Creating a Sibling Namespace with MOF Code
Another way of creating a namespace is to use Managed Object Format (MOF) code to create a sibling namespace. A sibling namespace is a namespace that does not exist as a child of the current namespace.
The following procedure describes how to create a sibling namespace with MOF code.
To create a sibling namespace with MOF code
Insert the #pragma namespace command into your MOF code prior to the namespace declaration.
The #pragma namespace command instructs WMI where to create the instances following the directive.
Create an instance of the __Namespace class.
Compile your code with the mofcomp utility or the IMofCompiler interface.
For more information, see Compiling MOF Files.
The following MOF code example describes how to create a namespace as a sibling to the "Root\CIMv2" namespace.
#pragma namespace("\\\\.\\Root")
instance of __Namespace
Name = "MyNamespace";