microsoft.ui.interop.h header


The microsoft.ui.interop.h header has a dependency on microsoft.ui.h, which is not shipped as part of the Windows App SDK. You can run the MIDL compiler (midl.exe) on Microsoft.UI.idl in order to generate microsoft.ui.h. Or just use the functions in the winrt/Microsoft.ui.interop.h header instead.

C#. For C# desktop application developers, the interop functions in this header are wrapped by the methods of the Microsoft.UI.Win32Interop class.

This header is used by the UI Interop API.

microsoft.ui.interop.h contains the following programming interfaces:



Gets the DisplayId that corresponds to the specified HMONITOR, if the hmonitor argument is valid.

Gets the HICON that corresponds to the specified IconId, if the iconId argument is valid and the system has an HICON that represents the icon.

Gets the IconId that corresponds to the specified HICON, if the hicon argument is valid.

Gets the HMONITOR that corresponds to the specified DisplayId, if the displayId argument is valid and the system has an HMONITOR that represents the display monitor.

Gets the window handle (HWND) that corresponds to the specified WindowId, if the windowId argument is valid and the system has an HWND that represents the window.

Gets the WindowId that corresponds to the specified window handle (HWND), if the hwnd argument is valid.