Digital Platform API - Engagement Metrics report

The Engagement Metrics report provides information about ad viewability, as well as indicating any problems that might be preventing Xandr from measuring an impression's viewability. This report is only available for Xandr Publisher Adserver customers.

Time frame

All dates and times are given in UTC.

Time ranges

Time ranges define the time period of the data extracted for the report. The following is a complete list of time ranges available for reports. However, all time ranges are not available for every report.

  • custom
  • current_hour
  • last_available_day
  • last_hour
  • today
  • last_24_hours
  • last_48_hours
  • yesterday
  • last_2_days
  • last_7_days
  • last_7_available_days
  • last_14_days
  • last_14_available_days
  • last_30_days
  • last_30_available_days
  • last_month
  • last_100_days
  • last_365_days
  • quarter_to_date
  • month_to_date
  • month_to_yesterday
  • lifetime


Intervals determine how your data is grouped together into rows in the report response. The following is a complete list of intervals available for reports. However, all intervals are not available for every report.

  • Hourly: Data is grouped into rows by the hour.
  • Daily: Data is grouped into rows by the day.
  • Monthly: Data is grouped into rows by the month.
  • Cumulative: Data is grouped together in one figure, covering the entire selected time range.


For more information about how quickly report data is processed, see Availability of Reporting Data.


Column Type Filter? Example Description
advertiser string no "Verizon Wireless (789)" The advertiser whose creative is served on impression.
publisher string no "Publisher XYZ 347967" The publisher on whose inventory this impression has occurred.
placement string no "FP 728x90 (567)" A placement is an open slot on a publisher website where an advertiser creative with matching specifications can serve.
insertion_order string no "InsertionOrderABC648359" The insertion order under which this impression was purchased. The buy-side hierarchy is Insertion Order > Line Item > Campaign.
line_item string no "LineItemDEF947764" The line item under which this impression was purchased. The buy-side hierarchy is Line Item > Campaign.
campaign string no Campaign The campaign which purchased this impression.
creative string no "Q1 2010 - 728x90 (554)" The creative served for the impression.
media_type string no "Banner", "Pop", "Interstitial", "Video", "Text", "Expandable", "Skin" The media type associated with the creative that served on this impression.
impression_type string yes "External Impression" See Impression Types for definitions of the different types of impressions.
device_type string yes "Mobile Phones" The type of device on which the impression was served. Possible values:
- Desktops & Laptops
- Tablets
- Mobile Phones
- TV
- Game Consoles
- Set Top Box
- Media Players
- Other Devices
operating_system_family string yes "Android" The name of the operating system family associated with the device the impression was served on.
buyer string no The name of the buyer associate with the impression.
seller string no The name of the seller associated with the impression.
minimum_impressions int yes The minimum number of impressions you'd like to filter by. For example, you may want to see only impressions and unique from members whose volume exceeds 100,000 impressions over the selected time range.



When values of a metric are displayed as percentages in the UI, they will be displayed as decimals when you export the report.

