Buy-side forecasting service


This service is currently available to a limited set of clients and Microsoft employees only.

A successful campaign requires, among other things, accurate delivery. Delivery can sometimes be difficult to predict. For example, a trader may not know whether lowering a bid will result in under delivery. To help traders better understand the dynamics behind available impressions for a particular campaign, you can create a forecast. These forecasts provide buyers with insight into the number of impressions that could be delivered, given their campaign's targeting choices at various CPM bids. Access to this type of data before the actual campaign runs, helps buyers better plan budgets with their clients.


The Buy-Side Forecasting Service supports GETPOST, and DELETE calls. PUT calls are not supported.

HTTP Method Endpoint Description
POST Add a new forecast
DELETE Delete a forecast. To delete a forecast, the forecast_id number is required
GET View all forecasts
GET View a specific forecast

JSON fields

Field Type Description
id int The ID of the forecast.
created_on string The date on which the forecast was created.
deleted boolean - true = A forecast that has been deleted.
- false = A forecast that has not been deleted.
name string Name of the forecast object.
profile_id int The ID number of the profile object. (It is the same object used in the Profile Service.)
campaign_id int The ID number of the campaign.
member_id int The ID number of the member.
creative_property_targets array of objects List of attributes that applies to underlying creatives. Each JSON object will match with one creative.
bid_buckets array of objects The results of the forecast, containing the following information:
- bid_bucket_percent: % of total daily impressions (win rate).
- bid_bucket_price: The CPM base bid necessary to win that % of daily impressions.
- cumulative_imps_available: Number of daily impressions that would be won at the CPM bid price.
- cumulate_cost: Daily budget needed to win those impressions.


Create a new forecast that targets users in Brazil and Australia, with a display (banner) of 300 x 250 pixels

API call:

curl -b cookies -c cookies -X POST -d @forecast.json ''


"forecast": {
"name": "My Forecast",
"creative_property_targets": [
"media_subtype_id": 1,
"width": 300,
"height": 250,
"brand_id": 350
"profile": {
"country_targets": [
"id": 18,
"code": "AU"
"id": 34,
"code": "BR"
"country_action": "include"


"response": {
"status": "OK",
"count": 1,
"start_element": 0,
"num_elements": 50,
"dbg_info": {
"instance": "",
"db": "",
"warnings": [

"start_microtime": 1463161332.731,
"time": 4,
"version": "",
"output_term": "forecast"
"forecast": [
"id": 179,
"created_on": "2016-05-13 17:42:12",
"deleted": false,
"name": "My Forecast",
"profile_id": 57167266,
"campaign_id": 13100202,
"member_id": 1234,
"creative_property_targets": [
"id": 562,
"forecast_id": 179,
"media_subtype_id": 1,
"width": 300,
"height": 250,
"is_skippable": null,
"duration_ms": null
"bid_buckets": [

"profile": {
"id": 57167266,
"code": null,
"country_action": "include",
"region_action": "exclude",
"city_action": "exclude",
"browser_action": "exclude",
"use_inventory_attribute_targets": false,
"last_modified": "2016-05-13 17:42:11",
"daypart_timezone": null,
"dma_action": "exclude",
"domain_action": "exclude",
"domain_list_action": "exclude",
"inventory_action": "exclude",
"language_action": "exclude",
"segment_boolean_operator": "and",
"min_session_imps": null,
"session_freq_type": "platform",
"carrier_action": "exclude",
"supply_type_action": "exclude",
"device_type_action": "exclude",
"screen_size_action": "exclude",
"device_model_action": "exclude",
"location_target_radius": null,
"location_target_latitude": null,
"location_target_longitude": null,
"querystring_action": "exclude",
"querystring_boolean_operator": "and",
"is_expired": false,
"non_audited_url_action": "include",
"daypart_bitmap": null,
"optimization_zone_action": "exclude",
"advertiser_id": 945485,
"publisher_id": null,
"max_session_imps": null,
"max_day_imps": null,
"max_lifetime_imps": null,
"max_page_imps": null,
"min_minutes_per_imp": null,
"venue_action": "exclude",
"operating_system_action": "exclude",
"require_cookie_for_freq_cap": true,
"trust": "seller",
"allow_unaudited": false,
"is_template": false,
"created_on": "2016-05-13 17:42:11",
"operating_system_family_action": "exclude",
"use_operating_system_extended_targeting": false,
"mobile_app_instance_action_include": false,
"mobile_app_instance_list_action_include": false,
"certified_supply": false,
"user_group_targets": null,
"country_targets": [
"id": 18,
"name": "Australia",
"code": "AU"
"id": 34,
"name": "Brazil",
"code": "BR"
"region_targets": null,
"city_targets": null,
"inventory_attribute_targets": null,
"age_targets": null,
"daypart_targets": null,
"browser_targets": null,
"dma_targets": null,
"domain_targets": null,
"domain_list_targets": null,
"language_targets": null,
"size_targets": null,
"zip_targets": null,
"member_targets": null,
"video_targets": {
"allow_unknown_playback_method": false,
"allow_unknown_context": false,
"allow_unknown_player_size": false
"engagement_rate_targets": null,
"segment_group_targets": null,
"carrier_targets": null,
"supply_type_targets": null,
"device_type_targets": null,
"screen_size_targets": null,
"device_model_targets": null,
"querystring_targets": null,
"gender_targets": null,
"intended_audience_targets": null,
"inventory_network_resold_targets": null,
"operating_system_targets": null,
"operating_system_family_targets": null,
"position_targets": null,
"site_targets": null,
"venue_targets": null,
"operating_system_extended_targets": null,
"optimization_zone_targets": null,
"postal_code_targets": null,
"seller_member_group_targets": null,
"cross_device": null,
"content_category_targets": null,
"deal_targets": null,
"placement_targets": null,
"platform_content_category_targets": null,
"platform_placement_targets": null,
"platform_publisher_targets": null,
"publisher_targets": null,
"segment_targets": null,
"exelate_targets": null,
"ip_range_list_targets": null,
"mobile_app_instance_targets": null,
"mobile_app_instance_list_targets": null

