Advertiser Frequency report


This service is currently available to a limited set of clients and Microsoft employees only.

The Advertiser Frequency report can be used to view how frequently users are viewing a specific advertiser's creatives. This report shows data at the advertiser level and is available to members.

For instructions on retrieving a report, see the example below.

Time frame

The report_interval field in the JSON request can be set to one of the following:

  • last_48_hours
  • today
  • yesterday
  • last_7_days
  • month_to_date
  • last_24_hours
  • last_30_days


Column Type Description
hour time The hour of the auction.
Example: "2010-02-01 06:00:00"

Group: Yes
Filter: Yes
day time The day of the auction.
Example: "2010-02-01"

Group: Yes
Filter: Yes
month time The month of the auction.
Example: "2010-02"

Group: Yes
Filter: Yes
buyer_member_id int The ID of the buying member. If the impression was not purchased, this field shows one of the following values:
229 = PSA
0 = Blank
319 = Default.
Example: 123

Group: Yes
Filter: Yes
insertion_order_id int The ID of the insertion order.

Group: Yes
Filter: Yes
advertiser_id int The ID of the advertiser. If the value is 0, either the impression was purchased by an external buyer, or a default or PSA was shown.
Example: 789

Group: Yes
Filter: Yes
line_item_id int The ID of the line item.
Example: 111

Group: Yes
Filter: Yes
pixel_id int The ID of the pixel.
Example: 123

Group: Yes
Filter: Yes
advertiser_name string The name of the advertiser.
Example: "Verizon Wireless"

Group: No
Filter: No
advertiser string Deprecated (as of October 17, 2016).
insertion_order_name string The name of the insertion order.

Group: No
Filter: No
insertion_order_code string The custom code for the insertion order.
Group: No
Filter: No
line_item_name string The name of the line item.
Example: "Default Line Item"

Group: No
Filter: No
line_item_code string The custom code for the line item.

Group: No
Filter: No
insertion_order string Deprecated (as of October 17, 2016).
line_item string Deprecated (as of October 17, 2016).
advertiser_frequency_bucket string The bucket for how frequently the advertiser's creatives were displayed. See Advertiser Frequency Buckets.

Group: Yes
Filter: Yes
advertiser_frequency_bucket_id int The ID of the advertiser frequency bucket. See Advertiser Frequency Buckets below for possible values.

Group: No
Filter: No

Advertiser frequency buckets

Bucket ID Bucket Name
-2 "no-cookie-data"
-1 "no-cookie"
0 "0"
1 - 21 Bucket name is the number of times the advertiser's creatives have been viewed.
21 "21-25"
22 "26-30"
23 "31-35"
24 "36-40"
25 "41-45"
26 "46-50"
27 "51-60"
28 "61-70"
29 "71-80"
30 "81-90"
31 "91-100"
32 "101-200"
33 "201-300"
34 "301-400"
35 "401-500"
36 "501+"


Column Type Description Example Formula
imps int The total number of impressions (served and resold). 2437 imps
clicks int The total number of clicks across all impressions. 1 clicks
booked_revenue money The total revenue booked through direct advertisers (line item). 25.6788 booked_revenue
cpm money The cost per 1000 impressions 1.6605 (cost / imps) x 1000
total_convs int The total number of post-view and post-click conversions. 9 post_click_convs + post_view_convs
convs_rate double The rate of conversions to impressions. 0.0002218770 total_convs / imps
ctr double The rate of clicks to impressions. 0.0002218777 clicks / imps
post_view_convs int The total number of recorded post-view converstions. 5 post_view_convs
post_click_convs int The total number of recorded post-click conversions. 4 post_click_convs
post_click_convs_rate double The rate of post-click conversion to impressions. 0.0002 post_click_convs / imps
media_cost money The total amount spent. 100.00 media_cost
profit_ecpm money The profit as a percentage of the revenue. 0.778 ((booked_revenue - media_cost) / imps) * 100
revenue_ecpc money The total revenue per click. 0.8256 booked_revenue / clicks
revenue_ecpa money The total revenue per conversion. 5.00 booked_revenue / total_convs
cost_ecpc money The cost per click. 0.1834 media_cost / clicks
cost_ecpa money The cost per attribution/conversion. 0.1834 media_cost / total_convs
convs_per_mm double The number of conversions per million impressions. 221.87708 (total_convs / imps) x 1,000,000


Step 1. Create a JSON report request

The JSON file should include the following:

  • "report_type" you want to run.
  • "columns" (dimensions and metrics) you want to retrieve.
  • "report_interval" you want to retrieve.

You can also include filters for dimensions, define granularity (year, month, day), and specify the  format in which the data should be returned ( "csv""excel" , or  "html" ).

To filter a dimension by more than one value, use an array. For example:



"filters": [{"bid_type": ["learn","optimized"]}, {"geo_country":"US"}]


"filters": [{"bid_type":"learn"}, {"bid_type":"optimized"}, {"geo_country":"US"}]

See Dimensions and Metrics above for more details about the columns that can be included in the request.

The example below demonstrates how to retrieve the Advertiser Frequency Report. In this example, the report will display data for the hour, campaign, imps, clicks, total_convs, ctr, and convs_rate columns. This report will pull data from the last 48 hours and will format it as a CSV file.

$ cat report_request

Step 2.POST the request to the report service

POST the JSON request to get back a report_ID.

$ curl -b cookies -X post -d @report_request ""

Alternatively, you can get a report_id via a POST request using a saved_report_id.

$ curl -b cookies -X POST ''

Step 3.GET the report status from the report service

Make a GET call with the report_id to retrieve the status of the report. Continue making this GET call until the execution_status is "ready". Then, use the report-download service to save the report data to a file, as described in the next step.

$ curl -b cookies ''
         "created_on":"2010-05-25 19:15:48",

Step 4. GET the report data from the report download service

To download the report data to a file, make another GET call with the report ID, but this time to the report-download service. You can find the service and report ID in the "url" field of the response to your previous GET call. When setting the file to which you want to save the report, use the file extension of the "format" (e.g., .csv) that you specified in your initial POST.


If an error occurs during download, the response header will include an HTTP error code and message. Use \-i or \-v in your call to expose the response header.

$ curl -b cookies '' -o /tmp/network_advertiser_frequency.csv