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Xamarin.Forms (4.7.0 Pre Release 4) Release Notes

Getting Started | What's New | Known Issues | API Changes | Blogs | Thank you | Feedback | Open Source

What's New in this Release


  • GitHub #9178 - "[Spec] Shapes & Paths" (#9218) (#9264) (added in (4.7.0 Pre Release 4))
  • GitHub #7302 - "Proposal: Simplify Grid Column and Row Definitions" (#10648) (added in (4.7.0 Pre Release 4))



  • "[Android] Make ItemDecoration implementations accessible" (#8576)
  • "Add null check when tearing down element in UWP SelectableItemsViewRenderer" (#10923) (added in (4.7.0 Pre Release 4))
  • "Avoid using the dequeue mechanism to retrieve header/footer measurement cells on iOS 10" (#10948) (added in (4.7.0 Pre Release 4))
  • GitHub #10547 - "[Bug] [UWP] CollectionView items have left/right padding only on UWP" (#10807) (added in (4.7.0 Pre Release 4))
  • GitHub #10987 - "[IndicatorView] Remove experimental flag" (#10998) (added in (4.7.0 Pre Release 4))
  • GitHub #6869 - "CollectionView doesn't resize on orientation change (Android) [Bug] " (#10586)
  • GitHub #7788 - "[Bug] CollectionView ItemsUpdatingScrollMode=KeepLastItemInView not working on iOS" (#10284)
  • GitHub #8626 - "[Bug] Scroll Bars appear on controls inside a CollectionView" (#10893) (added in (4.7.0 Pre Release 4))
  • GitHub #8870 - "[Bug] CollectionView with HTML Labels Freeze the Screen on Rotation" (#10622) (added in (4.7.0 Pre Release 3))
  • GitHub #9279 - "[Bug] [UWP] CollectionView selected state not working on UWP" (#10770) (added in (4.7.0 Pre Release 4))


  • "Add FlyoutBackdrop Color for Shell" (#10730) (added in (4.7.0 Pre Release 3))
  • "Remove flyout backdrop color so it can come back as a brush" (#11009) (added in (4.7.0 Pre Release 4))
  • "Shell handle clear refactoring" (#9626) (added in (4.7.0 Pre Release 3))
  • "Update to Latest 2.4 WinUI release" (#10976) (added in (4.7.0 Pre Release 4))
  • GitHub #10126 - "[Bug] TabBar appears on iOS even if TabBarIsVisible is set to False on Shell app" (#10448) (added in (4.7.0 Pre Release 4))
  • GitHub #10134 - "Shell Top Tabbar focus issue on IOS devices[Bug] " (#10408)
  • GitHub #7856 - "[Bug] Shell BackButtonBehaviour TextOverride breaks back navigation" (#8951) (added in (4.7.0 Pre Release 4))


  • "Add option to show traffic to maps control" (#7881)


  • "Fix incorrect shadow draw with disabled button" (#10925) (added in (4.7.0 Pre Release 4))

Other Enhancements

Features in Preview

Current experimental flags

Are you on the cutting edge? Try out ALL of our experimental features now using these flags! Read more about experimental flags.

  • Shell_UWP_Experimental
  • SwipeView_Experimental
  • AppTheme_Experimental
  • CarouselView_Experimental
  • MediaElement_Experimental
  • StateTriggers_Experimental
  • Markup_Experimental
  • Expander_Experimental
  • Shapes_Experimental


Try it with Forms.SetFlags("CarouselView_Experimental");
  • "[Android] Make ItemDecoration implementations accessible" (#8576)
  • GitHub #10987 - "[IndicatorView] Remove experimental flag" (#10998) (added in (4.7.0 Pre Release 4))
  • GitHub #6869 - "CollectionView doesn't resize on orientation change (Android) [Bug] " (#10586)

Dual Screen

  • "Dualscreen updates to new apis and add hinge angle for UWP" (#10244)

Dark Mode/App Themes

Try it with Forms.SetFlags("AppTheme_Experimental");
  • "On requested theme changed android" (#10524) (added in (4.7.0 Pre Release 3))

