Bidders - Bid response


  • Not Supported: The AppNexusBidding Protocol is no longer supported; this documentation is for legacy purposes only.
  • If you're a new bidder integrating with Xandr, see the OpenRTB 2.4 Bidding Protocol.

A bidder will send a Bid Response after it receives a Bid Request from the Impression Bus. The Bid Response will include the bidder's bid ("price") and chosen creative ("creative_id" or "creative_code"). This creative will be served if the bid is ultimately accepted by the ad server.




Field Type Description
debug_text string This optional textfield will be displayed within the debug log when calling any TinyTag with &debug=1&bidder=BIDDER_ID&dongle=DONGLE appended to the query string.

Note: DONGLE (a password to protect a bidder's debug output) is only required if one has been set for your bidder.

Required: No
no_bid bool If 'true', this will signal to the Impression Bus that you have returned a valid response but have chosen not to bid. This no_bid field is best when you want to no_bid the entire response, not just a particular tag.
Required: No

Bid_response->responses[ ]

Field Type Description
member_id int The ID of the member whose creative is chosen by the bidder from the "members" array in the request.
Required: Yes
auction_id_64 int The ID of the auction for which this response is being sent.
Required: Yes
exclusive bool Owner Phase: If 'true', the creative in this response will be served. No other bidders will be allowed to compete for the impression.
Required: No
no_bid bool If 'true', this will signal to the Impression Bus that you have returned a valid response but have chosen not to bid on this tag.
Required: No
price double The gross price, expressed as CPM, that the bidder is willing to pay for this impression. If exclusive, this is used only for reporting purposes; if not exclusive, only a bidder that pays more than the reserve price will be able to bid in the auction. This should be a simple decimal number. If the value is a string, we will evaluate the string to a 0, so ensure that the value is a number.
Required: No
userdata_js string The userdata javascript commands to modify the userdata if this bidder's response is selected.

Note: If the field no_cookies on the bid request is set to true, then there is no guarantee that any userdata_js commands will be executed successfully (since AppNexus may not be able to store any information about the user).

Required: No
custom_notify_data string This freeform text field can be used to pass information to the Notify Request. This will be URL- and/or cookie-encoded by ImpBus automatically, so it can be passed in free-text form.
Required: No
creative_id int Owner Phase: The ID of the creative to use as the new default creative for the impression.
Non-owner phase: The ID of the creative that is submitted as part of the member's bid for the impression.
Required: Yes (if no code is supplied).
creative_code string The custom code of the creative passed into the creative service.
Required: Yes (if no code is supplied).
click_url string The click URL to be associated with the creative. If the creative already has a click_url configured, the value in the bid response will be prepended to the existing url. You can also use custom macros for your click tracking.
Required: No
pixel_url string The pixel URL to be associated with the creative. This pixel will be used for non-secure inventory.
Required: No
pixel_type enum The type of pixel to be used: 'javascript' or 'image' (defaults to image if not supplied).
Required: No
deal_id int The ID of the deal you want to use for this auction.
Required: No

Bid_response->responses[ ]->custom_macros[ ]

Field Type Description
name string The name of the macro to be replaced in the any of the creative's urls (media, pixel, click, etc) or content. The name may contain any characters except the carat (^), and must be formatted as ${MACRO_NAME}
within the creative's urls or content.

Note: Custom macros are replaced AFTER system macros have been replaced.
For more details on custom macros, see Creative Service.

Required: No
value string The value used to replace the macro. The value may contain any characters except the carat (^). Do not escape forward slashes.

Note: Even if the value is an integer, it must be placed within double-quotes.

Auction ID

  • Each bid response should include the auction ID for the tag it is responding to. Multiple responses can be given for the same auction.
  • Bid responses in which no_bid is set to true must include the auction ID.

Limits on custom data (Macros and notify data)

AppNexus does not impose limits on data passed in the custom_macros array or the custom_notify_data field, but we recommend limiting total custom data passed to 1000 characters or less. This data has to be encoded and sent to the user's browser for certain types of inventory (external sellers, iFrame placements) as part of a redirect URL, and longer URLs can break under certain browsers and for certain sellers.


Single tag response (using creative ID with pixel)

            "auction_id_64": 2345245234523

Single tag, multiple bids (using creative ID with pixel)

            "auction_id_64": 2345245234523
            "auction_id_64": 2345245234523

Multi tag response (using creative code and custom macros)

            "auction_id_64": 2345245234523
            "auction_id_64": 2432387423232

Response to a deal

            "auction_id_64": 5555508250840350700,
            "deal_id": 555664