Column Type Example Formula Description
imps int 75000 imps The total number of impressions (served and resold).
measurable_imps int 6500 The total number of impressions that were measured for viewability.
viewed_imps int 1872 viewed_impsview_non_measurable_reason The number of measured impressions that were viewable according to the IAB Viewability definition, which states that an impression is viewable if 50% of the pixels are in view for 1 continuous second.
viewability_measurement_rate double 45% View Measured Imps / Imps The percentage of impressions measured for viewability out of the total number of impressions. (View Measured Imps / Imps).
viewability_rate double 58% Viewed Imps / View Measured Imps The percentage of impressions that were viewable out of the total number of impressions measured for viewability. (Viewed Imps / View Measured Imps).
in_view_duration time 35 not applicable The average in_view duration (in seconds) measured for which impressions met the IAB Viewability definition.
not_measured_imps (unsupported_cross-domain_iframe) int 115 not applicable The number of impressions not measured because the creative cannot be measured because the ad was served in a cross-domain iframe and the browser was not supported. All modern browsers are supported but certain old versions may not be supported.
not_measured_imps (creative_not_found) int 85 not applicable The number of impressions not measured because the creative could not be found by the viewability script on the page. For example, this could occur if the div is being replaced or the creative isn't located within five seconds.
not_measured_imps (script_not_initialized) int 35 not applicable The number of impressions not measured because the measurement script did not initialize. This could occur for very short sessions when a user leaves a page before the other component (like the OS in mobile apps) can provide feedback on viewability.
not_measured_imps (no_script_callback) int 200 not applicable The number of impressions not measured because no callback was received from the measurement script. For example, this could occur if the script hasn't executed.
not_measured_imps (unsupported_in-app_SDK) int 175 not applicable The number of impressions not measured because the in-app SDK for the specific inventory is not supported. Please visit the Viewability FAQ to learn about supported in-app SDKs.
not_measured_imps (unsupported_native_integration) int 200 The number of impressions not measured because the specific type of native inventory is not supported. Please visit the Viewability FAQ to learn about supported native supply.
not_measured_imps (unsupported_media_type) int 135 not applicable The number of impressions not measured because the media type is not supported. Please visit the Viewability FAQ to learn about supported media types.
not_measured_imps (unsupported_supply_type) int 120 not applicable The number of impressions not measured because the supply type is not supported. Please visit the Viewability FAQ to learn about supported supply types.
not_measured_imps (unsupported_impression_type) int 145 not applicable The number of impressions not measured because the imp type is not supported. Please visit the Viewability FAQ to learn about supported impression types.
not_measured_imps (unknown) int 115 not applicable The number of impressions not measured because of an unknown reason.
not_viewed_imps (creative_not_loaded) int 125 not applicable The number of impressions not viewed because the creative did not load before the web page was closed. For example, when a user leaves the web page within one second of the creative being loaded.
not_viewed_imps (not_visible_per_SDK) int 80 not applicable The number of impressions not viewed because in-app SDK responded with not visible signal. For example, the Open Measurement Software Development Kit (OM SDK) reported the ad as non-viewable.
not_viewed_imps (hidden_browser) int 60 not applicable The number of impressions not viewed because either the browser was not in focus, or the browser tab was hidden.
not_viewed_imps (creative_hidden_by _css/html) int 125 not applicable The number of impressions not viewed because the creative was explicitly hidden by CSS or HTML on the webpage. For more details, check your ads' recent style changes.
not_viewed_imps (out_of_viewport) int 95 not applicable The number of impressions not viewed because the creative was outside the visible area of a webpage on a display device. Ensure that the creative is visible and not at the bottom of the page.
not_viewed_imps (insufficient_surface_area) int 100 not applicable The number of impressions not viewed because the surface threshold based on IAB definition was not met.
not_viewed_imps (insufficient_duration) int 50 not applicable The number of impressions not viewed because time threshold based on IAB definition was not met.
not_viewed_imps (unknown) int 75 not applicable The number of impressions not viewed because of an unknown reason.
in_view_duration (greater_than_0%_pixels) time 10 not applicable The average duration (in seconds) for which impressions displaying greater than 0% of the pixels in the creative remained in view.
in_view_duration (greater_than_25%_pixels) time 15 not applicable The average duration (in seconds) for which impressions displaying greater than 25% of the pixels in the creative remained in view.
in_view_duration (greater_than_50%_pixels) time 35 not applicable The average duration (in seconds) for which impressions displaying greater than 50% of the pixels in the creative remained in view.
in_view_duration (greater_than_75%_pixels) time 20 not applicable The average duration (in seconds) for which impressions displaying greater than 75% of the pixels in the creative remained in view.
in_view_duration (equal_to_100%_pixels) time 40 not applicable The average duration (in seconds) for which impressions displaying 100% of the pixels in the creative remained in view.


Create a JSON-formatted report request

The JSON file should include the report_type of "engagement_metrics_network", as well as the columns (dimensions and metrics) and report_interval that you want to retrieve. You can also filter for specific dimensions, define granularity (year, month, day), and specify the format in which the data should be returned ("csv", "excel", or "html"). For a full explanation of fields that can be included in the JSON file, see the Report Service.

$ cat engagement_metrics_network

POST the request to the reporting service

$ curl -b cookies -X POST -d @engagement_metrics_network ''

GET the report status from the report service

Make a GET call with the Report ID to retrieve the status of the report. Continue making this GET call until the execution_status is "ready". Then use the report-download service to save the report data to a file, as described in the next step.

$ curl -b cookies ''
         "created_on":"2010-05-25 19:19:53",
         "url": "report-download?id=b97897a7864dd8f34e7457226c7af592"

GET the report data from the report download service

To download the report data to a file, make another GET call with the Report ID, but this time to the report-download service. You can find the service and Report ID in the url field of the previous GET response. When identifying the file that you want to save to, be sure to use the file extension of the "format" that you specified in your initial POST.


If an error occurs during download, the response header will include an HTTP error code and message. Use -i or -v in your call to expose the response header.

$ curl -b cookies '' > /tmp/engagement_metrics_network.csv


There is a limit of 100,000 rows per report when you download them as XLSX and Excel file.