UWP Shell

Try it with Forms.SetFlags("Shell_UWP_Experimental");
  • "Remove flyout backdrop color so it can come back as a brush" (#11009) (added in (4.7.0 Pre Release 4))
  • "Update to Latest 2.4 WinUI release" (#10976) (added in (4.7.0 Pre Release 4))
  • GitHub #10126 - "[Bug] TabBar appears on iOS even if TabBarIsVisible is set to False on Shell app" (#10448) (added in (4.7.0 Pre Release 4))


Try it with Forms.SetFlags("Shapes_Experimental");

Release History

  • Thursday, June 11, 2020 - Xamarin.Forms (4.7.0 Pre Release 4)
  • Thursday, June 4, 2020 - Xamarin.Forms (4.7.0 Pre Release 3)
  • Monday, May 18, 2020 - Xamarin.Forms (4.7.0 Pre Release 2)
  • Thursday, May 14, 2020 - Xamarin.Forms (4.7.0 Pre Release 1)

Thursday, June 11, 2020 - Xamarin.Forms (4.7.0 Pre Release 4)

Issues Fixed

  • GitHub #10126 - "[Bug] TabBar appears on iOS even if TabBarIsVisible is set to False on Shell app" (#10448)
  • GitHub #10294 - "problems with Buttons in Android" (#10893)
  • GitHub #10405 - "[Bug] string.Empty causes InvalidOperationException($"Cannot convert "{value}" into {typeof(Color)}")" (#10762)
  • GitHub #10497 - "[Bug] Controls inside CollectionView might flash scrollbar while they're not scrollable" (#10893)
  • GitHub #10547 - "[Bug] [UWP] CollectionView items have left/right padding only on UWP" (#10807)
  • GitHub #10750 - "[Enhancement] Support StringFormat on MultiBinding" (#10992)
  • GitHub #10777 - "[Bug] Improve error message when XmlnsDefinition is wrong" (#10791)
  • GitHub #10822 - "[Bug] Setting MultiBinding StringFormat results in InvalidOperationException" (#10992)
  • GitHub #10909 - "[Bug] UWP DatePicker andTimePicker Focus() function does not open the popup to set the date/time" (#10916)
  • GitHub #10961 - "With Forms 4.7.0 Pre-Releases most of the the images in the UWP version of my app are not displayed" (#10974)
  • GitHub #6373 - "[Bug] [iOS] Shell Displays TabBar when only one ShellContent Present" (#10448)
  • GitHub #7281 - "[Bug] Flickering lines in Android CollectionView in 4.2.0" (#10893)
  • GitHub #7856 - "[Bug] Shell BackButtonBehaviour TextOverride breaks back navigation" (#8951)
  • GitHub #8361 - "[Bug] [Android] Graphical artifact when scrolling in CollectionView" (#10893)
  • GitHub #8626 - "[Bug] Scroll Bars appear on controls inside a CollectionView" (#10893)
  • GitHub #8836 - "[Bug] ClearButtonVisibility.Never does not take effect on UWP" (#9250)
  • GitHub #9279 - "[Bug] [UWP] CollectionView selected state not working on UWP" (#10770)
  • GitHub #9578 - "[Bug] [UWP] Selected VisualState not set on CollectionView templated items" (#10770)
  • GitHub #9947 - "While Scrolling up and down the collectionview getting Black dots on Screen" (#10893)

Additional fixes included in this release

  • "Add null check when tearing down element in UWP SelectableItemsViewRenderer" (#10923)
  • "Avoid using the dequeue mechanism to retrieve header/footer measurement cells on iOS 10" (#10948)
  • "Fix incorrect shadow draw with disabled button" (#10925)
  • "Remove flyout backdrop color so it can come back as a brush" (#11009)
  • "Update to Latest 2.4 WinUI release" (#10976)

Thursday, June 4, 2020 - Xamarin.Forms (4.7.0 Pre Release 3)

Issues Fixed

  • GitHub #10503 - "[Bug] ios 10, CollectionView with Grouping and GridItemsLayout Freeze then crash" (#10622)
  • GitHub #10834 - "[Bug] some issues with ResourceDictionary" (#10864)
  • GitHub #8870 - "[Bug] CollectionView with HTML Labels Freeze the Screen on Rotation" (#10622)
  • GitHub #8996 - "[Bug] [iOS] CollectionView doesn't layout correct after rotate & update size" (#10622)

