Xamarin Community Toolkit Popup

The Popup control allows developers to create and display popups within their applications. The Popup can be extended to return data to the invocation code. There are 2 main classes for a developer to use based on what they wish to achieve:

  1. Popup - this will render the custom UI and return an object if a return result is required.
  2. Popup<T> - this behaves as Popup but allows a generic result to be returned.


A Popup can be used just like a ContentView or ContentPage is used, below are some basic examples of using a popup in XAML and C#.

Creating a simple Popup


<xct:Popup xmlns="http://xamarin.com/schemas/2014/forms"

        <Label Text="Hello Simple Popup" />


using Xamarin.CommunityToolkit.UI.Views;

var popup = new Popup
    Content = new StackLayout
        Children = 
            new Label
                Text = "Hello Simple Popup"

Showing the Popup

With the Popup defined it can be displayed by using the INavigation extension methods also provided by the toolkit located under the namespace Xamarin.CommunityToolkit.Extensions. At the most basic level you can access this on any ContentPage in Xamarin.Forms via the following code:

using Xamarin.CommunityToolkit.Extensions;


Event handling

Popups can use the event handlers to determine if a Popup has opened or been dismissed. The code below will print a message to the console once the Popup has been dismissed.

popup.Dismissed += (s, e) => Console.WriteLine("Popup Dismissed");

Await the Popup to be dismissed

Popups also support async/await Task. The code below functions the same way as above but without events.

await App.Current.MainPage.Navigation.ShowPopupAsync(popup);
Console.WriteLine("Popup Dismissed");

Returning a result

We can further enhance a Popup to return a result. This example involves adding a button that will invoke the Dismiss method and pass in a specific value. We also make use of the Popup<T> class here.


<xct:Popup xmlns="http://xamarin.com/schemas/2014/forms"

        <Label Text="Hello Simple Popup" />
        <Button Text="Dismiss"
                Clicked="Button_Clicked" />

And the associated click event handler:

void Button_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs args)
    Dismiss("Dismiss was clicked");


var popup = new Popup<string>
    Content = new StackLayout
        Children = 
            new Label
                Text = "Hello Simple Popup"
            new Button
                Text = "Dismiss",
                Command = new Command(() => Dismiss("Dismiss was clicked"))

Awaiting a result

To take the example above a step further we can also await for a result to be returned from the Popup to the calling code:

var result = await App.Current.MainPage.Navigation.ShowPopupAsync(popup);


Property Type Description
Anchor View Gets or sets the View anchor. The Anchor is where the Popup will render closest to. When an Anchor is configured the popup will appear centered over that control or as close as possible.
Color Color Gets or sets the Color of the Popup. This color sets the native background color of the Popup, which is independent of any background color configured in the actual View.
Content View Gets or sets the View content to render in the Popup. The View can be of type: View, ContentPage or NavigationPage
HorizontalOptions LayoutOptions Gets or sets the LayoutOptions for positioning the Popup horizontally on the screen.
IsLightDismissEnabled bool Gets or sets a value indicating whether the popup can be light dismissed. When true and the user taps outside of the popup it will dismiss. On Android - when false the hardware back button is disabled.
Result Task<T> Gets the final result of the dismissed popup.
Size Size Gets or sets the Size of the Popup Display. The Popup will always try to constrain the actual size of the Popup to the Popup of the View unless a Size is specified. If the Popup contains LayoutOptions a Size will be required. This will allow the View to have a concept of Size that varies from the actual Size of the Popup
VerticalOptions LayoutOptions Gets or sets the LayoutOptions for positioning the Popup vertically on the screen.


Methods Return Type Description
Dismiss(T) void Dismiss the current Popup. The parameter passed in will be the Result returned.
Reset() void Resets the Popup so that another Result can be returned.


Events Description
Dismissed Dismissed event is invoked when the popup is closed.
Opened Opened event is invoked when the popup is opened.


Below are a series of screenshots from the sample app that demonstrate some of the different features of the Popup Control along with a link to it's use within the samples app.

Simple Popup

A Simple Popup displayed in the 3 supported platforms; Android, iOS and UWP

Sample links:

Custom Positioning Popup

You can position a popup anywhere on the screen, the screenshot below shows that the popup is positioned horizontally left and vertically center.

A custom positioned Popup displayed in the 3 supported platforms; Android, iOS and UWP

Sample links:

Sample project

Popup sample page(s) Source

You can see this in action in the Xamarin Community Toolkit Sample App.