Seat screen

The Seat screen is where a bidder can see the buyer seats registered under their bidder. The Buyer Seats allow for external bidders to bid with their custom buyer IDs rather than using Xandr member IDs. For additional details on the seat, bidders can use the Seat Service.

Deal screen access

  1. Sign in to the Bidders UI.
  2. Select the bidder.
  3. Click Switch to Default User. The Profiles screen is accessed.
  4. Click on the Seats tab to access the Seats screen. (It is located to the right of the Profiles tab).

Seat screen table

The seat screen lists all of the seats for a bidder, and their associated attributes/metadata. The table below details each of the columns displayed:

Column Name Filterable Description
Buyer Seat ID Yes The bidder's seat ID native to their own systems.
Buyer Seat Name Yes The name of the buyer associated to the seat. Note that auto-registered seats will be automatically labelled in the format of bidder_name (buyer seat ID).
Creation Date No Date the seat was created in Xandr systems.
Last Modified No Date the seat was last modified in Xandr systems.


Create new seat

  1. Select the New Seat button near top of the screen.
  2. In the pop up window, enter the buyer seat id and seat name for the new seat to be created.
  3. Click the Create Seat button.
  4. Click Cancel to exit the window without creating the seat.

Update existing seat name

  1. Click on the row detailing the seat for the pop up window to appear.
  2. In the Edit Seat window, update the seat name.
  3. Click Update Seat Name to submit the change.
  4. Click Cancel to exit the window without updating the seat.