Additional fixes included in this release

  • "On requested theme changed android" (#10524)
  • "Shell handle clear refactoring" (#9626)

Monday, May 18, 2020 - Xamarin.Forms (4.7.0 Pre Release 2)

Issues Fixed

Thursday, May 14, 2020 - Xamarin.Forms (4.7.0 Pre Release 1)

Issues Fixed

  • GitHub #10134 - "Shell Top Tabbar focus issue on IOS devices[Bug] " (#10408)
  • GitHub #10168 - "[Bug] (Uwp) - OnResume - ToolbarItems - are invisible after suspend and resuming the app" (#10161)
  • GitHub #5322 - "The rate parameter in IAnimatable.Animate() method doesn't take effect" (#9856)
  • GitHub #6869 - "CollectionView doesn't resize on orientation change (Android) [Bug] " (#10586)
  • GitHub #7788 - "[Bug] CollectionView ItemsUpdatingScrollMode=KeepLastItemInView not working on iOS" (#10284)
  • GitHub #8093 - "[Bug] macOS is using unusual button style" (#9963)
  • GitHub #8783 - "[Bug] (UWP) Font Icons disappear after idle interval" (#10161)
  • GitHub #9249 - "[Bug] [UWP] FontImageSource Disappeares on UWP after screen lock for few seconds" (#10161)
  • GitHub #9838 - "[Bug] [WPF] Picker does not respect BackgroundColor" (#9843)
  • GitHub #9962 - "[Bug] NSException thrown when calling NSColor.ControlBackground.ToColor()" (#10122)

Additional fixes included in this release

  • "[Android] Make ItemDecoration implementations accessible" (#8576)
  • "[core] lazy load Assembly-level attributes for CSS" (#8976)
  • "[core] Profile is off by default, save 56KB of allocations" (#8963)
  • "[WPF] Use project style SDK; target netcoreapp3.0" (#7063)
  • "Add option to show traffic to maps control" (#7881)
  • "Dualscreen updates to new apis and add hinge angle for UWP" (#10244)
  • "Fix vsmac uwp targets" (#10479)
  • "Remove all uses of md5" (#10028)
  • "Set Unit Test Projects to add when built from source or nuget" (#10081)

Known Issues

  • Github #10812 - "Notify child added to CollectionView"
  • Github #10797 - "[UWP] Allow to dynamically change the CollectionView ItemsLayout"
  • Github #10765 - "[Android] Fix CollectionView crash when keyboard opens"
  • Github #10705 - "[Android] Fix CollectionView Header/Footer context issue using also EmptyView"
  • Github #10614 - "[Android] Fix SwipeView touch issue scrolling on Device"
  • Github #10411 - "Add Radiobutton.RadioColor"
  • Github #10050 - "[UWP]Exception throws when converting Xamarin.Forms RelativeLayout to Native View"
  • Github #10031 - "[Bug] System.ObjectDisposedException: 'Cannot access a disposed object. Object name: 'Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android.ImageRenderer'.'"
  • Github #8323 - "[CollectionView] Support custom objects binded to SelectedItems"

API Changes

See all API Changes here.

  • "Add FlyoutBackdrop Color for Shell" (#10730) (added in (4.7.0 Pre Release 3))
  • "Added DependencyService.RegisterSingleton" (#5287) (added in (4.7.0 Pre Release 2))
  • "On requested theme changed android" (#10524) (added in (4.7.0 Pre Release 3))
  • "Remove flyout backdrop color so it can come back as a brush" (#11009) (added in (4.7.0 Pre Release 4))
  • GitHub #4565 - "[Enhancement] MultiBinding" (#8684)
  • GitHub #5322 - "The rate parameter in IAnimatable.Animate() method doesn't take effect" (#9856)
  • GitHub #7015 - "Image's NoImage" (#8372)
  • GitHub #7302 - "Proposal: Simplify Grid Column and Row Definitions" (#10648) (added in (4.7.0 Pre Release 4))
  • GitHub #8263 - "[Enhancement] Add On/Off VisualStates for Switch" (#8271) (added in (4.7.0 Pre Release 2))


Xamarin Blogs

Thank you

Thank you to our community for helping to make Xamarin.Forms even better!