Create a forecast that targets video inventory with creative property targets

API call:

curl -b cookies -c cookies -X POST -d @forecast2.json ''


{ "forecast": {
"name": "My Second Forecast",
"creative_property_targets": [
"media_subtype_id": 64,
"width": 1,
"height": 1,
"brand_id": 96,
"is_skippable": true,
"duration_ms": 30000
"profile": {
"video_targets": {
"allow_unknown_playback_method": true,
"allow_unknown_context": true,
"allow_unknown_player_size": true
"device_type_action": "include",
"device_type_targets": [


"response": {
"status": "OK",
"count": 1,
"start_element": 0,
"num_elements": 50,
"dbg_info": {
"instance": "",
"db": "",
"warnings": [
"start_microtime": 1463162647.753,
"time": 6,
"version": "",
"output_term": "forecast"
"forecast": [
"id": 181,
"created_on": "2016-05-13 18:04:07",
"deleted": false,
"name": "My Second Forecast",
"profile_id": 57167512,
"campaign_id": 13100348,
"member_id": 958,
"creative_property_targets": [
"id": 564,
"forecast_id": 181,
"media_subtype_id": 64,
"width": 1,
"height": 1,
"is_skippable": true,
"duration_ms": 30000
"bid_buckets": [
"profile": {
"id": 57167512,
"code": null,
"country_action": "exclude",
"region_action": "exclude",
"city_action": "exclude",
"browser_action": "exclude",
"use_inventory_attribute_targets": false,
"last_modified": "2016-05-13 18:04:06",
"daypart_timezone": null,
"dma_action": "exclude",
"domain_action": "exclude",
"domain_list_action": "exclude",
"inventory_action": "exclude",
"language_action": "exclude",
"segment_boolean_operator": "and",
"min_session_imps": null,
"session_freq_type": "platform",
"carrier_action": "exclude",
"supply_type_action": "exclude",
"device_type_action": "include",
"screen_size_action": "exclude",
"device_model_action": "exclude",
"location_target_radius": null,
"location_target_latitude": null,
"location_target_longitude": null,
"querystring_action": "exclude",
"querystring_boolean_operator": "and",
"is_expired": false,
"non_audited_url_action": "include",
"daypart_bitmap": null,
"optimization_zone_action": "exclude",
"advertiser_id": 945485,
"publisher_id": null,
"max_session_imps": null,
"max_day_imps": null,
"max_lifetime_imps": null,
"max_page_imps": null,
"min_minutes_per_imp": null,
"venue_action": "exclude",
"operating_system_action": "exclude",
"require_cookie_for_freq_cap": true,
"trust": "seller",
"allow_unaudited": false,
"is_template": false,
"created_on": "2016-05-13 18:04:06",
"operating_system_family_action": "exclude",
"use_operating_system_extended_targeting": false,
"mobile_app_instance_action_include": false,
"mobile_app_instance_list_action_include": false,
"certified_supply": false,
"user_group_targets": null,
"country_targets": null,
"region_targets": null,
"city_targets": null,
"inventory_attribute_targets": null,
"age_targets": null,
"daypart_targets": null,
"browser_targets": null,
"dma_targets": null,
"domain_targets": null,
"domain_list_targets": null,
"language_targets": null,
"size_targets": null,
"zip_targets": null,
"member_targets": null,
"video_targets": {
"allow_unknown_playback_method": true,
"allow_unknown_context": true,
"allow_unknown_player_size": true
"engagement_rate_targets": null,
"segment_group_targets": null,
"carrier_targets": null,
"supply_type_targets": null,
"device_type_targets": [
"screen_size_targets": null,
"device_model_targets": null,
"querystring_targets": null,
"gender_targets": null,
"intended_audience_targets": null,
"inventory_network_resold_targets": null,
"operating_system_targets": null,
"operating_system_family_targets": null,
"position_targets": null,
"site_targets": null,
"venue_targets": null,
"operating_system_extended_targets": null,
"optimization_zone_targets": null,
"postal_code_targets": null,
"seller_member_group_targets": null,
"cross_device": null,
"content_category_targets": null,
"deal_targets": null,
"placement_targets": null,
"platform_content_category_targets": null,
"platform_placement_targets": null,
"platform_publisher_targets": null,
"publisher_targets": null,
"segment_targets": null,
"exelate_targets": null,
"ip_range_list_targets": null,
"mobile_app_instance_targets": null,
"mobile_app_instance_list_targets": null

Get all forecasts for a member

API call:

curl -b cookies -c cookies -X GET ''


"response": {
"status": "OK",
"count": 1,
"start_element": 0,
"num_elements": 50,
"dbg_info": {
"instance": "",
"db": "",
"warnings": [
"start_microtime": 1466438990.442,
"time": 5,
"version": "",
"output_term": "forecast"
"forecast": [
"id": 198,
"created_on": "2016-05-18 21:20:49",
"deleted": false,
"name": "AngPlayerSizeAny",
"profile_id": 57471324,
"campaign_id": 13147960,
"member_id": 1370,
"creative_property_targets": [
"id": 595,
"forecast_id": 198,
"media_subtype_id": 64,
"width": 1,
"height": 1,
"is_skippable": false,
"duration_ms": 90000
"bid_buckets": [