Xamarin Community Toolkit LocalizationResourceManager

The LocalizationResourceManager class is a helper class that enables users to respond to culture changes at runtime. This class is typically used by the TranslateExtension class and LocalizedString.


The following sections show examples of how to use the LocalizationResourceManager class.


Call the Init method in your App class constructor, and pass your resource manager to it:

LocalizationResourceManager.Current.PropertyChanged += (_, _) => AppResources.Culture = LocalizationResourceManager.Current.CurrentCulture;

You can also subscribe to the PropertyChanged event to ensure that your app responds to system culture changes.

Change culture

Use the CurrentCulture property to change the culture:

LocalizationResourceManager.Current.CurrentCulture = newCulture;


Property Type Description
CurrentCulture CultureInfo The culture used to provide resource values.


Methods Return Type Description
Init(ResourceManager) void Initializes a LocalizationResourceManager.
Init(ResourceManager, CultureInfo) void Initializes a LocalizationResourceManager.
GetValue(string) string Retrieves the localized resource value based on CurrentCulture.


Events Description
PropertyChanged Provides notification of a culture change.

Sample project

App class Source Settings sample page Source

You can see this class in action in the Xamarin community toolkit sample app.