This release, we received amazing contributions from these individuals. Give them a big round of applause!

Author Commit PR
Andrei (@AndreiMisiukevich) fixed typo (#9864) #9864
Andrei (@AndreiMisiukevich) NuGet Icon switch to PackageIcon (#9863) fixes #8619 #9863
Andrei (@AndreiMisiukevich) [Bug] Disabled Expander doesn't change its visual appearance (#10461) fixes #10362 #10461
bill2004158 (@bill2004158) #9012: [Enhancement] Allow extend GroupableItemsViewAdapter (#10521) #10521
Bobface (@Bobface) Add support for animation rate parameter (#9856) fixes #5322 #9856
Brayan Khosravian (@BrayanKhosravian) [UWP] Images - when the uwp app suspends and resumes again the image source should be reupdated as uwp replaces images with transparent images onResume (#10161) fixes #8783 fixes #9249 fixes #10168 #10161
Brian Macomber (@bmacombe) [Bug] Fix ClearButtonVisibility.Never does not take effect on UWP (#9250) #9250
Chris van de Steeg (@csteeg) [Core] Stylesheets on page level now always override parent stylesheets (#6772) fixes #5812 #6772
Daniel Hindrikes (@dhindrik) 7856 - Shell BackButtonBehaviour TextOverride breaks back navigation (#8951) #8951
David Whetstone (@humblehacker) [iOS] Failed to marshal HeaderWrapperView (#10759) fixes #9711 #10759
Dionysis Chasakis (@ChasakisD) Change accessibility modifiers for ItemDecorations (#8576) #8576
Durgesh Khandal (@techduggu) Add On/Off VisualStates for Switch (#8271) #8271
Erlend Angelsen (@modplug) Update ItemsUpdatingScrollMode when element loaded on iOS (#10284) fixes #7788 #10284
Felipe Baltazar (@felipebaltazar) Shell handle clear refactoring (#9626) #9626
Fredy Adriano Jimenez Martinez (@fredyadriano90) On requested theme changed android (#10524) #10524
Joe Manke (@jcmanke) [Maps] Execute Map.Pins CollectionChanged handling on the main thread (#5866) fixes #5865 #5866
Kangho Hur (@rookiejava) [Tizen] Adds ActiveBezelElement to Application (#10644) #10644
Kangho Hur (@rookiejava) [Tizen] Make ActiveBezemElement as readonly (#10655) #10655
Kangho Hur (@rookiejava) [Tizen] Load image sync in case of FileImageSource (#10782) #10782
Kangho Hur (@rookiejava) [Tizen] Update the CellRenderer for extensibility (#10938) #10938
Kangho Hur (@rookiejava) [Tizen] Improve the SwitchCell performance (#10952) #10952
Konrad Müller (@krdmllr) [WPF] Use project style SDK; target netcoreapp3.0 (#7063) fixes #5092 #7063
Pedro Jesus (@pictos) GH-7015 - Implemented handle for Placeholder Image (#8372) #8372
Peter Moore (@legistek) Gh4565 multibinding (#5) (#8684) #8684
Seungkeun Lee (@myroot) Fix Native.ListView Header/Footer padding issue (#10768) #10768
Seungkeun Lee (@myroot) [Tizen] Fix TableViewRenderer on Tizen wearable device (#10911) #10911
shmin (@shyunMin) [Tizen] Optimize and enhance UI controls for watch (#10678) #10678
Sören Nils Kuklau (@chucker) [macOS] Set default bezel style for button (#9963) #9963
Soundman32 (@Soundman32) Added DependencyService.RegisterSingleton (#5287) #5287
Yann Zahringer Ferrando (@YZahringer) fix double tap on uwp (#10078) #10078
Yuriy Holembyovskyy (@yurkinh) [WPF] Picker does not respect BackgroundColor (#9843) fixes #9838 #9843
Yuriy Holembyovskyy (@yurkinh) [UWP] Fix SearchBar disposing (#10798) #10798

Feedback welcome

Your feedback is important to us. If there are any problems with this release, check the Xamarin.Forms Forums and GitHub for existing issues. Report new issues and suggestions on GitHub.

Open Source

Xamarin.Forms 4.7.0 is based on the open-source Xamarin.Forms repository: