported.

OptionalResyncFlags is a bitmask of optional flag values from the following table.

Optional flag value Description
-revertsig This optional flag specifies that after the operation is complete, the signature of each target LUN should be identical to that of the original LUN that was used to create the shadow copy, not the target volume LUN.
Note: The -revertsig flag is supported only on Windows server operating systems.
Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2003: Not supported.
-novolcheck This optional flag specifies that the VSS service should not check for unselected volumes that would be overwritten by the LUN resynchronization operation.
Note: The -novolcheck flag is supported only on Windows server operating systems.
Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2003: Not supported.

See also

Volume Shadow Copy Service

Volume Shadow Copy API Reference